Gloria Vanderbilt's Son Can't Ask the Tough Question to Biden

You have yet to provide any facts to back up your retort other than to state what lies between your ears.

Please site a Union in any of the countries where jobs are being shipped to? What are the wages? What are the working conditions?
I Googled "unions in India". The first page showed a list of most asked questions and indicated a dozen major unions comprising 17 million members in 2013. I did not bother to research further or other countries you mentioned.

Ok. How effective are those unions in India compared to US if jobs are being outsourced?
You have yet to provide any facts to back up your retort other than to state what lies between your ears.

Please site a Union in any of the countries where jobs are being shipped to? What are the wages? What are the working conditions?
Why are you so threatened by this error of yours? I have reason to believe you have internet access. Use it to see for yourself that there are many, many unions in India, Latin America, and Asia. Simply recognizing this fact need not crush your fragile little ego, really.

Your attempt at validation to support your argument is running specious at best.

What “argument”? It is a simple matter of fact.
You have yet to provide any facts to back up your retort other than to state what lies between your ears.

Please site a Union in any of the countries where jobs are being shipped to? What are the wages? What are the working conditions?
I Googled "unions in India". The first page showed a list of most asked questions and indicated a dozen major unions comprising 17 million members in 2013. I did not bother to research further or other countries you mentioned.

Ok. How effective are those unions in India compared to US if jobs are being outsourced?
How does that red herring taste?
You have yet to provide any facts to back up your retort other than to state what lies between your ears.

Please site a Union in any of the countries where jobs are being shipped to? What are the wages? What are the working conditions?
I Googled "unions in India". The first page showed a list of most asked questions and indicated a dozen major unions comprising 17 million members in 2013. I did not bother to research further or other countries you mentioned.

Ok. How effective are those unions in India compared to US if jobs are being outsourced?
You asked someone to site a union in a foreign nation and I gave you suggested access to answering your questions. Sorry, I am not interested in educating you all day over a topic you are ignorant of. You are one of those folks who just keep deflecting by repeatedly asking question after question. Your premise is wrong, period. Other nations have labor unions.
You have yet to provide any facts to back up your retort other than to state what lies between your ears.

Please site a Union in any of the countries where jobs are being shipped to? What are the wages? What are the working conditions?
I Googled "unions in India". The first page showed a list of most asked questions and indicated a dozen major unions comprising 17 million members in 2013. I did not bother to research further or other countries you mentioned.

Ok. How effective are those unions in India compared to US if jobs are being outsourced?
You asked someone to site a union in a foreign nation and I gave you suggested access to answering your questions. Sorry, I am not interested in educating you all day over a topic you are ignorant of. You are one of those folks who just keep deflecting by repeatedly asking question after question. Your premise is wrong, period. Other nations have labor unions.

I asked an intelligent, logical question that if there are “unions” in these countries, how effective are they or how relevant are they to Western nation unions - US and Europe? You are in no valid position to educate myself or call me ignorant when you cannot address a logical question.
You said:

There are no unions in Asia, India, and Latin America and never will.

And that is simply not true. In fact, there are many unions in India, Japan, Brazil and many other nations in those areas, representing millions of workers (for good or ill). I merely pointed out your error and you demonstrated that you are too immature to admit that you were wrong.
CNN, MSNBC, networks........"what's your favorite color?, who's your favorite baseball player?" Real substantive stuff.
Jacob Wohl comes to mind, everytime you bring this up.

Wohl gained attention in 2018 after news outlets reported his failed plot with lobbyist Jack Burkman to discredit Robert Mueller, U.S. Special Counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, by attempting to frame him for sexual misconduct.[2][9][7] In April 2019, Wohl and Burkman again received media attention for attempting to frame Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana and declared 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, for sexual assault.[19][20]

Wohl has created and promulgated other false or unfounded claims and conspiracy theories, mainly against Democratic Party politicians such as Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar, and Elizabeth Warren.[4][5][21][22] On February 26, 2019, Twitter permanently banned Wohl for violating its rules regarding creating and operating fake accounts.[23] To aid his schemes, Wohl created multiple fake private intelligence agencies, and has fabricated death threats and protests against himself.[24][25]
Democratic Party is shit. They have no nuts and no backbone. They are they most Anti-American, unpatriotic, worthless cocksuckers of all human history.
We think that about you deplorable.

we are statemen and politicians and serious and intelligent. You’re all poor people who are as stupid and crude as trump is. Only without the money.

trump is the perfect example of an ugly American. He’s a perfect republican. Funny he used to be a liberal. On social issues. Probably still is secretively. But his policies favor the rich even with all his talk about bringing jobs back home and booting illegals. You buying that?

Don’t be so blind. Liberals who run the Democrats favor the rich as well. They throw bones to the poor and absolutely fuck the Middle Class and small business entrepreneur. The Liberals court the wealthy, engage in corporate cronyism, and fuel class warfare among the poor to get power.
Yea but republican policies specifically widen the gap and make us poorer.

i forgot number 4. They cut social programs like social security

3. send jobs overseas

2. Illegal employers

1. Break unions

These 4 things in the past few decades are the things the rich got the gop to do for them and they hurt the middle class. Don’t deny

The fact that corporations have too much power in both parties is true but democrats are the labor party. Sorry.

i know trumps trying to win over the unions and he did win them over in 16 but not this time. You’ll see

Other countries don’t have anywhere near the level of regulations that US has. They don’t have the environmental, minimum wage, legal liability etc. These are good and necessary, essential, but not without limit.

If other countries had the same level of regulation as US AND the US Corporations were shipping jobs overseas, then I would agree and into the greedy corporate argument. However, in a global economy, you either ship your jobs OR you restrict trade through tariffs to stay competitive. Want to go there?

As for “a widened gap”, the US continues to provide the best economic opportunity and welfare state compared to other countries. Where else would you rather be poor where you can have food, rent, cell phones, premium tv services,etc. and still have economic opportunity? If the price of a good welfare state plus good economic opportunity is a widened wealth gap, who gives a shit? A rising tide raises all ships.

The only people who give a shit about a widened wealth gap are those vested in a Fundamental Transformation by using Class Warfare; the result of which will be a wealth gap with no opportunity and a Middle Class that has been necessarily eliminated.
Good reply. But, just because we have it the best compared to the rest of the world doesn’t change the fact our standard of living has gone down in the last 40 years as the rich got richer.

and the standard of living improved in those other countries in the same time.

im actually not against a global economy but every other country protected their vital industries. America didn’t because they wanted to break manufacturing unions.

Thank you. How has our standard of living declined over 40 years? I am not anti union. Europe still has unions. There are no unions in Asia, India, and Latin America and never will. These countries also would laugh at any type of environmental regs.

If the other countries and US were on a relatively level playing field either by regulatory compliance or tariffs, then I can hold corporations accountable for shipping jobs.
Like Unk said, that's not true. So if you are wrong about that, I can imagine just how wrong you are about everything else.

Like my aunt wanted to give Trump credit for the stimulus. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't that veto proof?
You have yet to provide any facts to back up your retort other than to state what lies between your ears.

Please site a Union in any of the countries where jobs are being shipped to? What are the wages? What are the working conditions?
Why are you so threatened by this error of yours? I have reason to believe you have internet access. Use it to see for yourself that there are many, many unions in India, Latin America, and Asia. Simply recognizing this fact need not crush your fragile little ego, really.

Your attempt at validation to support your argument is running specious at best.
You mean pointing out when you are wrong is an attempt at validation to support his argument?

Well yea. If you are wrong, that sort of supports his argument.

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