God and Free Will

Einstein believed in Intelligent Design

Which is Einstein, making up silly shit.
Oh, for sure. Einstein was continually making up silly shit, huh.
No....why? You should really refine your logic and rhetoric.
My logic and rhetoric are understood perfectly by intelligent people. Sorry for you. Is there someone there to assist you.
No, your logic and rhetoric are both amateurish. I and another poster said that Einstein made up something silly....and your inappropriate, fallacious response was to say, "So Einstein is always making up silly shit, eh?" That was a juvenile and logically absurd response.
...if there is total free will, how come over 80% of murders are committed by males
what makes the males have less control to murder?

..also, most of the murders in my city are committed in a certain area
if their is total free will, why is this??

..also--we know blacks commit murder at over four times the rate of whites
whites have better control of their ''free will''??
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If you look closely at the picture above, you will note that all the Marines pictured are bowing their heads That's because they're praying. This incident took place at a recent ceremony honoring the birthday of the corps, and it has the ACLU up in arms. "These are federal employees," says Lucius Traveler, a spokesman for the ACLU, "on federal property and on federal time.... For them to pray is clearly an establishment of religion, and we must nip this in the bud immediately."

When asked about the ACLU's charges, Colonel Jack Fessender, speaking for the Commandant of the Corps said, "To hell with ACLU! GOD Bless Our Warriors. Send the ACLU to Afghanistan ! Then watch those SONS OF BITCHES pray.
I was in the USMC
most bases have a chapel....we had mass in bootcamp.......what are the serviceman supposed to do?--go off base to mass??!!?? not pray in their barracks??

we never prayed much as a group....in fact I can't remember a time that we did---except at bootcamp in the chapel...maybe we did have chaplains say prayers, but I don't recall
Einstein believed in Intelligent Design

Which is Einstein, making up silly shit.
Oh, for sure. Einstein was continually making up silly shit, huh.
No....why? You should really refine your logic and rhetoric.
My logic and rhetoric are understood perfectly by intelligent people. Sorry for you. Is there someone there to assist you.
No, your logic and rhetoric are both amateurish. I and another poster said that Einstein made up something silly....and your inappropriate, fallacious response was to say, "So Einstein is always making up silly shit, eh?" That was a juvenile and logically absurd response.
Claiming Einstein made up silly shit when talking about the universe is the epitome of ignorance on your part.
Spinoza believed that we are part of an infinite interdependent "organism".

The neural network of the human brain looks shockingly similar to the atomic network of the physical Universe.


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Claiming Einstein made up silly shit when talking about the universe is the epitome of ignorance on your part
Gotcha. Now, here is where you use your big boy words and explain to us why that is. And then, we can respond to your point. We call this exchange, "discussion".
Claiming Einstein made up silly shit when talking about the universe is the epitome of ignorance on your part
Gotcha. Now, here is where you use your big boy words and explain to us why that is. And then, we can respond to your point. We call this exchange, "discussion".
What BS Filter is saying is that Einstein didn't make up things he didn't believe in and that you are being disingenuous when you dismiss Einstein's belief in a higher power than man.
What BS Filter is saying is that Einstein didn't make up things he didn't believe in
No he didn't. He did not say that. Now you are making up silly shit, too.

Einstein made up something silly, and may have even believed it for a moment. But that's where I leave you religious people to cackle and prance and make up your own silly shit about Einstein as you misrepresent his beliefs. And yes, you ALL do this. Enjoy....I am not takong part in that tired discussion....I'll leave you to it....
What BS Filter is saying is that Einstein didn't make up things he didn't believe in
No he didn't. He did not say that. Now you are making up silly shit, too.

Einstein made up something silly, and may have even believed it for a moment. But that's where I leave you religious people to cackle and prance and make up your own silly shit about Einstein as you misrepresent his beliefs. And yes, you ALL do this. Enjoy....I am not takong part in that tired discussion....I'll leave you to it....
That was how I read it.

What is it that you think BS Filter was trying to say?

