God Help Us All: Captain America Is Now A Negro!

Then, I would suggest for yours and liberals sakes, that you stop using race as a platform in campaigns. Clearly you believe in such a concept.

What are you talking about?

You are a liberal are you not? Did your party in fact use the concept of race to get Obama elected? Do they still not use the concept of race to bludgeon others on social issues? So, in turn, do you acknowledge that you belong to a group who believes in the concept of race, thusly betraying your positions on the subject? As far as I see, liberals use the concept of race to make others feel inferior.

I see you are brought your jump to conclusions mat with you.: :lol:

I'm not a democrat though I do lean more liberal. No the democratic party did not use race as a platform. All races voted for the POTUS. How do you think he won not once but twice? Just because you see something doesn't make what conclusion you came to correct. Your feeling inferior is a personal issue due to something that occured in your childhood most likely. Don't blame that on liberals.
Use any anthropological reference/source you like...see if "human" is a "race" or a "species".

Who wrote this anthropological reference and when did they get my buy in?

Your "buy in" is completely irrelevant to the issue.

Human is a species, not a race.

In order for that to be true you would need my buy in. Humans are a species and a race. Race is not really a valid term. Its only used to attempt to point out difference due to regional variations. I said so. Sorry you dont understand that.
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In order for that to be true you would need my buy in.

No..that's not how reality works. It has nothing to do with what you "like" or "believe".
They are anthropological facts.

Humans are a species and a race.

You can chant that all day long...doesn't change the truth.

Race is not really a valid term.

It's not? You should inform the u.s. govt. that all their race based programs for artificially elevating negroes is fraudulent and you want AA abolished immediately.

Are you saying that the only difference between races is skin color?
What are you talking about?

You are a liberal are you not? Did your party in fact use the concept of race to get Obama elected? Do they still not use the concept of race to bludgeon others on social issues? So, in turn, do you acknowledge that you belong to a group who believes in the concept of race, thusly betraying your positions on the subject? As far as I see, liberals use the concept of race to make others feel inferior.

I see you are brought your jump to conclusions mat with you.: :lol:

I'm not a democrat though I do lean more liberal. No the democratic party did not use race as a platform. All races voted for the POTUS. How do you think he won not once but twice? Just because you see something doesn't make what conclusion you came to correct. Your feeling inferior is a personal issue due to something that occured in your childhood most likely. Don't blame that on liberals.

So, I wonder why anyone who disagreed with Obama in 2008 was labeled racist on the spot? Seriously? Do you see how the NAACP acts? Why did over 90+% of the black population vote for Obama instead of McCain/Romney? Race.

And how dare you bring my personal life into this discussion?
In order for that to be true you would need my buy in.

No..that's not how reality works. It has nothing to do with what you "like" or "believe".
They are anthropological facts.

Humans are a species and a race.

You can chant that all day long...doesn't change the truth.

Race is not really a valid term.

It's not? You should inform the u.s. govt. that all their race based programs for artificially elevating negroes is fraudulent and you want AA abolished immediately.

Are you saying that the only difference between races is skin color?

Race is a social construct made up to distinguish between people that have inherited different genetic/physical features due to regional adaptations. Nothing you or the insecure inventors of the term race can say will change that. Sorry guy.
Steven_McGarrett, who once said the was 1/32d black has a dog in this hunt, as did Hitler who feared he had Jewish blood.

The OP is interesting in that it brings out the weirdies in America.

....there is only one race and that is human.


". (although negroids, due to the absence of neanderthal DNA are often considered subhumans.)

I would like to see any link providing scientific evidence of the quote above (in bold print).

Pick any source you like. Here's one;
Neanderthal DNA And Modern Humans - Business Insider

By comparing the Neanderthal genome to modern human DNA, the authors of two new studies, both published on Wednesday, show how DNA that humans have inherited from breeding with Neanderthals has shaped us.

