GOA to Sue the ATF's Bump Stock Ban

well youve been denying fap ling and then cts all day, so what should we do about that???
You should stop lying and then let muslims throw you off a building.

dont be so butt hurt and educate yourself, there is hope in truth
You're sounding more and more like a liberal troll.

not sure but I think liberal trolls are against the 2nd, not for it

and you are sure not for it, so whos the liberal troll???
You are. And now, we are done.

poor little commie prog cant defend his opinion so he runs and hides so the world cant see how heartless he really is

It's not to make people quit, it's to put a cooling off period between buying a pistol in a fit of anger/depression and offing yourself and you significant other.

And sure, put a ten day wait in abortions, I got not problem with that.

No, it's to make people quit the process. Will NYPD give me 24 hour protection while I am waiting for my revolver?

The whole process is to deny a right de jure if they can't deny it de facto.

And most abortion rights people go ballistic when I use that counter, have to admit, did not expect your response.
Why do you need 24 hours protection? And what harm could a ten day wait possibly do in either case?

What if exceptions could be made? Say for medical reasons on abortions and if you can show you are in immediate danger of the handgun.

Again, to me the wait is just a way to discourage people from going through with the process.

And if someone is really angry enough to go out and buy a gun and use it right away, one can easily get an illegal one.
I'm not so sure about that. I wouldn't know where to get an illegal gun. Would you? Really?

If you know someone who smokes pot...you have access to an illegal gun supply chain.
Yeah... NO.
It's not to make people quit, it's to put a cooling off period between buying a pistol in a fit of anger/depression and offing yourself and you significant other.

And sure, put a ten day wait in abortions, I got not problem with that.

No, it's to make people quit the process. Will NYPD give me 24 hour protection while I am waiting for my revolver?

The whole process is to deny a right de jure if they can't deny it de facto.

And most abortion rights people go ballistic when I use that counter, have to admit, did not expect your response.
Why do you need 24 hours protection? And what harm could a ten day wait possibly do in either case?

What if exceptions could be made? Say for medical reasons on abortions and if you can show you are in immediate danger of the handgun.

Again, to me the wait is just a way to discourage people from going through with the process.

And if someone is really angry enough to go out and buy a gun and use it right away, one can easily get an illegal one.
I'm not so sure about that. I wouldn't know where to get an illegal gun. Would you? Really?

Every bar in NYC has a bookie, and that is usually your gateway to other nefarious individuals.
So you assume you could, but you don't really know.
This all or nothing thing is going to end up with nothing or me owning an atomic weapon.

Let's not be ridiculous.
It's eventually going to end up with nothing because reasonable people will be forced to go that way by the gun wackos.

I'm not totally sure which way you mean that.

Funny thing is your statement is so correct it will work either way.
I'm ok with nothing. I am ok with private gun ownership, but if we can't put some reasonable regulations in place then we will just have to do without.
Troll, there are already a boat load of regulations. Anything else infringes. You don't agree? No one cares what traitor gun banners like you think. Come get them/

yeah, resort to a threat of violence. That makes you and those who agree with you seem entirely reasonable.
They're mostly just a buncha wannabe rambos
It's eventually going to end up with nothing because reasonable people will be forced to go that way by the gun wackos.

I'm not totally sure which way you mean that.

Funny thing is your statement is so correct it will work either way.
I'm ok with nothing. I am ok with private gun ownership, but if we can't put some reasonable regulations in place then we will just have to do without.
Troll, there are already a boat load of regulations. Anything else infringes. You don't agree? No one cares what traitor gun banners like you think. Come get them/

yeah, resort to a threat of violence. That makes you and those who agree with you seem entirely reasonable.
As usual you are GD liar. I didn't threaten your sorry ass. Come get them traitor.
Are you really so stupid that you don't think that's a threat of violence?

Actually, I take that back. You probably are.
It's eventually going to end up with nothing because reasonable people will be forced to go that way by the gun wackos.

I'm not totally sure which way you mean that.

Funny thing is your statement is so correct it will work either way.
I'm ok with nothing. I am ok with private gun ownership, but if we can't put some reasonable regulations in place then we will just have to do without.

NYC makes me wait 3-6 months and pay around $500 in fees just to keep a revolver in my own apartment legally.

How reasonable is that?
The fees are a bit restrictive, but the wait makes no difference as far as I'm concerned.

On the other end of things here in kansas I can walk into a pawn shop, sign the papers, and walk out concealed carrying with no phone or fees required. I can also have a compete arsenal in my basement. Again no permits or fees.

