Go Woke lose close to 200 million dollars...Spielberg's Woke "West Side Story," bombs, bigly, at the box office...

The article says the movie is failing because "Woke is a lie, and when art lies, it fails. In order to succeed, art must, in some way, speak to a larger truth... "

Good, but I think there's another issue, the one I give so many Woke books bad reviews for: they are preaching.
Tendentious is the long word for that, but nobody likes preaching. The line quoted above about black cop killers is a preachy line.

I don't watch Woke movies!! And I throw out Woke books and give them bad reviews. I suggest everyone do this! A lot of people already are: and I do think it's making a difference. The reviews most marked as "helpful" on Amazon tell the truth about this kind of thing. People don't buy the book -- and they are saying why.
I find it interesting that the woke crowd feels it only right to cast Latin folks in Latin roles but then they feel it is perfectly acceptable to cast Hamilton as a non white character. I don't have a problem with casting the proper ethnicity or gender to a role, but c'mon folks don't talk out of both sides of your mouth.
Spielberg brought us Jaws. ET. Raiders of the Lost Ark and its sequels. Close Encounters of Third Kind. Schindler's List. Give him his credit. He is a film making genius. Maybe he should retire now.
Pre-woke. It was okay then to hunt down and destroy a killer shark.
Here you have a classic piece of Americana, a beloved property, an iconic chunk of our shared culture that not only won ten Oscars, including Best Picture but is also still beloved; and like some superior, smug jerk straight out of Orwell’s 1984, Spielberg decides he needs to correct something that, by any moral measure, does not need correcting.

Even what the fascist woketards see as the original movie’s greatest sin — casting Natalie Wood as Maria — is nothing less than a crybaby lament. There was nothing at all immoral about that casting choice. On the contrary, Natalie Wood’s portrayal was perfectly respectful.

The result? To the surprise of no one who understands human nature, Spielberg’s “correction,” which cost $100 million to produce and at least as much to promote, is a box office catastrophe.

What exactly was "woke" about the remake? He doesn't actually say.
Spielberg brought us Jaws. ET. Raiders of the Lost Ark and its sequels. Close Encounters of Third Kind. Schindler's List. Give him his credit. He is a film making genius. Maybe he should retire now.
Looking as far back as American Graffiti, I can't say Spielberg has ever produced anything more than light fare. Nothing he has made has been worth walking across the street for.
Could have been Donnie and Marie.
What made the original less credible was when the hero yelled “Maria!” in a highspanic neighborhood, only one woman stuck her head out the window.
I saw the movie. I enjoyed it and didn’t see any real wokism. The music was good. The only real change was deleting “doc” and replacing him with Rita Moreno who played his widow and making Tony an ex-con on probation after serving a year in Sing Sing for nearly killing another kid from what sounded like a white gang. Moreno was a producer, so writing her in was natural. My only complaint is they needed a stronger singer to play Tony, Maria walked all over him in the duets.
but I agree musicals aren’t doing well anymore.
It's a really good movie.

But musicals haven't been popular for 50 years.

Wow, you never heard about Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Rent, Mamma Mia, Chicago, Moulin Rouge, or Pitch Perfect??

Sometimes I forget what a tiny, tiny world you lefties live in...

What exactly was "woke" about the remake? He doesn't actually say.
I had the same question. Apparently, Rita Moreno was forced to wear "brown face" and Natalie Wood was cast as Maria in the original. Many other Latin roles were cast using white actors in the original. The new version cast a Columbian as Maria and Latin performers in all Latin roles. But, it is somehow acceptable to cast a non-white actor as Hamilton. SMH. This crap is getting ridiculous. I wonder where they got the idea that you can cast a black girl as a ginger in Annie.
Some complained about Gal Gadot being cast as Cleopatra saying a black or Arab actress should have gotten the role. But Cleopatra may have had Greek and Syrian ancestry. So what is the problem I say.
Some complained about Gal Gadot being cast as Cleopatra saying a black or Arab actress should have gotten the role. But Cleopatra may have had Greek and Syrian ancestry. So what is the problem I say.
Give it to Queen Latifah...they cast her as an old white guy in the TV remake of the Equalizer.
Some complained about Gal Gadot being cast as Cleopatra saying a black or Arab actress should have gotten the role. But Cleopatra may have had Greek and Syrian ancestry. So what is the problem I say.
Acting ability knows no ethnicity. That being said, casting for the sake of being "woke" is idiocy. Literary works are written for specific times and events. Casting white people in the roles of black or Latin people is ridiculous as is the reciprocal.
I had the same question. Apparently, Rita Moreno was forced to wear "brown face" and Natalie Wood was cast as Maria in the original. Many other Latin roles were cast using white actors in the original. The new version cast a Columbian as Maria and Latin performers in all Latin roles. But, it is somehow acceptable to cast a non-white actor as Hamilton. SMH. This crap is getting ridiculous. I wonder where they got the idea that you can cast a black girl as a ginger in Annie.
The Left has perfected double standards
The Left loves saying that "race is just a social construct", whilst they are who are obsessed with race.


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