God and Free Will

So you worship a murdering god because you've been able to convince yourself that you can worship an evil being. You must be desperate.
God"s judgement for sin in the world isn't "murder". I explained to you God created and can do whatever he wants with His creation because He's God. I also explained to you that God isn't evil, God is love. Do you have any new point to make or argument, or are you just going to repeat yourself?
What god did is murder, mass murder. He was trying to erase his earlier mistakes when he created man. Apparently, that didn't work either.
God can't make a mistake. God is perfect. Man makes mistakes. Man has free will. Do you believe there is such a thing as "sin"?
"God can't make a mistake", well, that's why he drowned nearly everyone, to start over with mankind. God also makes deformed babies. Nobody's perfect.
There's a reason for everything. Some people abuse their bodies and bad things happen. That's not God's fault. God isn't a puppet master. Honestly, you really have some warped ideas about God.
It's not god's fault that deformed babies are born? Then who is to blame?
God"s judgement for sin in the world isn't "murder". I explained to you God created and can do whatever he wants with His creation because He's God. I also explained to you that God isn't evil, God is love. Do you have any new point to make or argument, or are you just going to repeat yourself?
What god did is murder, mass murder. He was trying to erase his earlier mistakes when he created man. Apparently, that didn't work either.
God can't make a mistake. God is perfect. Man makes mistakes. Man has free will. Do you believe there is such a thing as "sin"?
"God can't make a mistake", well, that's why he drowned nearly everyone, to start over with mankind. God also makes deformed babies. Nobody's perfect.
There's a reason for everything. Some people abuse their bodies and bad things happen. That's not God's fault. God isn't a puppet master. Honestly, you really have some warped ideas about God.
It's not god's fault that deformed babies are born? Then who is to blame?
Depends. Sometimes medication. Sometimes the mother used drugs or alcohol. Stuff happens. Like I said, God isn't puppet master. Could be genetics of the Father or mother.
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If you look closely at the picture above, you will note that all the Marines pictured are bowing their heads That's because they're praying. This incident took place at a recent ceremony honoring the birthday of the corps, and it has the ACLU up in arms. "These are federal employees," says Lucius Traveler, a spokesman for the ACLU, "on federal property and on federal time.... For them to pray is clearly an establishment of religion, and we must nip this in the bud immediately."

When asked about the ACLU's charges, Colonel Jack Fessender, speaking for the Commandant of the Corps said, "To hell with ACLU! GOD Bless Our Warriors. Send the ACLU to Afghanistan ! Then watch those SONS OF BITCHES pray.
That is all completely fake and made up. Haha, you fell for it....
It's not god's fault that deformed babies are born?
Yeah, they sure want to give the "intelligent designer" all the credit...until the design flaws are pointed out. Then it's time to dance the two step and make up silly shit.

Can any believer answer this question?

The assumptions made in this video are incorrect concerning God. God is a being of total free will. It is not that God cannot do evil. It is that he chooses not to do evil and understands that this would destroy all the joy and happiness of his existence if he did. If God chose to do evil, God would cease to be God.

Nobody tells God what to do. He does what he does of his own free will and choice. It is the desire of God that mankind become more like him. Thus giving mankind free choice is essential in mankind's progression to become more like God. God realizes that you cannot become like him by being forced forever to do good. We must learn to choose good over evil continually just as God does.

Mankind, before becoming spirit children of God, existed as self-existent intelligences.

Doctrine and Covenants 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

God could not create these intelligences because they are self-existent. They have always existed. God cannot create that which already exists. It just so happens that they are not in a perfect state of being like God is. So for God to bring about perfection in these intelligent beings, he organizes (creates) them to be combined with elements into spirits and then into beings with bodies. He then has to school these beings by giving them free will and teaching them to follow his will which will give them the greatest degree of joy and happiness for all eternity. This earth life is part of that schooling. It is only temporary but can teach a great deal about good verses evil.

Because it is essential for mankind to have free will to become like God, and because mankind is not in a perfected state as God is, evil exists in this temporary mortal world. What ever we experience in this life, that knowledge will rise with us in the resurrection. Even though this life can be painful, it will serve as a good lesson for all eternity.