Modern humans, Neanderthals, and their sister lineage, Denisovans, descended from a common ancestor. The ancestors of modern humans broke off from this single branch more than 500,000 years ago. The Neanderthals split from the Denisovans some time later. The Neanderthals formed their own lineage that lived in Europe and Asia from around 200,000 years ago to 30,000 years ago.

Indigenous Africans have little or no Neanderthal DNA since their ancestors did not breed with Neanderthals who lived in Europe and Asia, according to researchers. The Harvard team determined that specific genetic material was passed down from Neanderthals if it appeared in some non-Africans and the Neanderthal sequence, but not the sub-Saharan Africans.

A related study published in Science, led by Benjamin Vernot from the University of Washington, used a different technique to draw similar conclusions. They estimate that any living human today who is not from Africa inherited 1% to 3% of their genomes from Neanderthals, while the total amount of Neanderthal genome that survived across all modern populations is 20%, the report says.
You are a liberal are you not? Did your party in fact use the concept of race to get Obama elected? Do they still not use the concept of race to bludgeon others on social issues? So, in turn, do you acknowledge that you belong to a group who believes in the concept of race, thusly betraying your positions on the subject? As far as I see, liberals use the concept of race to make others feel inferior.

I see you are brought your jump to conclusions mat with you.: :lol:

I'm not a democrat though I do lean more liberal. No the democratic party did not use race as a platform. All races voted for the POTUS. How do you think he won not once but twice? Just because you see something doesn't make what conclusion you came to correct. Your feeling inferior is a personal issue due to something that occured in your childhood most likely. Don't blame that on liberals.

So, I wonder why anyone who disagreed with Obama in 2008 was labeled racist on the spot? Seriously? Do you see how the NAACP acts? Why did over 90+% of the black population vote for Obama instead of McCain/Romney? Race.

And how dare you bring my personal life into this discussion?

Probably because they were in fact racist or said something that could be construed as racist.

What does the NAACP have to do with anything?

The same reason more than 60%+ of every other racial category voted for the POTUS except white people?

Keep you panties on. You are the one that brought up your inferiority complex.
". (although negroids, due to the absence of neanderthal DNA are often considered subhumans.)

I would like to see any link providing scientific evidence of the quote above (in bold print).

Pick any source you like. Here's one;
Neanderthal DNA And Modern Humans - Business Insider

By comparing the Neanderthal genome to modern human DNA, the authors of two new studies, both published on Wednesday, show how DNA that humans have inherited from breeding with Neanderthals has shaped us.

Modern humans, Neanderthals, and their sister lineage, Denisovans, descended from a common ancestor. The ancestors of modern humans broke off from this single branch more than 500,000 years ago. The Neanderthals split from the Denisovans some time later. The Neanderthals formed their own lineage that lived in Europe and Asia from around 200,000 years ago to 30,000 years ago.

Indigenous Africans have little or no Neanderthal DNA since their ancestors did not breed with Neanderthals who lived in Europe and Asia, according to researchers. The Harvard team determined that specific genetic material was passed down from Neanderthals if it appeared in some non-Africans and the Neanderthal sequence, but not the sub-Saharan Africans.

A related study published in Science, led by Benjamin Vernot from the University of Washington, used a different technique to draw similar conclusions. They estimate that any living human today who is not from Africa inherited 1% to 3% of their genomes from Neanderthals, while the total amount of Neanderthal genome that survived across all modern populations is 20%, the report says.

May I mention, as a neutral party in this discussion, that this article makes no mention of anyone being 'subhuman' due to the lack of Neanderthal DNA? There is no such thing as 'subhuman' other than for its derogatory and pejorative usage. It merely says that Indigenous Africans have little or no Neanderthal DNA because they did not breed with them. It says nothing about them being subhuman. I attribute this to you intentionally (or unintentionally) misreading the article, or any related case studies on the subject. It is also important to note the progenitors of the human species ARE FROM AFRICA.
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You must be a miserable person, living as a racist day after day. I feel sorry for you.
I see you are brought your jump to conclusions mat with you.: :lol:

I'm not a democrat though I do lean more liberal. No the democratic party did not use race as a platform. All races voted for the POTUS. How do you think he won not once but twice? Just because you see something doesn't make what conclusion you came to correct. Your feeling inferior is a personal issue due to something that occured in your childhood most likely. Don't blame that on liberals.

