GObP wants transgendered people put into camps

hah hah and novasteve cannot resist weighing in on the topic.

novasteve is almost always a threadstarter, not a commenter unless he detects his own latest thread is about to slip off the front page in which case he'll bump it with some brilliant comment like "liberal faggots" but today this is a treat! Given that 80% of novasteve's threads are about gay sex and transvestites (no suppression) he saw someone else's thread with the word transgender and it was moth to a flame.

I applaud threadstarter.
Sorry retardio, once someone mentions someone in a threat, you get a notification on the top of your screen. I bet you knew that, didn't you, but oyu are pretending like you didn't. Becuse you are obsessed.

So go worship trannies more, freak.
GOP Politician Tweets That Transgender People Should Go To Concentration Camps -


If you spend any time on the internet at all (which I’m assuming you do, since you’re reading this article) you’re probably aware of Godwin’s law—if not by name, than by concept. The “law” states that any argument on the internet will eventually lead to someone being compared to Adolf Hitler. Most of the time, comparing a person to Adolf Hitler is immature at best, and scathingly insensitive at worst. But in this case, I think a comparison to Hitler is solidly justified. On Monday, Todd Kincannon, a former South Carolina GOP executive, unleashed a series of tweets saying that he’d like to “round up” transgender people and place them into concentration camps.

.....But just in case transgender people and their allies aren’t too eager about being tortured and starved, there’s an alternative. Todd Kincannon later conceded that, if concentration camps aren’t going to work, “mental institutions will do just fine”

Even if you agree with him, is this really the kind of anti-American slime we want in our govt?

They're supposed to be for our Constitution. They sign an oath to uphold our Constitution. Clearly, this scum lied.

Do we really want slime like him deciding which Americans don't get "equal rights for all"?

He is not in our Government, he is not a Politian.
You are the one that is talking about not having freedom of speech.
Just because anyone does not like what he says, doesn't give anyone the right to take away his equal rights either, Luddly Neddite.
This idea of stopping peoples freedom of speech, is just as dangerous as not wanting Trannies to have freedom. Both have their equal rights, both have the right to their freedoms because of our Constitution.
This idea of stopping peoples freedom of speech, is just as dangerous as not wanting Trannies to have freedom. Both have their equal rights, both have the right to their freedoms because of our Constitution.

Agreed. This guy is clearly an attention-whore master troll, but has every right to his opinion and it isn't something attributable to everyone of his political leanings.

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