“I believe in Spinoza's God, who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God who concerns Himself with the fate and the doings of mankind...

to Rabbi Herbert Goldstein (1929)”

― Albert Einstein
Claiming Einstein made up silly shit when talking about the universe is the epitome of ignorance on your part
Gotcha. Now, here is where you use your big boy words and explain to us why that is. And then, we can respond to your point. We call this exchange, "discussion".
I take the words of Einstein seriously because he was a genius. He stated that there is an intelligence and a Spirit in the universe that dwarfs mans. Now cry to your mommy to take off your diaper and wipe your butt, arrogant ignorant little snip. You're done here.
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Claiming Einstein made up silly shit when talking about the universe is the epitome of ignorance on your part
Gotcha. Now, here is where you use your big boy words and explain to us why that is. And then, we can respond to your point. We call this exchange, "discussion".
I take the words of Einstein seriously because he was a genius. He stated that there is an intelligence and a Spirit in the universe that dwarfs mans. Now cry to your mommy to take off your diaper and wipe your butt, arrogant ignorant little snip. You're done here.

You're a shameless little liar. You don't take those words 'seriously" because Einstein was a genius... you take them seriously because they align with your beliefs. Period. Not sure who you think you are fooling, or what kind of nodding, vapid sycophants you are used to peddling your nonsense to, but you are not fooling any rational adult with your shameless little lies.
Claiming Einstein made up silly shit when talking about the universe is the epitome of ignorance on your part
Gotcha. Now, here is where you use your big boy words and explain to us why that is. And then, we can respond to your point. We call this exchange, "discussion".
I take the words of Einstein seriously because he was a genius. He stated that there is an intelligence and a Spirit in the universe that dwarfs mans. Now cry to your mommy to take off your diaper and wipe your butt, arrogant ignorant little snip. You're done here.

You're a shameless little liar. You don't take those words 'seriously" because Einstein was a genius... you take them seriously because they align with your beliefs. Period. Not sure who you think you are fooling, or what kind of nodding, vapid sycophants you are used to peddling your nonsense to, but you are not fooling any rational adult with your shameless little lies.
LOL. You poor pitiful little creature. You've been reduced to a sniveling pusillanimous pissant punk. Everyone recognizes Einstein as a genius, and you go around spewing crap about silly stuff Einstein made up. You're obviously mentally ill or demon possessed.
What exactly is YOUR question.

This person's rambling is pointless and stupid.

I'm with Death, here. I can't and won't answer the question until YOU answer it. I have no intention of wasting my time watching whatever dumbass Youtube video you're obsessed with, but can't even bother to summarize before blathering about it.

Can any believer answer this question?

God put evil in the world because god is partly evil (and we are made in his image apparently), since god drowned most of humanity in his flood, making him a mass murderer, which in my book is a very evil thing to do.

God didn't "put" evil in the world at all. It is simply a byproduct of free will: if people have the freedom to choose to obey God, then they also have the freedom to choose not to obey Him, otherwise known as "evil".

No one's interested in reading "your book", BTW. Not only is it all pictures, but they're very badly drawn.

Can any believer answer this question?

God put evil in the world because god is partly evil (and we are made in his image apparently), since god drowned most of humanity in his flood, making him a mass murderer, which in my book is a very evil thing to do.

God didn't "put" evil in the world at all. It is simply a byproduct of free will: if people have the freedom to choose to obey God, then they also have the freedom to choose not to obey Him, otherwise known as "evil".

No one's interested in reading "your book", BTW. Not only is it all pictures, but they're very badly drawn.

Then there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

If ‘god’ were truly a ‘God,’ it wouldn’t ‘need’ anything – there would be no ‘need’ for a ‘freedom to choose,’ as an omnipotent deity would already know the future, would have already determined the fate of every person, where there would be no ‘need’ for obedience.

The notion of a ‘god’ setting all of creation into motion and wondering what the outcome might be is not a true ‘god,’ not an omnipotent deity, and unworthy of worship.

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