God Help Us All: Captain America Is Now A Negro!

WinterBorn, although inspired by several slaves, Kunta Kinte was essentially a work of fiction, as no one true source can be attributed to the character. Would you dismiss the likely outrage from Black America if he was portrayed as White as easily as you are with Captain America?

Kunta Kinte? Really??

Look, while Kunta Kinte may not have actually existed, per se, there were plenty of examples of essentially the same thing happening.

Kunta was captured in Africa, brought over on a slave ship, and sold in the United States. The fundamental reason that happened was because of his race. Were any whites captured in Africa and sold in the US? No. So the idea of a white Kunta Kinte is ridiculous. And Black America cherishes the character because it addresses what actually happened to their ancestors. Any white people you know have ancestors who were medically transformed into super heros???

And Capt America was a soldier who was medically augmented to become a super hero. The medical part is fiction. There were plenty of black soldiers.

Capt America is a patriot and fights for truth & justice. Any of that race specific???

Your comparison is ridiculous.

Kunta Kinte is still a work of fiction, as is Captain America. And Captain America is cherished by White America, as he's an expression of the White race's achievement(s). Much the same as Kunta Kinte and his (fictional) story is in honour of the suffering Black slaves endured during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The comparison is not "ridiculous".
WinterBorn, although inspired by several slaves, Kunta Kinte was essentially a work of fiction, as no one true source can be attributed to the character. Would you dismiss the likely outrage from Black America if he was portrayed as White as easily as you are with Captain America?

Kunta Kinte? Really??

Look, while Kunta Kinte may not have actually existed, per se, there were plenty of examples of essentially the same thing happening.

Kunta was captured in Africa, brought over on a slave ship, and sold in the United States. The fundamental reason that happened was because of his race. Were any whites captured in Africa and sold in the US? No. So the idea of a white Kunta Kinte is ridiculous. And Black America cherishes the character because it addresses what actually happened to their ancestors. Any white people you know have ancestors who were medically transformed into super heros???

And Capt America was a soldier who was medically augmented to become a super hero. The medical part is fiction. There were plenty of black soldiers.

Capt America is a patriot and fights for truth & justice. Any of that race specific???

Your comparison is ridiculous.

Kunta Kinte is still a work of fiction, as is Captain America. And Captain America is cherished by White America, as he's an expression of the White race's achievement(s). Much the same as Kunta Kinte and his (fictional) story is in honour of the suffering Black slaves endured during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The comparison is not "ridiculous".

I suspect many on the right feel the same about Hitler.
Kunta Kinte? Really??

Look, while Kunta Kinte may not have actually existed, per se, there were plenty of examples of essentially the same thing happening.

Kunta was captured in Africa, brought over on a slave ship, and sold in the United States. The fundamental reason that happened was because of his race. Were any whites captured in Africa and sold in the US? No. So the idea of a white Kunta Kinte is ridiculous. And Black America cherishes the character because it addresses what actually happened to their ancestors. Any white people you know have ancestors who were medically transformed into super heros???

And Capt America was a soldier who was medically augmented to become a super hero. The medical part is fiction. There were plenty of black soldiers.

Capt America is a patriot and fights for truth & justice. Any of that race specific???

Your comparison is ridiculous.

Kunta Kinte is still a work of fiction, as is Captain America. And Captain America is cherished by White America, as he's an expression of the White race's achievement(s). Much the same as Kunta Kinte and his (fictional) story is in honour of the suffering Black slaves endured during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The comparison is not "ridiculous".

I suspect many on the right feel the same about Hitler.

Perhaps. But not as much as the left feels about Stalin.
WinterBorn, although inspired by several slaves, Kunta Kinte was essentially a work of fiction, as no one true source can be attributed to the character. Would you dismiss the likely outrage from Black America if he was portrayed as White as easily as you are with Captain America?

Kunta Kinte? Really??

