Global Warming? Where?

Because, moron, you only get full power from it for at most, a few hours a day.
And you get zero from it after the sun sets. Our modern economy needs
power 24 hours a day.
#So now you’re saying because a source only produces power part of the time, it’s unreliable ? Gee, guess all those nuclear plants that are down for refueling an entire month every 18 months, are unreliable too ?
Because, moron, you only get full power from it for at most, a few hours a day.
And you get zero from it after the sun sets. Our modern economy needs
power 24 hours a day.
What an illiterate. There are 1200 solar farms in the US, and you say they don’t work. And, you don’t have a clue how we survived when all those nuclear plants are being refueled for a month.
Are you still saying solar generated electricity is flowing through the grid hours after sunset?
Are you saying it has to be more continuous than a nuclear plant that’s down for a month for refueling has to be ?
So let’s get this straight. You don’t think electricity can be moved around from one source to another while one is off line ? You don’t think electricity can be stored and used later ? Just say No to Both and admit you’re ignorant.
Because, moron, you only get full power from it for at most, a few hours a day.
And you get zero from it after the sun sets. Our modern economy needs
power 24 hours a day.
And you idiots are in denial that there are 1200 Solar farms throughout the country whose grids use switching stations, battery and water storage ? This is where we part with reality. You’re an imbecile. It’s hilarious how you buffoons argue that something CANT BE DONE even though we’ve been doing it for decades.
This is too complicated for you isn’t it ? How many different sources of electricity do you think a grid has ? Just checking to see if you still have a brain.

A few reliable ones, coal, natural gas, hydro and nuclear.
And then there are unreliable ones, like wind and solar.

If you need more power at a point in time, you can usually
count on the ability to increase the output from coal, natural gas, hydro and nuclear.
You can't say the same thing about wind and solar.

Now tell me some more about the availability of solar, after sunset.
Is there a lot available after sunset?
#So now you’re saying because a source only produces power part of the time, it’s unreliable ? Gee, guess all those nuclear plants that are down for refueling an entire month every 18 months, are unreliable too ?

#So now you’re saying because a source only produces power part of the time, it’s unreliable ?

In a modern economy, we need reliable power 24 hours a day.
If a large portion of your grid can only produce 60% at some points, because it's cloudy,
or 0%, because it's after sunset, I'd call that unreliable. If another portion of your grid can fluctuate up or down 30%, several times a day, because the wind keeps changing and can even see larger drops in output for days or weeks at a time, yes, that's unreliable.

Gee, guess all those nuclear plants that are down for refueling an entire month every 18 months, are unreliable too ?

In those cases, there are other coal, natural gas and nuclear plants that can increase their
output to make up the shortfall. When solar panels in an area produce less, because of clouds, how can your other solar panels make up the difference? How can you count on added wind power from a nearby location if the wind slows in your area?
What an illiterate. There are 1200 solar farms in the US, and you say they don’t work. And, you don’t have a clue how we survived when all those nuclear plants are being refueled for a month.

Are you saying it has to be more continuous than a nuclear plant that’s down for a month for refueling has to be ?
So let’s get this straight. You don’t think electricity can be moved around from one source to another while one is off line ? You don’t think electricity can be stored and used later ? Just say No to Both and admit you’re ignorant.

There are 1200 solar farms in the US, and you say they don’t work.

I'm sure they work great! 100% output for a few hours a week, 60%, some of the time.
0% output for 8-16 hours a day during parts of the year.

And, you don’t have a clue how we survived when all those nuclear plants are being refueled for a month.

It wasn't by getting power from solar plants.

Are you saying it has to be more continuous than a nuclear plant that’s down for a month for refueling has to be ?

After a nuke plant is refueled, it can provide full power over 90% of the time, year-round. What are those same stats for a wind or solar power supplier?

So let’s get this straight. You don’t think electricity can be moved around from one source to another while one is off line ?

It certainly can.

You don’t think electricity can be stored and used later ?

A tiny bit can be stored. Do you think we're currently storing a lot of solar generated
electricity, to keep a location supplied 24 hours a day, without using other backup?
there are 1200 Solar farms throughout the country whose grids use switching stations, battery and water storage ?

I'd love to see your list! Start with the ones who can supply their customers with 24 hours of
power strictly with solar in the daytime and with solar charged batteries and solar pumped hydro storage at night.
I'd love to see your list! Start with the ones who can supply their customers with 24 hours of
power strictly with solar in the daytime and with solar charged batteries and solar pumped hydro storage at night.
I love to see your ridiculous liesm in a post. It’s hilarious seeing all those solar and wind farms going up and working while you just make up shit. You are an idiot. Did you ever take science classes or are you too illiterate to read. You think electricity can’t be stored ? You think electricity can’t be relaocated to customers in need ?
I'd love to see your list! Start with the ones who can supply their customers with 24 hours of
power strictly with solar in the daytime and with solar charged batteries and solar pumped hydro storage at night.
So, what do you do for electricity when your fossil fuel, nuke plants are down for a month for maintenance ? Go ahead, tell electricity can’t be stored or reallocated…
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I love to see your ridiculous liesm in a post. It’s hilarious seeing all those solar and wind farms going up and working while you just make up shit. You are an idiot. Did you ever take science classes or are you too illiterate to read. You think electricity can’t be stored ? You think electricity can’t be relaocated to customers in need ?
Made up? You really think solar is reliable?
Hahaha hahaha 😝
So, what do you do for electricity when your fossil fuel, nuke plants are down for a month for maintenance ? Go ahead, tell electricity can’t be stored or reallocated…
Surplus capacity of the other fossil fuel plants. But where do you live that your plants are down for a month for maintenance?
I love to see your ridiculous liesm in a post. It’s hilarious seeing all those solar and wind farms going up and working while you just make up shit. You are an idiot. Did you ever take science classes or are you too illiterate to read. You think electricity can’t be stored ? You think electricity can’t be relaocated to customers in need ?

You think electricity can’t be stored ?

I absolutely think a tiny amount of our daily electricity output can be stored.
Do you think that a measurable amount of the electricity from solar panels
is still flowing through our grid for an hour after sunset? What about after two hours? 3?

It’s hilarious seeing all those solar and wind farms going up and working

It is hilarious. If you think all that wasted taxpayer money is funny.
So, what do you do for electricity when your fossil fuel, nuke plants are down for a month for maintenance ? Go ahead, tell electricity can’t be stored or reallocated…

We get extra power from the other reliable sources in the area. That's the nice thing
about coal, natural gas and nuclear. When you need to crank up the power, there it is.

We don't get a month's worth of power from some sort of battery or other storage.

What do you do when the clouds reduce your solar panel output by 20%?
Do you get extra sunlight to hit some solar panels a mile away? 100 miles away?
We get extra power from the other reliable sources in the area. That's the nice thing
about coal, natural gas and nuclear. When you need to crank up the power, there it is.

We don't get a month's worth of power from some sort of battery or other storage.

What do you do when the clouds reduce your solar panel output by 20%?
Do you get extra sunlight to hit some solar panels a mile away? 100 miles away?
Have you contacted your power company and asked them to stop buying electricity from solar farms ?
You think electricity can’t be stored ?

I absolutely think a tiny amount of our daily electricity output can be stored.
Do you think that a measurable amount of the electricity from solar panels
is still flowing through our grid for an hour after sunset? What about after two hours? 3?

It’s hilarious seeing all those solar and wind farms going up and working

It is hilarious. If you think all that wasted taxpayer money is funny.
Don’t you think you ought to call your power company and advise them not to buy power from solar farms ? Tell them your much smarter than they are.

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