GM to sell only 0 emission cars by 2035

The "stupid woman" was awarded a doctorate for her thesis in quantum chemistry. Please share the topic of your thesis....we will wait.
There are various forms of stupidity

liberals frequently very good at booking but clueless and the real world

merkel thinks starving germany of low-priced energy is good as well as an alliance with russia and china

thats very foolish, aka stupid

but in many ways she’s just a typical lib
Electric cars are superior to fossil fuels cars, but there is nowhere near the infrastructure needed for Evs to be the primary type of vehicles on the road. The lefties on this thread have no idea where the electricity would come from, or even how much would be needed.

You are confused Moon Bat

There ain't no such thing as a free lunch in physics.

"Electric" vehicles uses tons of fossil fuels to be manufactured, distributed and disposed of.

Then there is that little thingy about being recharged.

They ain't superior to jack shit. Only queers and stupid uneducated Moon Bats buy them.
Electric cars are superior to fossil fuels cars, but there is nowhere near the infrastructure needed for Evs to be the primary type of vehicles on the road. The lefties on this thread have no idea where the electricity would come from, or even how much would be needed.

In the early 20th century,there was nowhere near the infrastructure for gas powered cars. No cars ment no gas stations or hard surfaced roads. Our government spent massive amounts of money to build roads before there were anywhere near enough cars to justify the expense, and gave huge grants, that continue till this day, to oil companies, so they would build and supply gas stations in towns that didn't even have any cars yet. Without extensive government support and funding, The US would have never become motorized in such a short period of time as we did.
It sounds like you are saying that you still have no idea where the electricity would come from, but that you have faith that big government will provide an answer.

No, I expect it will be private or publicly traded companies that will do that, but the governtment will need to make an investment in our future, just like it always has in every other advance in infrastructure we have had.
A drunk Will Ferrel is the only person I can think of that would drive an electric car.
Don't tell be G.M. is basing it's future on electric cars in fifteen years. Goodbye Bowtie.
Some of you apes don’t know how fk’n fast and cool electric cars can be. If you live another 20 years, you’ll find out whether ya like it or not ;)
Some of you apes don’t know how fk’n fast and cool electric cars can be. If you live another 20 years, you’ll find out whether ya like it or not ;)
Tell us which one you drive

Ask me in a month. In the market as we speak! :)
Not so much to do with the market. . . but more to do with the intervening hand of BIG GOVERNMENT.

" . . . . The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we’re going to replace with clean, electric vehicles made right here in America by American workers, creating millions of jobs — a million autoworker jobs in clean energy — and vehicles that are net-zero emissions.
And together, this will be the largest mobilization of public investment in procurement, infrastructure, and R&D since World War Two.
And with the executive order I’ll be signing today, we’ll increase Buy American requirements for these kinds of projects and improve the way we measure domestic content requirements. For example, right now, if you manufacture a vehicle for the federal government, you need to show that at least 50 percent of the components of that vehicle were made in America. But because of loopholes that have been expanded over time, you can count the least valuable possible parts as part of that 50 percent to say “Made in America,” while the most valuable parts — the engines, the steel, the glass, the manufac- — are manufactured abroad.
So basically — but basically we’re batting zero for two. The content threshold of 50 percent aren’t high enough. And the way we measure the content doesn’t account for U.S. jobs and economic activity. We’re going to change that as well.
The executive action I’m signing today will not only require that companies make more of their components in America, but that the value of those components is contributing to our economy, measured by things like a number of American jobs created and/or supported. . . . "

Barring some huge, unanticipatable advances in battery technology, internal-combustion cars will still be dominant fifteen years from now, and electric cars will still be just a fringe niche. GM isn't going to stop building internal-engined cars that soon, unless it is willing to give up its status as a major automobile manufacturer, and shrink itself down to whatever share of the niche it can win away from tesla and others that occupy it.
Wonder where they think all the power to recharge these things is going to come from.

And in case you leftist dolts don't know, mining of rare-earth minerals is indeed a very dirty business. Any massive move towards more electric vehicles will have to be met with massive increases in mining the minerals necessary. :oops:

Not to mention the massive recycling headaches with depleted batteries.

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