GMC Sierra EV Denali Pickup Packs 754 hp, 400-Mile Range

And a great use of the technology. Replacing all ICE vehicles with EV’s… not so much.
The types and forms of present vehicles should never have evolved as they have. Reproducing the error by substituting another source of power is absurd. Using the renewable power available to achieve personal transportation is an attainable goal when essentials are re-examined.
I’m didn’t think you could explain it.

How not? The Dunning-Kruger effect says people of lower intelligence over estimate their intelligence and under estimate the intelligence of others. Which is exactly what you did in your post when you said I did not have the skill set to follow a conversation. My post pointing out that your statement was a textbook example of the dunning effect made no judgment on your intelligence. It merely stated a fact.

So that’s how it wasn’t. Now do you understand?
I rest my case/ drop mic
The types and forms of present vehicles should never have evolved as they have. Reproducing the error by substituting another source of power is absurd. Using the renewable power available to achieve personal transportation is an attainable goal when essentials are re-examined.
Personal trains?
Personal trains...of thought.
Something that carries one or two people a up to hundred kilometers per hour is not synonymous with what present cars and motorcycles are.
I don't understand. What carries one or two people at up to 100 kph?
But the purpose of a bicycle and that of an automobile are the same. What causes it to be great for one but not the other?

Try carrying hundreds of pounds of tools to a construction site eighty miles away, on a bicycle.
Try carrying hundreds of pounds of tools to a construction site eighty miles away, on a bicycle.
That was not my point. I am asking why an EV powered by Li-ion batteries is hunky dory for a bicycle but no-go for an automobile. I have my own ideas as to what the differences might be but I'd like to see what Ding's reasoning might be.
That was not my point. I am asking why an EV powered by Li-ion batteries is hunky dory for a bicycle but no-go for an automobile. I have my own ideas as to what the differences might be but I'd like to see what Ding's reasoning might be.

It's a matter of scale.

Lithium-Ion batteries are great or small devices like cell phones. They're good at least as far up as cordless power tools. Maybe even electrified bicycles.

But so far, on the scale that it takes to power something the size and weight of an automobile, they are very problematic. Too expensive and short-lived to compete against conventional tanks of gasoline, and very dangerous if they catch on fire. And they take too damn long to charge.

If electric vehicles are ever going to be a viable alternative to real cars, then we are going to need some totally different battery technology than we have now, and some totally different technology for charging them. And we're going to need a much, much, much more robust power grid, capable of delivering the power to charge all the EVs that are being forced on us.
It's a matter of scale.

Lithium-Ion batteries are great or small devices like cell phones. They're good at least as far up as cordless power tools. Maybe even electrified bicycles.

But so far, on the scale that it takes to power something the size and weight of an automobile, they are very problematic. Too expensive and short-lived to compete against conventional tanks of gasoline, and very dangerous if they catch on fire. And they take too damn long to charge.

If electric vehicles are ever going to be a viable alternative to real cars, then we are going to need some totally different battery technology than we have now, and some totally different technology for charging them.
I have to ask you: Do you have any concerns about global warming; do you put any value on the non-emitting nature of EVs?
I have to ask you: Do you have any concerns about global warming; do you put any value on the non-emitting nature of EVs?

“Global Warming” is bullshit, and those of you who continue to fall for this absurd hoax, those of you who are willing to sacrifice any of our freedom or prosperity to it, are worthy of the cruelest of mockery, at best.

More so those of you who are too damn stupid to see that EVs, with present technology, are no improvement over real cars, with regard to the impact on the environment of their manufacture and use. More pollution is produced just to manufacture an EV than a real car will produce over its entire usable life; and then we still have to burn fossil fuels to produce nearly all of the energy to power them once they are built.
I have to ask you: Do you have any concerns about global warming; do you put any value on the non-emitting nature of EVs?

The entire “Global Warming” hoax rests on the premise that carbon dioxide, produced by burning fossil fuels, is causing the Earth to heat up.

If this theory was not complete bullshit, then it should not matter with respect to this theory whether the carbon dioxide is coming out of the tailpipes of individual real cars, or from a power plant any distance away burning coal to produce the power used by all the EVs.
The entire “Global Warming” hoax rests on the premise that carbon dioxide, produced by burning fossil fuels, is causing the Earth to heat up.

If this theory was not complete bullshit, then it should not matter with respect to this theory whether the carbon dioxide is coming out of the tailpipes of individual real cars, or from a power plant any distance away burning coal to produce the power used by all the EVs.
Power plants are much more efficient at producing power from fuel than are cars and trucks and, of course, more and more of that power is being generated by non-emitting technologies. However, I'm much more interested in why you think man made global warming is "complete bullshit".
Power plants are much more efficient at producing power from fuel than are cars and trucks…

Much of which is lost in transit. I get that you're not an electrician, nor have you any expertise in any related field, so you couldn't be expected to understand the losses that occur when electrical power is transported over dozens of miles, hundreds of miles, or more of wire.

…and of course, more and more of that power is being generated by non-emitting technologies.