So, I wonder why anyone who disagreed with Obama in 2008 was labeled racist on the spot? Seriously? Do you see how the NAACP acts? Why did over 90+% of the black population vote for Obama instead of McCain/Romney? Race.

And how dare you bring my personal life into this discussion?

Probably because they were in fact racist or said something that could be construed as racist.

What does the NAACP have to do with anything?

The same reason more than 60%+ of every other racial category voted for the POTUS except white people?

Keep you panties on. You are the one that brought up your inferiority complex.

Eh, no. You did.

Asclepias said:
Actually I do. i just don't subscribe to certain terms unless they ease communication. If you believe in the concept of race you are actually saying you believe you are inferior.
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So, I wonder why anyone who disagreed with Obama in 2008 was labeled racist on the spot? Seriously? Do you see how the NAACP acts? Why did over 90+% of the black population vote for Obama instead of McCain/Romney? Race.

And how dare you bring my personal life into this discussion?

Probably because they were in fact racist or said something that could be construed as racist.

What does the NAACP have to do with anything?

The same reason more than 60%+ of every other racial category voted for the POTUS except white people?

Keep you panties on. You are the one that brought up your inferiority complex.

Eh, no. You did.

Sorry guy you did. Please quote where I said anything to you before this.

As far as I see, liberals use the concept of race to make others feel inferior.
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When he gets cornered he always resorts to that type of "tactic" as a distraction.

Of course he does. And if it weren't for his lack of rep, I would neg him.

Sorry you cant relieve your frustration. Thats specifically why its off. You have to actually confront me with something factual or quit talking to me.

Actually, I have taken both you and Rota to task for your inaccuracies on race.

And I will speak to whomever I wish, whenever I wish. You can put me on ignore if you cannot withstand my onslaught. Otherwise, quit making outrageous statements about my personal life and get with the program. Got it?
I would like to see any link providing scientific evidence of the quote above (in bold print).

Pick any source you like. Here's one;
Neanderthal DNA And Modern Humans - Business Insider

By comparing the Neanderthal genome to modern human DNA, the authors of two new studies, both published on Wednesday, show how DNA that humans have inherited from breeding with Neanderthals has shaped us.

Modern humans, Neanderthals, and their sister lineage, Denisovans, descended from a common ancestor. The ancestors of modern humans broke off from this single branch more than 500,000 years ago. The Neanderthals split from the Denisovans some time later. The Neanderthals formed their own lineage that lived in Europe and Asia from around 200,000 years ago to 30,000 years ago.

Indigenous Africans have little or no Neanderthal DNA since their ancestors did not breed with Neanderthals who lived in Europe and Asia, according to researchers. The Harvard team determined that specific genetic material was passed down from Neanderthals if it appeared in some non-Africans and the Neanderthal sequence, but not the sub-Saharan Africans.

A related study published in Science, led by Benjamin Vernot from the University of Washington, used a different technique to draw similar conclusions. They estimate that any living human today who is not from Africa inherited 1% to 3% of their genomes from Neanderthals, while the total amount of Neanderthal genome that survived across all modern populations is 20%, the report says.

May I mention, as a neutral party in this discussion, that this article makes no mention of anyone being 'subhuman' due to the lack of Neanderthal DNA? There is no such thing as 'subhuman' other than for its derogatory and pejorative usage. It merely says that Indigenous Africans have little or no Neanderthal DNA because they did not breed with them. It says nothing about them being subhuman. I attribute this to you intentionally (or unintentionally) misreading the article, or any related case studies on the subject.

Word games?..Ok...

In the 2nd paragraph it refers to "modern humans" having neanderthal DNA.

If one can't be classified as a "modern human"...what word would you prefer? "almost human".."semi human".."pretty close to human"?..dress it up any way you like.

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