God Damn !! - Maus banned in Tennnessee for curse words like "God damn!!"

a true to fact story is non fiction.

Nonfiction (also spelled non-fiction) is any document or media content that intends, in good faith, to present only truth and accuracy regarding information, events, or people. Nonfictional content may be presented either objectively or subjectively.


The holocaust did not involve mice. That is fiction, whether it is somebody's view on a historical event or not, it is fiction. The more you know. BTW, did you find an answer to post #24 yet?
The holocaust did not involve mice. That is fiction, whether it is somebody's view on a historical event or not, it is fiction. The more you know. BTW, did you find an answer to post #24 yet?
Oh yeah? Now you lie too.
i've been on this thread from the start. & i have been on topic all along, incel.

i busted you for plagiarism a short while ago ... just wondering if you did it again.
did you plagiarize ^^^ THAT ^^^ too?

What topic were those answering. Answer post #24 please.
The holocaust did not involve mice. That is fiction, whether it is somebody's view on a historical event or not, it is fiction.

it's a factual accurate account of real life events; as narrated by real life people who experienced those real life events first hand. therefore it's not a 'view'.

that makes it non fiction.

BTW, did you find an answer to post #24 yet?

wtf are you talking about? #24 is a bullshit reply by a trump humper.
Oh yeah? Now you lie too.

^^^ triggered. ^^^

i've been on this thread from the start. & i have been on topic all along, incel.


i busted you for plagiarism a short while ago ... just wondering if you did it again.
did you plagiarize ^^^ THAT ^^^ too?

lol... you're a busy little incel, arent'cha? 90% on topic...

why are YOU going off topic?

What topic were those answering. Answer post #24 please.

post #24 was a reply that didn't need any answer.
not at all.

sure we have.

it's stealing no matter where it happens.

well, if you can't be honest - then any & all credibility is gone & you'll be treated as if you have none.

Giuliani Associate Sentenced
Can you provide a link to where you "busted me for plagiarism" thanks.

I went back through 10 pages of responses to my posts and you weren't in there. When did this supposedly happen?
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it's a factual accurate account of real life events; as narrated by real life people who experienced those real life events first hand. therefore it's not a 'view'.

that makes it non fiction.

wtf are you talking about? #24 is a bullshit reply by a trump humper.
My bad, #244.
I wonder how many of you people who are pissed about the animal imagery in Maus felt about other books like Watership Down, or even Animal Farm?
Ha ha ha. Well we learned a lot about rough sweaty sex but no they werent on the curriculum. But the point remains. Kids have a lot more access to sex and violence these days. So the idea that they need protecting from a naked cartoon mouse is laughable.
My kids reading list from school was a bit dull in my opinion but I never dreamt of going in to complain. Teaching is a tough job and the teachers need support not being badgered by fucking cabbages
The right have made the schoolroom into a battlefield and I have to wonder why. They have obviously forgotten their own schooldays when they battled to keep the black kids out. Kids generally ignore their teachers and that is how it should be.

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Are these youngsters the same folk who banned Maus ?
Oh, I see…to oppose anything you’re in favor of must mean that those opposing are racist…You libs are so f*ing stupid.

To the good poster j-mac, you really don't hafta take poster 'braalian's word for it as being a pretty good book during the 30 years since first published.

Instead, take the Pulitzer committee's word:

  • "Critics have classified Maus as memoir, biography, history, fiction, autobiography, or a mix of genres. In 1992, it became the first (and to date only) graphic novel to win a Pulitzer Prize ....."
Why would I take their word for anything, considering the political slant they give to their award process?
Oh, I see…to oppose anything you’re in favor of must mean that those opposing are racist…You libs are so f*ing stupid.
Just examining the roots of this idiocy. Where did those teenage bigots go to ?
Just a couple observations:

The book isn't "banned." One school district in Tennessee elected not to continue it into the curriculum.

That decision, according to CNN, was due to rough objectionable language and a drawing of a nude woman. CNN itself chose not to quote the language nor show the nude drawing.


Because CNN made an editorial decision that its readers might find that offensive. Should CNN be excoriated as book burners?

I say no. Their venue their choice. Same for the McMinn County School Board.
Just examining the roots of this idiocy. Where did those teenage bigots go to ?
Don't know, don't care either....Do you? Or are you going to assume something about them because it's easy to denigrate your political opponents....?

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