Matthew 5:48
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

We are commanded to choose perfection even as our Father in Heaven is perfect.
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Can any believer answer this question?

The assumptions made in this video are incorrect concerning God. God is a being of total free will. It is not that God cannot do evil. It is that he chooses not to do evil and understands that this would destroy all the joy and happiness of his existence if he did. If God chose to do evil, God would cease to be God.

Nobody tells God what to do. He does what he does of his own free will and choice. It is the desire of God that mankind become more like him. Thus giving mankind free choice is essential in mankind's progression to become more like God. God realizes that you cannot become like him by being forced forever to do good. We must learn to choose good over evil continually just as God does.

Mankind, before becoming spirit children of God, existed as self-existent intelligences.

Doctrine and Covenants 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

God could not create these intelligences because they are self-existent. They have always existed. God cannot create that which already exists. It just so happens that they are not in a perfect state of being like God is. So for God to bring about perfection in these intelligent beings, he organizes (creates) them to be combined with elements into spirits and then into beings with bodies. He then has to school these beings by giving them free will and teaching them to follow his will which will give them the greatest degree of joy and happiness for all eternity. This earth life is part of that schooling. It is only temporary but can teach a great deal about good verses evil.

Because it is essential for mankind to have free will to become like God, and because mankind is not in a perfected state as God is, evil exists in this temporary mortal world. What ever we experience in this life, that knowledge will rise with us in the resurrection. Even though this life can be painful, it will serve as a good lesson for all eternity.

Matthew 5:48
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

We are commanded to choose perfection even as our Father in Heaven is perfect.

Wow, you're wrong about literally all of that.
It's not god's fault that deformed babies are born?
Yeah, they sure want to give the "intelligent designer" all the credit...until the design flaws are pointed out. Then it's time to dance the two step and make up silly shit.
Einstein believed in Intelligent Design. He didn't make up "silly shit".
It was a personal belief, not something he had actually proven. So yes, Einstein did believe in silly shit.
It's not god's fault that deformed babies are born?
Yeah, they sure want to give the "intelligent designer" all the credit...until the design flaws are pointed out. Then it's time to dance the two step and make up silly shit.
Einstein believed in Intelligent Design. He didn't make up "silly shit".
It was a personal belief, not something he had actually proven. So yes, Einstein did believe in silly shit.

Yeah, and the very scriptures that you deride as superstitious silly shit provides clear evidence that people were rejecting what is false and searching for and finding the truth thousands of years before the first scientist was ever born and scratched his head in bewilderment. Their findings were just heavily redacted and encoded before widespread publication.

I know, I know, I know.... you are stuck in your own silly shit..

What about the kangaroos? Right?
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It's not god's fault that deformed babies are born?
Yeah, they sure want to give the "intelligent designer" all the credit...until the design flaws are pointed out. Then it's time to dance the two step and make up silly shit.
Einstein believed in Intelligent Design. He didn't make up "silly shit".
It was a personal belief, not something he had actually proven. So yes, Einstein did believe in silly shit.

Yeah, and the very scriptures that you deride as superstitious silly shit provides clear evidence that people were rejecting what is false and searching for and finding the truth thousands of years before the first scientist was ever born and scratched his head in bewilderment.

I know, I know, I know.... you are stuck in your own silly shit..

What about the kangaroos? Right?
There is no truth in the bible according to most of you here because apparently, none of the stories mean what is written as well as none of the stories being true. So the bible is the ultimate book of cherry-picking, where everyone chooses what they want to mean whatever they want. It's laughable.
It's not god's fault that deformed babies are born?
Yeah, they sure want to give the "intelligent designer" all the credit...until the design flaws are pointed out. Then it's time to dance the two step and make up silly shit.
Einstein believed in Intelligent Design. He didn't make up "silly shit".
It was a personal belief, not something he had actually proven. So yes, Einstein did believe in silly shit.
Oh, for sure. Einstein was just some nut....yup.....
It's not god's fault that deformed babies are born?
Yeah, they sure want to give the "intelligent designer" all the credit...until the design flaws are pointed out. Then it's time to dance the two step and make up silly shit.
Einstein believed in Intelligent Design. He didn't make up "silly shit".
It was a personal belief, not something he had actually proven. So yes, Einstein did believe in silly shit.