Some middle ground is needed.
There no reason for a waiting period with technology, you Fucking moron
Read the thread before you post.
I'm ok with nothing. I am ok with private gun ownership, but if we can't put some reasonable regulations in place then we will just have to do without.

NYC makes me wait 3-6 months and pay around $500 in fees just to keep a revolver in my own apartment legally.

How reasonable is that?
The fees are a bit restrictive, but the wait makes no difference as far as I'm concerned.

On the other end of things here in kansas I can walk into a pawn shop, sign the papers, and walk out concealed carrying with no phone or fees required. I can also have a compete arsenal in my basement. Again no permits or fees.

Some middle ground is needed.

I'm thinking thats an boldfaced lie crepe, a pawnshop has an FFL and is subject to the same as any other FFL rules
They have to run me through the background check, last time I purchased it took about an hour. That's it.
When I sell Firearms to my customers I have Insta check it takes 2 to 4 minutes to run a background check which is entirely too long
How nice for you.
I'm ok with nothing. I am ok with private gun ownership, but if we can't put some reasonable regulations in place then we will just have to do without.

NYC makes me wait 3-6 months and pay around $500 in fees just to keep a revolver in my own apartment legally.

How reasonable is that?
The fees are a bit restrictive, but the wait makes no difference as far as I'm concerned.

On the other end of things here in kansas I can walk into a pawn shop, sign the papers, and walk out concealed carrying with no phone or fees required. I can also have a compete arsenal in my basement. Again no permits or fees.

Some middle ground is needed.

Why is the wait not an issue? What are they waiting for? The whole purpose isn't to do a check, its to make the process so onerous people just quit.

How about we put a 10 day waiting period on abortions?
It's not to make people quit, it's to put a cooling off period between buying a pistol in a fit of anger/depression and offing yourself and you significant other.

And sure, put a ten day wait in abortions, I got not problem with that.
Shut the fuck up you fucking pussy whipped bitch, that has nothing to do with the waiting period, the waiting period Is a form of control so shut the fuck up you fucking moron....
You are a foul mouthed moron.

Beat it, the adults are talking.
NYC makes me wait 3-6 months and pay around $500 in fees just to keep a revolver in my own apartment legally.

How reasonable is that?
The fees are a bit restrictive, but the wait makes no difference as far as I'm concerned.

On the other end of things here in kansas I can walk into a pawn shop, sign the papers, and walk out concealed carrying with no phone or fees required. I can also have a compete arsenal in my basement. Again no permits or fees.

Some middle ground is needed.

I'm thinking thats an boldfaced lie crepe, a pawnshop has an FFL and is subject to the same as any other FFL rules
They have to run me through the background check, last time I purchased it took about an hour. That's it.
When I sell Firearms to my customers I have Insta check it takes 2 to 4 minutes to run a background check which is entirely too long
How nice for you.
A background check should only seconds...
NYC makes me wait 3-6 months and pay around $500 in fees just to keep a revolver in my own apartment legally.

How reasonable is that?
The fees are a bit restrictive, but the wait makes no difference as far as I'm concerned.

On the other end of things here in kansas I can walk into a pawn shop, sign the papers, and walk out concealed carrying with no phone or fees required. I can also have a compete arsenal in my basement. Again no permits or fees.

Some middle ground is needed.

Why is the wait not an issue? What are they waiting for? The whole purpose isn't to do a check, its to make the process so onerous people just quit.

How about we put a 10 day waiting period on abortions?
It's not to make people quit, it's to put a cooling off period between buying a pistol in a fit of anger/depression and offing yourself and you significant other.

And sure, put a ten day wait in abortions, I got not problem with that.
Shut the fuck up you fucking pussy whipped bitch, that has nothing to do with the waiting period, the waiting period Is a form of control so shut the fuck up you fucking moron....
You are a foul mouthed moron.

Beat it, the adults are talking.
You have no right to say what gun laws should be in rural America... so shut the fuck up
The definition of reasonable regulation is what we are trying to define. What is reasonable? It was reasonable to have blue laws covering among other things free speech, and those laws were struck down by the Supreme Court as a violation of the First Amendment. It was reasonable to “encourage” via physical means in order to get a man to confess, until it was struck down by the Supreme Court as a violation of the Cruel and Unusual punishment and the right not to testify against yourself.

A lot of things were reasonable. And now they aren’t. So what I am trying to find out is what everyone thinks is reasonable regulation. For the anti gunners, the reasonable restriction is a complete ban on private ownership. Is that going to be a mere reasonable restriction in the near future?

I dont see that in the 2nd amendment

the words are "shall not be infringed"...pretty simple

you cant have the very people the 2nd was meant to protect us against deciding what we can or cant have

Go join a militia if we're quoting the 2nd. It was written by a 3rd grader with ADD.

