God and Free Will

Can any believer answer this question?

God put evil in the world because god is partly evil (and we are made in his image apparently), since god drowned most of humanity in his flood, making him a mass murderer, which in my book is a very evil thing to do.

God didn't "put" evil in the world at all. It is simply a byproduct of free will: if people have the freedom to choose to obey God, then they also have the freedom to choose not to obey Him, otherwise known as "evil".

No one's interested in reading "your book", BTW. Not only is it all pictures, but they're very badly drawn.

Then there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

If ‘god’ were truly a ‘God,’ it wouldn’t ‘need’ anything – there would be no ‘need’ for a ‘freedom to choose,’ as an omnipotent deity would already know the future, would have already determined the fate of every person, where there would be no ‘need’ for obedience.

The notion of a ‘god’ setting all of creation into motion and wondering what the outcome might be is not a true ‘god,’ not an omnipotent deity, and unworthy of worship.

God knows what choice I will make tomorrow morning between eggs with bacon or eggs with ham, but that doesn't stop me from making that choice, and that doesn't mean God doesn't exist.

Can any believer answer this question?

God put evil in the world because god is partly evil (and we are made in his image apparently), since god drowned most of humanity in his flood, making him a mass murderer, which in my book is a very evil thing to do.

God didn't "put" evil in the world at all. It is simply a byproduct of free will: if people have the freedom to choose to obey God, then they also have the freedom to choose not to obey Him, otherwise known as "evil".

No one's interested in reading "your book", BTW. Not only is it all pictures, but they're very badly drawn.

But you don't really have the freedom not to worship god, because if you don't very bad things will happen to you. That's not free will, that's no choice but to worship. Like putting a gun to your head and asking you, will you worship god?
But if you don't believe in God or Hell, what does it matter?

Can any believer answer this question?

God put evil in the world because god is partly evil (and we are made in his image apparently), since god drowned most of humanity in his flood, making him a mass murderer, which in my book is a very evil thing to do.

God didn't "put" evil in the world at all. It is simply a byproduct of free will: if people have the freedom to choose to obey God, then they also have the freedom to choose not to obey Him, otherwise known as "evil".

No one's interested in reading "your book", BTW. Not only is it all pictures, but they're very badly drawn.

Then there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

If ‘god’ were truly a ‘God,’ it wouldn’t ‘need’ anything – there would be no ‘need’ for a ‘freedom to choose,’ as an omnipotent deity would already know the future, would have already determined the fate of every person, where there would be no ‘need’ for obedience.

The notion of a ‘god’ setting all of creation into motion and wondering what the outcome might be is not a true ‘god,’ not an omnipotent deity, and unworthy of worship.

God knows what choice I will make tomorrow morning between eggs with bacon or eggs with ham, but that doesn't stop me from making that choice, and that doesn't mean God doesn't exist.

You had bacon, I AM GOD!!!!!!!! :biggrin:

Can any believer answer this question?

God put evil in the world because god is partly evil (and we are made in his image apparently), since god drowned most of humanity in his flood, making him a mass murderer, which in my book is a very evil thing to do.

God didn't "put" evil in the world at all. It is simply a byproduct of free will: if people have the freedom to choose to obey God, then they also have the freedom to choose not to obey Him, otherwise known as "evil".

No one's interested in reading "your book", BTW. Not only is it all pictures, but they're very badly drawn.

Then there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

If ‘god’ were truly a ‘God,’ it wouldn’t ‘need’ anything – there would be no ‘need’ for a ‘freedom to choose,’ as an omnipotent deity would already know the future, would have already determined the fate of every person, where there would be no ‘need’ for obedience.

The notion of a ‘god’ setting all of creation into motion and wondering what the outcome might be is not a true ‘god,’ not an omnipotent deity, and unworthy of worship.

God knows what choice I will make tomorrow morning between eggs with bacon or eggs with ham, but that doesn't stop me from making that choice, and that doesn't mean God doesn't exist.

