God declares war on Christmas

Christmas is unbiblical, kiddos. That's why the Puritans banned it and fined anyone not doing a normal day's work. Among other things, Jesus was most likely born in the spring. Christmas is a Pagan holiday, as is the damn tree.
Christmas is unbiblical, kiddos. That's why the Puritans banned it and fined anyone not doing a normal day's work. Among other things, Jesus was most likely born in the spring. Christmas is a Pagan holiday, as is the damn tree.
I love Christmas :( just don't like the overload of commercialization of it.
Christmas is unbiblical, kiddos. That's why the Puritans banned it and fined anyone not doing a normal day's work. Among other things, Jesus was most likely born in the spring. Christmas is a Pagan holiday, as is the damn tree.
While that is true, if people want to celebrate it in remembrance of God sending his Son to die on the cross and redeem mankind, it is alright - after all, PMH........Every Day Is God's Day! He is the maker of Every Day of the Year - including December 25th.


Spell Syllables

SynonymsExamplesWord Origin

verb (used with object), idolized,idolizing.


to regard with blind adoration, devotion, etc.


to worship as a god.

Since when did we idolize trees? Loving trees is not idolizing.

Whats your take on it? Sounds like even in context it says dont idolize symbols.
Put this tree up and magically a saint will bring you gifts? Sounds like witchcraft to me.
You can interpret every word of the bible a thousand different way.

Let me know what the difference is between the new international version and the old.
One is the true word of God and the other is not. Stay with the KJV Bible.
No thats the worse one. Stay with the Torah.
I like what the Mormons preach. Joseph Smith asked God which Christian sect to join and God told him none, start your own because all the existing sects either lost their authority long ago or never had it to begin with.
You can interpret every word of the bible a thousand different way.

Let me know what the difference is between the new international version and the old.
One is the true word of God and the other is not. Stay with the KJV Bible.
No thats the worse one. Stay with the Torah.
I like what the Mormons preach. Joseph Smith asked God which Christian sect to join and God told him none, start your own because all the existing sects either lost their authority long ago or never had it to begin with.
Let me guess. Joseph Smith has not a shred of proof he was not having a delusion?
You can interpret every word of the bible a thousand different way.

Let me know what the difference is between the new international version and the old.
One is the true word of God and the other is not. Stay with the KJV Bible.
No thats the worse one. Stay with the Torah.
I like what the Mormons preach. Joseph Smith asked God which Christian sect to join and God told him none, start your own because all the existing sects either lost their authority long ago or never had it to begin with.
Seek the kingdom within your self. The written Words 'scrolls' that were put together are there to help guide you along.
You can interpret every word of the bible a thousand different way.

Let me know what the difference is between the new international version and the old.
One is the true word of God and the other is not. Stay with the KJV Bible.
No thats the worse one. Stay with the Torah.
I like what the Mormons preach. Joseph Smith asked God which Christian sect to join and God told him none, start your own because all the existing sects either lost their authority long ago or never had it to begin with.
Let me guess. Joseph Smith has not a shred of proof he was not having a delusion?
True but just like Jesus Mohammad and moses you don't have any evidence God talked to them either.
Don't the Mormon's believe Jesus visited Alabama at some point?

I know people are prone to believe almost anything but WTH junior.
You can interpret every word of the bible a thousand different way.

Let me know what the difference is between the new international version and the old.
One is the true word of God and the other is not. Stay with the KJV Bible.
No thats the worse one. Stay with the Torah.
I like what the Mormons preach. Joseph Smith asked God which Christian sect to join and God told him none, start your own because all the existing sects either lost their authority long ago or never had it to begin with.
Let me guess. Joseph Smith has not a shred of proof he was not having a delusion?
True but just like Jesus Mohammad and moses you don't have any evidence God talked to them either.
We celebrate the glory of God through the birth of Christ. And actually newest research and findings show that the 25th of December most likely to be the date. March 25th was the date of his immaculate conception, and December 25th, exactly 9 months later, his birth. It is also believed he was crucified on the same day as his conception.

Around 200 C.E. Tertullian of Carthage reported the calculation that the 14th of Nisan (the day of the crucifixion according to the Gospel of John) in the year Jesus diedc was equivalent to March 25 in the Roman (solar) calendar.9March 25 is, of course, nine months before December 25; it was later recognized as the Feast of the Annunciation—the commemoration of Jesus’ conception.10 Thus, Jesus was believed to have been conceived and crucified on the same day of the year. Exactly nine months later, Jesus was born, on December 25.d

This idea appears in an anonymous Christian treatise titled On Solstices and Equinoxes, which appears to come from fourth-century North Africa. The treatise states: “Therefore our Lord was conceived on the eighth of the kalends of April in the month of March [March 25], which is the day of the passion of the Lord and of his conception. For on that day he was conceived on the same he suffered.”11 Based on this, the treatise dates Jesus’ birth to the winter solstice.

Augustine, too, was familiar with this association. In On the Trinity (c. 399–419) he writes: “For he [Jesus] is believed to have been conceived on the 25th of March, upon which day also he suffered; so the womb of the Virgin, in which he was conceived, where no one of mortals was begotten, corresponds to the new grave in which he was buried, wherein was never man laid, neither before him nor since. But he was born, according to tradition, upon December the 25th.”12

Christmas is unbiblical, kiddos. That's why the Puritans banned it and fined anyone not doing a normal day's work. Among other things, Jesus was most likely born in the spring. Christmas is a Pagan holiday, as is the damn tree.
That's nice. But Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus any more. It's about a fat white guy that lives in the north pole, uses reindeer to get around, and hauls toys to good kids while bad ones get treated like Cain...supposedly.

It's all a crock to get your money. Once, it MAY have had more spiritual value but now? Pffffffffffffft.
That's nice. But Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus any more. It's about a fat white guy that lives in the north pole, uses reindeer to get around, and hauls toys to good kids while bad ones get treated like Cain...supposedly.

It's all a crock to get your money. Once, it MAY have had more spiritual value but now? Pffffffffffffft.
What about giving and family? I'm watching Charlie Brown Xmas right now. I hated them growing up but for the first time ever I get it. Reminds me of my childhood. Took me 45 years I finally get it!

Get in the holiday spirit, damn it! Lol
Christmas is unbiblical, kiddos. That's why the Puritans banned it and fined anyone not doing a normal day's work. Among other things, Jesus was most likely born in the spring. Christmas is a Pagan holiday, as is the damn tree.
While that is true, if people want to celebrate it in remembrance of God sending his Son to die on the cross and redeem mankind, it is alright - after all, PMH........Every Day Is God's Day! He is the maker of Every Day of the Year - including December 25th.
Jesus isn't God nor is he the reason for the season...

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