GOD help us

Donald Trump: Bringing more godless liberals to see the light, than any televangelist could possibly accomplish.

He even convinced Hillary to turn her life around, you know. :biggrin:

Televangelist are pathetic thief's. Also if Trump and his supporters are supposedly Christian, I shall denounce my faith, but I know they are just pretending.

What "faith"? Christianity and abortion are mutually-exclusive.

You do support abortion, right?
INTOLERANCE and Christianity are mutually exclusive, obsessive dunce. It's about choice. You'd prefer 10k women dying a year at the hands of butchers like the good old days? Free BC with ACA already cutting abortions by 40%...

Bite me, hater dupe. Your country is in chaos and free fall while the US is A-OK and hunky-dory.

Haha! :p
What country is that? The GOP put the USA in chaos and free fall in 2008- doing it again now....so feqqed up, dupe.
except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "
Just remember

4 years max

America will survive trump

and even better

America has been taught a very valuable lesson about candidates like trump

Didn't seem to learn much from Obama, eh? You even tried running a candidate whose administration would have been nothing more than a continuation of his policies.

How well did that work out for you?
You mean two real landslides and retiring beloved by the American people after eight full years as President and term limited?

That Obama?

Beloved by all Americans? I don't think so. Thugs and marxists, maybe.
Not brainwashed racist hater dupe morons anyway...
except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "
Well, maybe the Democrats could put forth some effort into not being so repellent before 2020 so that he can be voted out.
Only on Fox/Rush etc etc bs character assassination propaganda machine, dupe.

Nobody is falling for this shit.

It's stale.

Give us something a little more...


How's the Hillary prosecutor coming, superdupe? Funny how the US Justice system can't find anything on the most corrupt politician ever...You people, and Trump it appears, are the dumbest a-holes ever...Oooops, see sig last line.
Here criminal conduct has been exposed in the hearings.

She has committed gross negligence under the Espionage Act, and perjury for lying to congress under oath. That's aside from bribery and racketeering.
Link, dupe? Total bs.
Well, maybe the Democrats could put forth some effort into not being so repellent before 2020 so that he can be voted out.
Only on Fox/Rush etc etc bs character assassination propaganda machine, dupe.

Nobody is falling for this shit.

It's stale.

Give us something a little more...


How's the Hillary prosecutor coming, superdupe? Funny how the US Justice system can't find anything on the most corrupt politician ever...You people, and Trump it appears, are the dumbest a-holes ever...Oooops, see sig last line.
Here criminal conduct has been exposed in the hearings.

She has committed gross negligence under the Espionage Act, and perjury for lying to congress under oath. That's aside from bribery and racketeering.
Link, dupe? Total bs.

except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "
Well, maybe the Democrats could put forth some effort into not being so repellent before 2020 so that he can be voted out.
Only on Fox/Rush etc etc bs character assassination propaganda machine, dupe.
Obviously, someone like you wouldn't understand that post, dupe.
except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "
Well, maybe the Democrats could put forth some effort into not being so repellent before 2020 so that he can be voted out.
Only on Fox/Rush etc etc bs character assassination propaganda machine, dupe.

Nobody is falling for this shit.

It's stale.

Give us something a little more...


He's doing his best.
except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "
Well, maybe the Democrats could put forth some effort into not being so repellent before 2020 so that he can be voted out.
Two sided coin?
Of course, as always.

But the Democrats somehow found a way to be even more repellent than Trump. That's quite an accomplishment right there.

And the narcissistic Regressives who control the party refuse to see it.

And so here we are.
Last edited:
Donald Trump: Bringing more godless liberals to see the light, than any televangelist could possibly accomplish.

He even convinced Hillary to turn her life around, you know. :biggrin:

Televangelist are pathetic thief's. Also if Trump and his supporters are supposedly Christian, I shall denounce my faith, but I know they are just pretending.

What "faith"? Christianity and abortion are mutually-exclusive.

You do support abortion, right?
INTOLERANCE and Christianity are mutually exclusive, obsessive dunce. It's about choice. You'd prefer 10k women dying a year at the hands of butchers like the good old days? Free BC with ACA already cutting abortions by 40%...
INTOLERANCE and Christianity are mutually exclusive, obsessive dunce. It's about choice. You'd prefer 10k women dying a year at the hands of butchers like the good old days? Free BC with ACA already cutting abortions by 40%...
Fuck you!
You prefer millions of babies be butchered each year instead

BC was already free before ACA asshole!

If you can't afford BC, how can you afford to have an abortion?
Keep your fucking legs shut and have some respect for yourself.

God isn't a killjoy, he knows the consequences of foolish choices

We live in a Godless society
and we are reaping the consequences of it!
except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "

Democrats Booed G-d, remember?
Donald Trump: Bringing more godless liberals to see the light, than any televangelist could possibly accomplish.

He even convinced Hillary to turn her life around, you know. :biggrin:

Televangelist are pathetic thief's. Also if Trump and his supporters are supposedly Christian, I shall denounce my faith, but I know they are just pretending.

What "faith"? Christianity and abortion are mutually-exclusive.

You do support abortion, right?
INTOLERANCE and Christianity are mutually exclusive, obsessive dunce. It's about choice. You'd prefer 10k women dying a year at the hands of butchers like the good old days? Free BC with ACA already cutting abortions by 40%...
INTOLERANCE and Christianity are mutually exclusive, obsessive dunce. It's about choice. You'd prefer 10k women dying a year at the hands of butchers like the good old days? Free BC with ACA already cutting abortions by 40%...
Fuck you!
You prefer millions of babies be butchered each year instead

BC was already free before ACA asshole!