You had bacon, I AM GOD!!!!!!!! :biggrin:

I tried to keep it simple for simple closed minds. Obviously I need to simplify it even more.
Claiming Einstein made up silly shit when talking about the universe is the epitome of ignorance on your part
Gotcha. Now, here is where you use your big boy words and explain to us why that is. And then, we can respond to your point. We call this exchange, "discussion".
I take the words of Einstein seriously because he was a genius. He stated that there is an intelligence and a Spirit in the universe that dwarfs mans. Now cry to your mommy to take off your diaper and wipe your butt, arrogant ignorant little snip. You're done here.

You're a shameless little liar. You don't take those words 'seriously" because Einstein was a genius... you take them seriously because they align with your beliefs. Period. Not sure who you think you are fooling, or what kind of nodding, vapid sycophants you are used to peddling your nonsense to, but you are not fooling any rational adult with your shameless little lies.
LOL. You poor pitiful little creature. You've been reduced to a sniveling pusillanimous pissant punk. Everyone recognizes Einstein as a genius, and you go around spewing crap about silly stuff Einstein made up. You're obviously mentally ill or demon possessed.
Face it...you dont defer to anything Einstein says because of his genius, you only defer because you agree with that magical bullshit. As evidenced by your science denial in other areas. In fact, if Einstein had discovered scientific knowledge that didn't jibe with your religious fetishes, you would be here bashing him right now.
Can any believer answer this question?

Which question(s)? This reinforces why I usually skip over video OPs and posts. However, having made the exception, I selected these two questions to address.

1. Why couldn't God create a world where free will had only good consequences?

Choices that only result in good consequences limits possibilities, and people learn and grow from their mistakes.

2. If God cannot do evil, is God a robot?

The Bible teaches that it is not goodness that traps and enslaves, but evil. In that respect God has more freedom than any of us, and therefore far from being a robot.
because we wouldnt know the difference...
But god DID do evil by killing nearly everyone in his flood.

A point we have been discussing in another thread, so let's not bore everyone by rehashing it in this one. When push comes to shove, we can say that in one way or another God has "killed" everyone who was ever born. Death is part of life here on Earth.
Death is a renewal of life, not the same thing as purposely drowning nearly everyone. That's Adolf territory.

And it IS relevant in this thread, the guy in the video asked how god could make evil if he is nothing but good. And I've shown that god is not just good, but evil as well.
God got rid of evil like he will do again... hell is where Satan dwells so thosee serving him go there
But god DID do evil by killing nearly everyone in his flood.

A point we have been discussing in another thread, so let's not bore everyone by rehashing it in this one. When push comes to shove, we can say that in one way or another God has "killed" everyone who was ever born. Death is part of life here on Earth.
Death is a renewal of life, not the same thing as purposely drowning nearly everyone. That's Adolf territory.

And it IS relevant in this thread, the guy in the video asked how god could make evil if he is nothing but good. And I've shown that god is not just good, but evil as well.
God got rid of evil like he will do again... hell is where Satan dwells so thosee serving him go there
GOd got rid of evil by being evil himself and drowning nearly everyone, even the babies.
God of the OT was evil. (according to scripture).
The God of the OT was the One born as Jesus Christ. He said He came to REVEAL the Father -- meaning, before His appearance, no one knew of the other Being we npw know as the Father.

People who don't know the scriptures want to believe the OT Hod was the Father and Jesus was a more compassionate God. They wer

Yes. My phone changes my words, I sware.
lol it really does,..

Can any believer answer this question?

God put evil in the world because god is partly evil (and we are made in his image apparently), since god drowned most of humanity in his flood, making him a mass murderer, which in my book is a very evil thing to do.

God didn't "put" evil in the world at all. It is simply a byproduct of free will: if people have the freedom to choose to obey God, then they also have the freedom to choose not to obey Him, otherwise known as "evil".

No one's interested in reading "your book", BTW. Not only is it all pictures, but they're very badly drawn.

Then there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

If ‘god’ were truly a ‘God,’ it wouldn’t ‘need’ anything – there would be no ‘need’ for a ‘freedom to choose,’ as an omnipotent deity would already know the future, would have already determined the fate of every person, where there would be no ‘need’ for obedience.