Yeah, and the very scriptures that you deride as superstitious silly shit provides clear evidence that people were rejecting what is false and searching for and finding the truth thousands of years before the first scientist was ever born and scratched his head in bewilderment.

I know, I know, I know.... you are stuck in your own silly shit..

What about the kangaroos? Right?
There is no truth in the bible according to most of you here because apparently, none of the stories mean what is written as well as none of the stories being true. So the bible is the ultimate book of cherry-picking, where everyone chooses what they want to mean whatever they want. It's laughable.
You know, some people might find your thinking laughable.

If you went out searching for gold, wouldn't you expect to have to sift through a lot of worthless material before ever finding it?
It's not god's fault that deformed babies are born?
Yeah, they sure want to give the "intelligent designer" all the credit...until the design flaws are pointed out. Then it's time to dance the two step and make up silly shit.
Einstein believed in Intelligent Design. He didn't make up "silly shit".
It was a personal belief, not something he had actually proven. So yes, Einstein did believe in silly shit.
Oh, for sure. Einstein was just some nut....yup.....
It was a personal feeling for which he had no proof. That's ok. Relax. Doesn't mean he's a retard. Just has a normal imagination...
God"s judgement for sin in the world isn't "murder". I explained to you God created and can do whatever he wants with His creation because He's God. I also explained to you that God isn't evil, God is love. Do you have any new point to make or argument, or are you just going to repeat yourself?
What god did is murder, mass murder. He was trying to erase his earlier mistakes when he created man. Apparently, that didn't work either.
God can't make a mistake. God is perfect. Man makes mistakes. Man has free will. Do you believe there is such a thing as "sin"?
"God can't make a mistake", well, that's why he drowned nearly everyone, to start over with mankind. God also makes deformed babies. Nobody's perfect.
There's a reason for everything. Some people abuse their bodies and bad things happen. That's not God's fault. God isn't a puppet master. Honestly, you really have some warped ideas about God.
It's not god's fault that deformed babies are born? Then who is to blame?
So in your mind there can be no God because there are deformed babies?

Everyone dies too, right? Is that another reason to not believe in God too?

How do you know that either of these is a design flaw?
Einstein believed in Intelligent Design

Which is Einstein, making up silly shit.
Oh, for sure. Einstein was continually making up silly shit, huh.
No....why? You should really refine your logic and rhetoric.
Maybe you can use your superior intellect and logic to explain how Einstein and Spinoza did not believe in intelligent design?

In Spinozism, the concept of a personal relationship with God comes from the position that one is a part of an infinite interdependent "organism". Spinoza argued that everything is a derivative of God, interconnected with all of existence. Although humans only experience thought and extension, what happens to one aspect of existence will still affect others. Thus, Spinozism teaches a form of determinism and ecology and supports this as a basis for morality.[citation needed]

Additionally, a core doctrine of Spinozism is that the universe is essentially deterministic. All that happens or will happen could not have unfolded in any other way. Spinoza claimed that the third kind of knowledge, intuition, is the highest kind attainable. More specifically, he defined this as the ability for the human intellect to intuit knowledge based upon its accumulated understanding of the world around them.

Spinoza's metaphysics consists of one thing, substance, and its modifications (modes). Early in The Ethics Spinoza argues that there is only one substance, which is absolutely infinite, self-caused, and eternal. From this substance, however, follow an infinite number of attributes (the intellect perceiving an abstract concept or essence) and modes (things actually existing which follow from attributes and modes). He calls this substance "God", or "Nature". In fact, he takes these two terms to be synonymous (in the Latin the phrase he uses is "Deus sive Natura"), but readers often disregard his neutral monism. During his time, this statement was seen as literally equating the existing world with God – which is why he was accused of atheism. For Spinoza the whole of the natural universe is made of one substance, God, or, what's the same, Nature, and its modifications (modes).
In the beginning God created. God was there when there was nothing. Athiests are the most closed minded creatures on the planet.

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