Not most of it. And if we are ever going to expand our grid and supply system so that its anywhere close to adequate to support all the EVs that your kind want to force on us, we're going to have to massively increase our dependence on fossil fuels to produce electrical power.

There simply is no path, with any technology that now exists or can be anticipated in the foreseeable future, to generate and distribute power sufficient to charge all the EVs that you want to force on us, that doesn't end up producing more carbon dioxide along with more genuine pollutants, than would be produced by the same number of real cars burning gasoline.

However, I'm much more interested in why you think man made global warming is "complete bullshit".

Not even getting into the multiple serious irregularities in the alleged “science” behind this absurd hoax, I'll just leave it to Æsop to explain why no sensible person should buy any of it, given how often and how blatantly we've all been lied to about it.

[Source: Library of Congress Aesop Fables]

The Shepherd Boy & the Wolf​


A Shepherd Boy tended his master's Sheep near a dark forest not far from the village. Soon he found life in the pasture very dull. All he could do to amuse himself was to talk to his dog or play on his shepherd's pipe.

One day as he sat watching the Sheep and the quiet forest, and thinking what he would do should he see a Wolf, he thought of a plan to amuse himself.

His Master had told him to call for help should a Wolf attack the flock, and the Villagers would drive it away. So now, though he had not seen anything that even looked like a Wolf, he ran toward the village shouting at the top of his voice, "Wolf! Wolf!"

As he expected, the Villagers who heard the cry dropped their work and ran in great excitement to the pasture. But when they got there they found the Boy doubled up with laughter at the trick he had played on them.

A few days later the Shepherd Boy again shouted, "Wolf! Wolf!" Again the Villagers ran to help him, only to be laughed at again.

Then one evening as the sun was setting behind the forest and the shadows were creeping out over the pasture, a Wolf really did spring from the underbrush and fall upon the Sheep.

In terror the Boy ran toward the village shouting "Wolf! Wolf!" But though the Villagers heard the cry, they did not run to help him as they had before. "He cannot fool us again," they said.

The Wolf killed a great many of the Boy's sheep and then slipped away into the forest.

Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth.
“Global Warming” is bullshit, and those of you who continue to fall for this absurd hoax, those of you who are willing to sacrifice any of our freedom or prosperity to it, are worthy of the cruelest of mockery, at best.
So you believe global warming is a hoax. Who do you believe has created and maintained this hoax? And how have they done it? Thousands of scientists have been actively researching this field. Are they ALL lying? Are they ALL in some vast conspiracy? And, if they are, how is it that not one single person amongst the thousands that would have to be involved, has ever confessed?
More so those of you who are too damn stupid to see that EVs, with present technology, are no improvement over real cars, with regard to the impact on the environment of their manufacture and use.
How much of that conclusion is based on your apparent belief that the CO2 being emitted is harmless?
More pollution is produced just to manufacture an EV than a real car will produce over its entire usable life;
You disappoint me. That statement is blatantly false and you can prove it to yourself on the back of a napkin.
and then we still have to burn fossil fuels to produce nearly all of the energy to power them once they are built.

From "Comparison of the Overall Energy Efficiency for Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles and Electric Vehicles", January 2020.

5. CONCLUSION This paper compared the Well to Wheel efficiency of conventional, internal combustion vehicles (gasoline, diesel, and natural gas) to electric vehicles. The final results showed that the power plant efficiency has a significant consequence on WTW efficiency. The EV fed by a natural gas power plant shows the highest WTW efficiency which ranged from 13 % to 31 %, While the EV supplied by coal-fired and diesel power plants have approximately the same WTW efficiency range, between 13 % to 27 % and 12 % to 25 %, respectively. While the total WTW efficiency of gasoline ICEV ranged between 11 % to 27 %, diesel ICEV ranged from 25 % to 37 % and CNGV ranged from 12 % to 22 %. While a significant improving in WTW efficiency of EV retrieve through used electricity generated by Solar or wind systems. The overall efficiency of EV charge from PV or wind farm ranged between 39 % to 67 %, while the using roof PV system will increase the total efficiency due to low transmission losses, thus the WTW efficiency of EV charged from PV roof reach range of 42 % to and 72 %. In general, diesel cars are more efficient than electric cars powered by fossil fuels but further investigations are needed to examine the life cycle emissions from cradle to grave of both systems. The overall efficiency for gasoline cars is similar to electric cars powered from coal and diesel power plants. CNGV powered cars were the least overall efficient among the different fuelled cars, due to lower efficiency for CNGV cars. Finally, powering the electric cars from renewable energy sources will significantly improve the overall system efficiency but further investigations are needed to study the influence of the storage systems for renewable energy systems on the overall efficiencies. Also, more investigation needed to analyse the hybrid-electric vehicles and the life-cycle of the vehicles, including their manufacturing, recycling and disposal.
Not even getting into the multiple serious irregularities in the alleged “science” behind this absurd hoax, I'll just leave it to Æsop to explain why no sensible person should buy any of it, given how often and how blatantly we've all been lied to about it.
What irregularities have you seen in the science and, again, who do you think has created and maintained this hoax?

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