The notion of a ‘god’ setting all of creation into motion and wondering what the outcome might be is not a true ‘god,’ not an omnipotent deity, and unworthy of worship.

How do you know God wouldn't need anything? Because you've decided that's what God is? You've made a lot of assertions here about what God is and would be that amount to nothing more than your opinion trying to force itself onto my beliefs. I wouldn't believe you if you told me water was wet, so I have no idea why you think I'm going to let you define my beliefs for me.

Also, you assume that God knowing things requires predestination and a lack of free will. That is only the case if one attempts to force God into the very limited strictures of humanity. And since we've already established that your perception and definitions will not be accepted as the parameters of debate here, that makes your assertion invalid.

Can any believer answer this question?

God put evil in the world because god is partly evil (and we are made in his image apparently), since god drowned most of humanity in his flood, making him a mass murderer, which in my book is a very evil thing to do.

God didn't "put" evil in the world at all. It is simply a byproduct of free will: if people have the freedom to choose to obey God, then they also have the freedom to choose not to obey Him, otherwise known as "evil".

No one's interested in reading "your book", BTW. Not only is it all pictures, but they're very badly drawn.

Then there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

If ‘god’ were truly a ‘God,’ it wouldn’t ‘need’ anything – there would be no ‘need’ for a ‘freedom to choose,’ as an omnipotent deity would already know the future, would have already determined the fate of every person, where there would be no ‘need’ for obedience.

The notion of a ‘god’ setting all of creation into motion and wondering what the outcome might be is not a true ‘god,’ not an omnipotent deity, and unworthy of worship.

God knows what choice I will make tomorrow morning between eggs with bacon or eggs with ham, but that doesn't stop me from making that choice, and that doesn't mean God doesn't exist.

Yes, because seeing someone do something is not the same thing as making them do it.

Can any believer answer this question?

God put evil in the world because god is partly evil (and we are made in his image apparently), since god drowned most of humanity in his flood, making him a mass murderer, which in my book is a very evil thing to do.

God didn't "put" evil in the world at all. It is simply a byproduct of free will: if people have the freedom to choose to obey God, then they also have the freedom to choose not to obey Him, otherwise known as "evil".

No one's interested in reading "your book", BTW. Not only is it all pictures, but they're very badly drawn.

But you don't really have the freedom not to worship god, because if you don't very bad things will happen to you. That's not free will, that's no choice but to worship. Like putting a gun to your head and asking you, will you worship god?

Obligations of good sense do not eliminate the free will to be stupid.

Being told that this is the better choice, with the better outcome, does not eliminate my free will to make a bad decision. People do it all the time.
But god DID do evil by killing nearly everyone in his flood.

A point we have been discussing in another thread, so let's not bore everyone by rehashing it in this one. When push comes to shove, we can say that in one way or another God has "killed" everyone who was ever born. Death is part of life here on Earth.
Death is a renewal of life, not the same thing as purposely drowning nearly everyone. That's Adolf territory.

And it IS relevant in this thread, the guy in the video asked how god could make evil if he is nothing but good. And I've shown that god is not just good, but evil as well.
God got rid of evil like he will do again... hell is where Satan dwells so thosee serving him go there
GOd got rid of evil by being evil himself and drowning nearly everyone, even the babies.

And once again, you try to force God into the box of humanity and impose the strictures of humanity on Him. In fact, you attempt to force them on Him much more stringently than you would on another human, since one assumes that you are capable of granting the human the necessity of doing things you don't like when the alternative is a worse outcome.
But god DID do evil by killing nearly everyone in his flood.

A point we have been discussing in another thread, so let's not bore everyone by rehashing it in this one. When push comes to shove, we can say that in one way or another God has "killed" everyone who was ever born. Death is part of life here on Earth.
Death is a renewal of life, not the same thing as purposely drowning nearly everyone. That's Adolf territory.

And it IS relevant in this thread, the guy in the video asked how god could make evil if he is nothing but good. And I've shown that god is not just good, but evil as well.
God got rid of evil like he will do again... hell is where Satan dwells so thosee serving him go there
GOd got rid of evil by being evil himself and drowning nearly everyone, even the babies.