Look, while Kunta Kinte may not have actually existed, per se, there were plenty of examples of essentially the same thing happening.

Kunta was captured in Africa, brought over on a slave ship, and sold in the United States. The fundamental reason that happened was because of his race. Were any whites captured in Africa and sold in the US? No. So the idea of a white Kunta Kinte is ridiculous. And Black America cherishes the character because it addresses what actually happened to their ancestors. Any white people you know have ancestors who were medically transformed into super heros???

And Capt America was a soldier who was medically augmented to become a super hero. The medical part is fiction. There were plenty of black soldiers.

Capt America is a patriot and fights for truth & justice. Any of that race specific???

Your comparison is ridiculous.

Kunta Kinte is still a work of fiction, as is Captain America. And Captain America is cherished by White America, as he's an expression of the White race's achievement(s). Much the same as Kunta Kinte and his (fictional) story is in honour of the suffering Black slaves endured during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The comparison is not "ridiculous".

Of course the comparison is ridiculous.

First of all, Kunta Kinte, while technically fictional, is an amalgamation of actual humans who were captured in Africa and sold in the US. That is exclusively a black tragedy, since it could not have happened to a white man. The character is meant to represent slaves.

Capt America is not meant represent white Americans, but all Americans. He is not the hero because he is white. He was medically transformed to become a super hero. They chose a US soldier for the experiment. They could have just as easily chosen a black soldier.

And one of the fictional characters mentioned above is based on actual events, while the other is pure imagination. That makes a difference as well.

So yes, your comparison is ridiculous.
I think its stupid to replace him, particularly when its soley a race based decision, but if he doesnt have the super soldier serum running through his veins, that is fucking gay. You cant be captain america if you dont have his powers.

Well, over the years, the super soldier serum has worn off. Over the last 20 years in the comics, Cap has pretty much been just the most athletic person in the world, with no powers to speak of.
I think its stupid to replace him, particularly when its soley a race based decision, but if he doesnt have the super soldier serum running through his veins, that is fucking gay. You cant be captain america if you dont have his powers.

What makes you say it's "solely a race based decision"?

This isn't the 70s anymore. Black superheroes aren't "shocking" any more, except to those few still obsessed with race.

Hey now, I'm not obsessed with race, but Nick Fury is white, except in the Ultimate universe. He was white when I was kid, he was white when I was an adult, and if it wasn't for David Hasselhoff, he would still be white in the movies.(though Samuel L. Jackson does a fine job).

I got an idea. Let's make Reed Richards a Hispanic, Sue Storm and Johnny Storm mixed race siblings(being done now), and Ben Grimm an Asian-Indian. That would be politically correct wouldn't it?
Of course they are making a statement, thats why unlike in the past, nowadays they have big press releases to show the world how diverse they are. Notice how its always a white male being changed? Name the last time they replaced a woman, a black person or gay person, with a hetrosexual white male... and if you can think of an example of it, was there a big press release about it? Yeah, I didnt think so.

OF COURSE THEY ARE MAKING A STATEMENT!!!! How can you not see that?

How does that make you feel? The social brainwashing that convinced generations of white children they were superior and Black children they were inferior is fading away. This is just the start. Will you be able to deal with that?

Your problem is you think im a racist, because your hate of white people blinds you (I beleieve you call them cave apes). I dont give a fuck what color a comic book character is. My beef is with corny douche bags making political statements by changing characters into something they never were. I dont need my comics to make political statements.

Comic books have been politikin for decades. Remember the gun issue of Green Lantern/Green Arrow. Check out the cover for Astonishing Tales 25, first appearance of Deathlok, notice him hanging on a cross. Politics goes with comics books, always have, always will. I just can't stand them changing the characters when they go to the big screen with them.


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Have you ever read a comic?

There's no "statement" being made. "Classic" comic book characters change all the fucking time, and no one has given a shit what race they are in decades.