If you can't afford BC, how can you afford to have an abortion?
Keep your fucking legs shut and have some respect for yourself.

God isn't a killjoy, he knows the consequences of foolish choices

We live in a Godless society
and we are reaping the consequences of it!

Move to Saudi Arabia, they enforce religion there.
What? Me worry?
James R. Clapper Jr., former national intelligence director, questioned President Trump’s fitness for office following his freewheeling speech in Phoenix on Tuesday night, which Clapper labeled “downright scary and disturbing.”

“I really question his ability to be — his fitness to be — in this office,” Clapper told CNN’s Don Lemon early Wednesday morning. “I also am beginning to wonder about his motivation for it — maybe he is looking for a way out.”

In Trump’s remarks, delivered without a teleprompter, the president threatened to shut down the government over funding for the border wall he promised, opined that the North American Free Trade Agreement will likely be terminated and hinted he might pardon former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, convicted last month of criminal contempt.

Play Video 2:50

Trump's turbulent Phoenix rally, in 3 minutes
President Trump gave a contentious speech at a campaign rally in Phoenix on Aug. 22, attacking the media, GOP senators and "obstructionist" Democrats. Here are the highlights.(Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post)
Clapper said watching Trump’s speech, he worried about the president’s access to nuclear codes.

“In a fit of pique he decides to do something about Kim Jong Un, there’s actually very little to stop him,” Clapper said, referencing North Korea’s leader. “The whole system is built to ensure rapid response if necessary. So there’s very little in the way of controls over exercising a nuclear option, which is pretty damn scary.”
except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "
Just remember

4 years max

America will survive trump

and even better

America has been taught a very valuable lesson about candidates like trump

Your naivete is adorable, Hillary would have been SO much better, right?
Snow White Hillary's popular vote landslide makes her America's choice!

Only to the whiny children who do not like the rules. That's you diaper boy. Oh yes, Trump sucks. ;)
except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "
Just remember

4 years max

America will survive trump

and even better

America has been taught a very valuable lesson about candidates like trump

Your naivete is adorable, Hillary would have been SO much better, right?
Snow White Hillary's popular vote landslide makes her America's choice!

Only to the whiny children who do not like the rules. That's you diaper boy. Oh yes, Trump sucks. ;)
Just curious How much does he have to suck for you to want him gone?
except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "
Imo, there is a legitimate sense of grievance by some Trump voters. Not about blacks taking something away or wanting reparations of something, because Trump voters who find the economy not rewarding them are actually eligible for the same aid everyone else is .... and yes I understand that many people of all races find it loathsome that they work and STILL qualify for stuff like Medicaid or food stamps. But workers' choices may be between using the ballot box to force the rich to pay taxes instead of providing benefits in pay checks. Absent some desire to reunionize, I think that's the only course they have.

New housing prices are going up faster than inflation or wages. Is that a result of the Mexicans going home, and "mericans not wanting those jobs? The guys who lost construction jobs in 2007 happen to be ten years older now. It's not good to be hauling 2x4's up a ladder after age 50. Are housebuilders finding guys who want to wear a toolbelt? There used to be a saying that if a guy is willing to wear the toolbelt, he'll always have a job. I don't know if the guys are there.

The manufacturing jobs are not coming back because .... wait for it .... machines do the jobs. It's not some Mexican or chinaman putting doors on Fords anymore .. and the same for washing machines. Trump is not, and never was, about making HC more available in rural Ohio or PA.

There is abuse of American workers with the HB1 visas. Yeah, some companies have brought in Asians who will undercut American's wages. But it seems to me that that is not really a significant number in overall job creation. We should demand employers show some need to bring in HB1 workers in terms of having unfilled jobs. But Trump is not even making that effort.

What concerns me more is that I think a lot of Trump voters will excuse his failures in policy achievements just so long as he keeps telling them that they are the deserving elite and complaining about the media and deep state.
except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "
Just remember

4 years max

America will survive trump

and even better

America has been taught a very valuable lesson about candidates like trump

Your naivete is adorable, Hillary would have been SO much better, right?
Snow White Hillary's popular vote landslide makes her America's choice!

Only to the whiny children who do not like the rules. That's you diaper boy. Oh yes, Trump sucks. ;)
Just curious How much does he have to suck for you to want him gone?

Hillary would have been worse. But I digress. In the American Political class there are no "real" Dems or Republicans. The right/left paradigm is a construct, nothing more. It is a tool that they use to keep us divided. The President, WHOMEVER it might be takes his/her orders from the same people. Follow the money baby, follow the money. That's why we are ALWAYS at war.
Donald Trump: Bringing more godless liberals to see the light, than any televangelist could possibly accomplish.

He even convinced Hillary to turn her life around, you know. :biggrin:

Televangelist are pathetic thief's. Also if Trump and his supporters are supposedly Christian, I shall denounce my faith, but I know they are just pretending.

What "faith"? Christianity and abortion are mutually-exclusive.

You do support abortion, right?

I support choice, and safe abortions. That doesn't mean I agree personally with having an abortion, but I do not force my morals, values or opinions on others.
Safe abortions? Safe for who? Certainly not for the baby.
except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "
Well, maybe the Democrats could put forth some effort into not being so repellent before 2020 so that he can be voted out.
Only on Fox/Rush etc etc bs character assassination propaganda machine, dupe.

Nobody is falling for this shit.

It's stale.

Give us something a little more...


He's doing his best.
Breaking for GOP dupes: No charge has ever been brought against Hillary or Bill in a court of law, conspiracy nutjobs.

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