And once again, you try to force God into the box of humanity and impose the strictures of humanity on Him. In fact, you attempt to force them on Him much more stringently than you would on another human, since one assumes that you are capable of granting the human the necessity of doing things you don't like when the alternative is a worse outcome.
are you speaking to me?
A point we have been discussing in another thread, so let's not bore everyone by rehashing it in this one. When push comes to shove, we can say that in one way or another God has "killed" everyone who was ever born. Death is part of life here on Earth.
Death is a renewal of life, not the same thing as purposely drowning nearly everyone. That's Adolf territory.

And it IS relevant in this thread, the guy in the video asked how god could make evil if he is nothing but good. And I've shown that god is not just good, but evil as well.
God got rid of evil like he will do again... hell is where Satan dwells so thosee serving him go there
GOd got rid of evil by being evil himself and drowning nearly everyone, even the babies.

And once again, you try to force God into the box of humanity and impose the strictures of humanity on Him. In fact, you attempt to force them on Him much more stringently than you would on another human, since one assumes that you are capable of granting the human the necessity of doing things you don't like when the alternative is a worse outcome.
are you speaking to me?

No, since I quoted and replied to Taz's post. that would mean I was talking to him.

Can any believer answer this question?

God put evil in the world because god is partly evil (and we are made in his image apparently), since god drowned most of humanity in his flood, making him a mass murderer, which in my book is a very evil thing to do.

God didn't "put" evil in the world at all. It is simply a byproduct of free will: if people have the freedom to choose to obey God, then they also have the freedom to choose not to obey Him, otherwise known as "evil".

No one's interested in reading "your book", BTW. Not only is it all pictures, but they're very badly drawn.

But you don't really have the freedom not to worship god, because if you don't very bad things will happen to you. That's not free will, that's no choice but to worship. Like putting a gun to your head and asking you, will you worship god?

Obligations of good sense do not eliminate the free will to be stupid.

Being told that this is the better choice, with the better outcome, does not eliminate my free will to make a bad decision. People do it all the time.

So then why do bad things happen to believers?

Can any believer answer this question?

God put evil in the world because god is partly evil (and we are made in his image apparently), since god drowned most of humanity in his flood, making him a mass murderer, which in my book is a very evil thing to do.

God didn't "put" evil in the world at all. It is simply a byproduct of free will: if people have the freedom to choose to obey God, then they also have the freedom to choose not to obey Him, otherwise known as "evil".

No one's interested in reading "your book", BTW. Not only is it all pictures, but they're very badly drawn.

But you don't really have the freedom not to worship god, because if you don't very bad things will happen to you. That's not free will, that's no choice but to worship. Like putting a gun to your head and asking you, will you worship god?

Obligations of good sense do not eliminate the free will to be stupid.

Being told that this is the better choice, with the better outcome, does not eliminate my free will to make a bad decision. People do it all the time.

So then why do bad things happen to believers?

Because bad things happen to everyone. What the hell purpose would be accomplished if all of life was like a Teletubbies episode?
God put evil in the world because god is partly evil (and we are made in his image apparently), since god drowned most of humanity in his flood, making him a mass murderer, which in my book is a very evil thing to do.

God didn't "put" evil in the world at all. It is simply a byproduct of free will: if people have the freedom to choose to obey God, then they also have the freedom to choose not to obey Him, otherwise known as "evil".

No one's interested in reading "your book", BTW. Not only is it all pictures, but they're very badly drawn.
But you don't really have the freedom not to worship god, because if you don't very bad things will happen to you. That's not free will, that's no choice but to worship. Like putting a gun to your head and asking you, will you worship god?

Obligations of good sense do not eliminate the free will to be stupid.

Being told that this is the better choice, with the better outcome, does not eliminate my free will to make a bad decision. People do it all the time.
So then why do bad things happen to believers?

Because bad things happen to everyone. What the hell purpose would be accomplished if all of life was like a Teletubbies episode?
Wait....are you saying you know God's plans or intentions?

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