We can look at 1810 and see how the writers implimented it. Reading it....its like they left a flaw in there intentionally or screwed up.

The founders said that every able bodied male (actually it was every able bodied free male, meaning white, but I think we can adjust that to the modern interpretation of human unless you want to argue that women and minorities don’t have the same rights as white guys) was a member of the Militia and could be called up as needs the State. So everyone is already in the Militia.

That is the correct response.

One of the constitutionialists on here came back with an article about able bodied folks up to 45 years of age and this or that. It was pretty comical with its regulated vs unreglated and somewhat restrictive where I was waiting to read that sons of the Mayflowers, Trumps or Clintons did not need to join.

So yeah, join the National Guard and get your gun was my answer.

Well regulated meant the Governors could Commission Officers. To call up the Militia, what happened is an officer rode into town. The Census showed 100 able bodied free men in town. They were calling up twelve percent. So the Levy on the town was 12. More than that could volunteer, but the town was responsible for at least 12. If enough men did not volunteer, the men were “pressed” into service. Drafted to use the current term. These men had rifles, they were not issued firearms. Much like the Minutemen, they were already armed and had sufficient powder and shot for the deployment.

If the Militia was never activated in your town you were still counted as an able bodied free man.

The National Guard is not the modern equivalent to the Militia. It is more like the modern equivalent of the Armies of the 1850’s. They were part of the 20th Maine. Volunteers for a term of service.
Seems very liberal this calling folks with unregistered weapons a militia.

But yeah, liberally this makes some sense
The fees are a bit restrictive, but the wait makes no difference as far as I'm concerned.

On the other end of things here in kansas I can walk into a pawn shop, sign the papers, and walk out concealed carrying with no phone or fees required. I can also have a compete arsenal in my basement. Again no permits or fees.

Some middle ground is needed.

Why is the wait not an issue? What are they waiting for? The whole purpose isn't to do a check, its to make the process so onerous people just quit.

How about we put a 10 day waiting period on abortions?
It's not to make people quit, it's to put a cooling off period between buying a pistol in a fit of anger/depression and offing yourself and you significant other.

And sure, put a ten day wait in abortions, I got not problem with that.
Shut the fuck up you fucking pussy whipped bitch, that has nothing to do with the waiting period, the waiting period Is a form of control so shut the fuck up you fucking moron....
You are a foul mouthed moron.

Beat it, the adults are talking.
You have no right to say what gun laws should be in rural America... so shut the fuck up
Idiots like you give real American gun owners a bad name. You are the reason everyone else is going to lose their gun rights.
Why is the wait not an issue? What are they waiting for? The whole purpose isn't to do a check, its to make the process so onerous people just quit.

How about we put a 10 day waiting period on abortions?
It's not to make people quit, it's to put a cooling off period between buying a pistol in a fit of anger/depression and offing yourself and you significant other.

And sure, put a ten day wait in abortions, I got not problem with that.
Shut the fuck up you fucking pussy whipped bitch, that has nothing to do with the waiting period, the waiting period Is a form of control so shut the fuck up you fucking moron....
You are a foul mouthed moron.

Beat it, the adults are talking.
You have no right to say what gun laws should be in rural America... so shut the fuck up
Idiots like you give real American gun owners a bad name. You are the reason everyone else is going to lose their gun rights.
Na, not really
It’s the people that keep on giving up rights and sliding down the slippery slope... so shut the fuck up
The "bump stock" is banned but the FBI "experts" are still afraid to tell the American public that the guy who used it in the Vegas shooting was a left wing maniac who intended to kill Country music fans who attended a "Trump Rally" as the media described it. Bump stocks don't kill people. Left wing propaganda and FBI misinformation and maniacs like Hodgkinson and Paddock kill people.
I say you are cuckoo. There is no reason to own a bump stock.

its not about your feelings

I could say there is no reason for you to be allowed to speak in public

It is a fact. A bump stock is not required to use a rifle.



you need to learn the original intent of the 2nd before you make a bigger ass of yourself,,,

the government has machine guns which means the people can have machine guns, and only commies disagree with that

You are a far right wing looney toon. Try owning a working machine gun and you will be arrested and jailed.
A journey of a thousand bans begins with but a single step Comrade.
If it was a gun they were banning, I'd be upset.

But is just a needless accessory. .... :cool:

How about when they craft the law and state anything that increases the rate of fire on a weapon is banned? That is the bait and switch that the anti gunners are going for with the bump stock ban...which will then make trigger upgrades, or any other upgrade illegal from your stock gun....

You are also a far right wing paranoid looney toon.

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