There's been at least 3 Batmans, 6 or 7 Green Lanterns, 2 or 3 Spidermans, 4 or 5 Iron Mans. Nearly every major comic book character has died, or was replaced by someone else for some amount of time.

Even Superman died at one point - and was replaced by a black guy, among others.
Of course they are making a statement, thats why unlike in the past, nowadays they have big press releases to show the world how diverse they are. Notice how its always a white male being changed? Name the last time they replaced a woman, a black person or gay person, with a hetrosexual white male... and if you can think of an example of it, was there a big press release about it? Yeah, I didnt think so.

OF COURSE THEY ARE MAKING A STATEMENT!!!! How can you not see that?

"Unlike in the past"?

Marvel and DC have released press releases every time there's a major change for decades. There's nothing new or remarkable about it.

As for your example, John Stewart (black guy!) was replaced by Kyle Rayner (white guy!) as Green Lantern.

The only people who care what race the new Captain America is are those who have a problem with it.

OY! you know nothing of comic books. Stewart replaced Jordan(white guy), who replaced Alan Scott(white guy), and by the way, there are pink, purple, yellow, and red Green Lanterns as well.

Your example basically says, well the black guy took over so now if a white guy takes it back from him, that's racist. Well, That's a stupid comment.
I love this line from the article:

In November, Superior Iron Man #1 sends Tony Stark to San Francisco with a new outfit and a new perspective on life.

"Superior" Iron Man. Yeah, definitely sounds like a liberal !

Goin' to San Francisco, to get me some new "perspective" ! :lol:

UGH! I can't stand the Superior Spider-Man storyline and that one actually makes sense. You see, Doc Ock killed Peter Parker and assumed his place as Spidey, and doc ock is pretty well insane, anyway, Superior Iron Man is just gonna be Marvel trying to sell more drek.
I agree with the decision on Captain America and somewhat with Thor. See, Thor's powers were once a part of Thor himself, but as the story goes (if you've watched the Thor movies) his father Odin strips him of his powers and seals them in the hammer, Mjolnir for his brash actions, "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor," he said. Also, if you pay closer attention; in a crossover with Superman, he picks up the hammer and is granted the powers. So did the Incredible Hulk, and even (this is where it makes perfect sense) Captain America picks up the hammer and is deemed worthy. That's the comicbook version. And that is where it parts with traditional Norse Mythology.

In Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, Thor was the name of a Norse God, not a title that could be granted to another person. The Hammer possessed no sentience either, so it could not "deem worthy" anyone to wield it. In Prose Edda, the Hammer was a gift to him by the Dwarven brothers, Sindri and Brokkr, after creating the weapon in a bet with Loki. As stated here:

“Then he gave the hammer to Thor, and said that Thor might smite as hard as he desired, whatsoever might be before him, and the hammer would not fail; and if he threw it at anything, it would never miss, and never fly so far as not to return to his hand; and if be desired, he might keep it in his sark, it was so small; but indeed it was a flaw in the hammer that the fore-haft was somewhat short.”

It was in the Poetic Edda where Marvel got the idea to turn Thor into a woman. There, the giant king Thrym stole Mjolnir and buried it 'eight miles down' so that only he could reach it. The only way he would part with it was if he could marry Freyja. She refused, so Loki and Heimdall dressed Thor in bridal attire to pass him off as Freyja and trick the giant king into giving them the hammer. During the wedding ceremony though Thrym places Mjolnir on what he believed to be Freyja's lap to begin the wedding oath, the male Thor slew Thrym (plus everyone else attending the wedding) and retook possession of Mjolnir.

I don't know why people are getting so riled up about it. Hell, you have to be a comic book geek and a total nerd like me to pick up on stuff like that.
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Kunta Kinte? Really??

Look, while Kunta Kinte may not have actually existed, per se, there were plenty of examples of essentially the same thing happening.

Kunta was captured in Africa, brought over on a slave ship, and sold in the United States. The fundamental reason that happened was because of his race. Were any whites captured in Africa and sold in the US? No. So the idea of a white Kunta Kinte is ridiculous. And Black America cherishes the character because it addresses what actually happened to their ancestors. Any white people you know have ancestors who were medically transformed into super heros???

And Capt America was a soldier who was medically augmented to become a super hero. The medical part is fiction. There were plenty of black soldiers.

Capt America is a patriot and fights for truth & justice. Any of that race specific???

Your comparison is ridiculous.

Kunta Kinte is still a work of fiction, as is Captain America. And Captain America is cherished by White America, as he's an expression of the White race's achievement(s). Much the same as Kunta Kinte and his (fictional) story is in honour of the suffering Black slaves endured during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The comparison is not "ridiculous".

I suspect many on the right feel the same about Hitler.

:lol: That's funny coming from someone who doesn't believe in the Holocaust.
I agree with the decision on Captain America and Thor. See, Thor's powers were once a part of Thor himself, but as the story goes (if you've watched the Thor movies) his father Odin strips him of his powers and seals them in the hammer, Mjolnir for his brash actions, "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor," he said. Also, if you pay closer attention; in a crossover with Superman, he picks up the hammer and is granted the powers. So did the Incredible Hulk, and even (this is where it makes perfect sense) Captain America picks up the hammer and is deemed worthy by the hammer.

I don't know why people are getting so riled up about it. Hell, you have to be a comic book geek and a total nerd like me to pick up on stuff like that.

I liked the Beta Ray Bill Storyline, some of the people on here would go crazy considering he was an undocumented illegal alien immigrant. Key word 'alien'. :lol:
Ah yes, there were plenty of other choices in Norse Mythology to choose from, instead of giving Thor a sex change, namely Freyja herself. She was the Norse goddess of Beauty, Love, and War. In some circles, some of the Valkyries are considered to be Thor's daughters. I don't mind it too much, but they did just screw Thor's character up badly. Had they stayed in line with Norse mythology, he could still be a man, and Freyja could have been a completely separate character.
WinterBorn, although inspired by several slaves, Kunta Kinte was essentially a work of fiction, as no one true source can be attributed to the character. Would you dismiss the likely outrage from Black America if he was portrayed as White as easily as you are with Captain America?

Kunta Kinte? Really??

Look, while Kunta Kinte may not have actually existed, per se, there were plenty of examples of essentially the same thing happening.

Kunta was captured in Africa, brought over on a slave ship, and sold in the United States. The fundamental reason that happened was because of his race. Were any whites captured in Africa and sold in the US? No. So the idea of a white Kunta Kinte is ridiculous. And Black America cherishes the character because it addresses what actually happened to their ancestors. Any white people you know have ancestors who were medically transformed into super heros???

And Capt America was a soldier who was medically augmented to become a super hero. The medical part is fiction. There were plenty of black soldiers.

Capt America is a patriot and fights for truth & justice. Any of that race specific???

Your comparison is ridiculous.

Kunta Kinte is still a work of fiction, as is Captain America. And Captain America is cherished by White America, as he's an expression of the White race's achievement(s). Much the same as Kunta Kinte and his (fictional) story is in honour of the suffering Black slaves endured during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The comparison is not "ridiculous".

It is rediculous, because Captain America was not the embodiment of white achievement(s), he was the embodiment of American achievement, as you can tell quite noticeably, he was engineered to help defeat Hydra, not promote white supremacy.
And as far as I know, there are two black superheroes in the Marvel Universe, one being the Black Panther, and the other being The Falcon. I two others in the DC universe as well, named Static Shock, based off of the Milestone Media Static comics, and Cyborg. However, I can see how The Falcon could become the next Captain America.
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To all intents and purposes, the Statue of Liberty and what it stands for are as fictional as Captain America. How would you feel if it was replaced by a statue of a Black woman, Jake?
Such a thought is not important to me. How would you feel? Do you think it needs to be replaced? With what? Please explain

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