GOD help us

except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "
Well, maybe the Democrats could put forth some effort into not being so repellent before 2020 so that he can be voted out.
Only on Fox/Rush etc etc bs character assassination propaganda machine, dupe.

Nobody is falling for this shit.

It's stale.

Give us something a little more...


He's doing his best.
Breaking for GOP dupes: No charge has ever been brought against Hillary or Bill in a court of law, conspiracy nutjobs.
I voted for Hillary, Einstein. As I've told you multiple times.

You're easily one of the most simplistic thinkers here.
Donald Trump: Bringing more godless liberals to see the light, than any televangelist could possibly accomplish.

He even convinced Hillary to turn her life around, you know. :biggrin:

Televangelist are pathetic thief's. Also if Trump and his supporters are supposedly Christian, I shall denounce my faith, but I know they are just pretending.

What "faith"? Christianity and abortion are mutually-exclusive.

You do support abortion, right?

I support choice, and safe abortions. That doesn't mean I agree personally with having an abortion, but I do not force my morals, values or opinions on others.
Safe abortions? Safe for who? Certainly not for the baby.
According to the supreme court, they're 99% not human- the rest to save the life of the mother..
Well, maybe the Democrats could put forth some effort into not being so repellent before 2020 so that he can be voted out.
Only on Fox/Rush etc etc bs character assassination propaganda machine, dupe.

Nobody is falling for this shit.

It's stale.

Give us something a little more...


He's doing his best.
Breaking for GOP dupes: No charge has ever been brought against Hillary or Bill in a court of law, conspiracy nutjobs.
I voted for Hillary, Einstein. As I've told you multiple times.

You're easily one of the most simplistic thinkers here.
It is simple if you follow reality. Lots of people voted for her despite believing she was corrupt- many more didn't. 25 years of GOP garbage...
except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "

Democrats Booed G-d, remember?
Nope. Link, dupe?
except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "
Well, maybe the Democrats could put forth some effort into not being so repellent before 2020 so that he can be voted out.
Only on Fox/Rush etc etc bs character assassination propaganda machine, dupe.

Nobody is falling for this shit.

It's stale.

Give us something a little more...


He's doing his best.
Breaking for GOP dupes: No charge has ever been brought against Hillary or Bill in a court of law, conspiracy nutjobs.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: by your logic organized crime families are innocent.
except for the Afghanistan scripted speech, all I've heard from Trump and all those who support him is a pathetic pity party. All I hear is complaints about losing jobs to immigrants within our shores. No word on giving American jobs to foreigners to make Trump goods offshore to sell in America though. Then there's the tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth over whites losing their rights to people of color. Nobody has explained THAT to me yet. What rights, exactly are lost? Every one of Trump's supporters displays an unhealthy self-pity because life isn't what it was in the good old days due to gays, who evidently all want to make us leave our wives and redecorate our living rooms, or to Mexicans who make us snort drugs while they rape our daughters and sometimes us. And have you seen the reactions to anyone less than pasty white. They may have been here for generations, but they ain't REAL 'Muricans and should take their unclean selves back to where they came from. There is a clip of a half-Hawaiian/half Japanese woman legislator's tweet she received headed "Bitch" and advising her to go back to her country. These fools don't even come up to moron and that babbling idiot Trump makes them feel legit.

This is the seed nurtured by Trump and each one of his enablers/excusers. Nor has he passed a single piece of legislation even though he has the House and Senate. Then,as he stands there reading a teleprompter looking like there is a gun at his head, he mumbles about unity and every body should love one another. God help us! "
Well, maybe the Democrats could put forth some effort into not being so repellent before 2020 so that he can be voted out.
Only on Fox/Rush etc etc bs character assassination propaganda machine, dupe.

Nobody is falling for this shit.

It's stale.

Give us something a little more...


He's doing his best.
Breaking for GOP dupes: No charge has ever been brought against Hillary or Bill in a court of law, conspiracy nutjobs.
Proof that money and murder are pretty damn persuasive.
(by Earl Gray)

I was just told by a Trump
supporter that Trump
Is my president and they feel
sorry for me because I can't move on.

I thought I would share my response, as it took a while.

"He is the president.
He is a self proclaimed sexual predator.
He is a convicted (twice) tax cheat.
He is a convicted (twice) racist.
He is a failed (4 times) businessman.
He is an admitted (at least 4 times) philanderer.
He just paid out 24 Million for committing fraud on thousands.
He also said he knew Putin and did a lot of business with Russia.
Right before he said he never met him and didn't do any business with Russia.
While his cabinet and entire adult family (except wife #3) had 4 dozen secret meetings with Russian operatives including meetings talking about loosening sanctions, meetings to get hacked dirt from the GRU (formerly KGB) and even more meetings to set up a secret back channel with the Kremlin that couldn't be monitored by our intelligence.
All of which he lied about.
And when caught in that lie. Lied about it again. (As any father would do) says his staff.

He fired the New York judge investigating him (that he just asked to stay on).
Then he fired the interim justice Dept head investigating Flynn (that he just asked to stay on).
Then after trying to bully him to stop the investigation and failing, he fired the director of the FBI investigating him (that he just asked to stay on).
Then he publicly threatened to fire the head of the Justice Dept (that he just appointed) for recusing himself after being caught lying about meeting with Russians, because he then couldn't fire a special prosector appointed by the deputy AG (that he also just appointed).

He then waited to respond to a terrorist Nazi murder on American soil, and called a fascist that injured 20 and brutally murdered a woman with a car (the same way ISIS did, which he immediately proclaimed as terrorists) "fine people" and put the blame on "both sides" blaming the "alt left" which is a term completely made up by the Alt Right to make the people protesting Nazi's seem "equivalent" just like Trump just did.
All to make Alt Right sound a little less "Nazi" which these people very much are.
And then to top off the week, he throws a hate filled "election rally" where he spends his time bashing everyone from Hillary to McCain to (of course) Obama and more, but certainly not Putin or Nazis and doesn't even bother to mention the Navy sailors and Marines that just lost their lives serving our country.
And he ends it all up intimating he will pardon a racist Sheriff just found guilty of contempt for not stopping his racial profiling and race based treatment of inmates.
All with impeccably bad timing shortly after the Nazi mowed down 20 and murdered the young woman terrorist style in broad daylight in America.
Which was noted by the mayor of the city he foisted his festering hate pile on, when he begged him not to come.
And while the protesters outnumbered the attendees (again) there was more tear gas and predictable mayhem.
All so president ego could get his adulation fix from a few thousand diehard followers.

Those are ALL indisputable facts.

And until I am sure (based on the findings of a completed Mueller investigation) that he didn't collude with a hostile foreign power as a lowly traitor to the United States to be inserted into power, he won't be "my" president.

There is my evidence for not supporting him. What evidence did you use to obstruct every last thing Obama did for 8 years? Reposted by Mary withers.

So well said, couldn't resist....
Well, maybe the Democrats could put forth some effort into not being so repellent before 2020 so that he can be voted out.
Only on Fox/Rush etc etc bs character assassination propaganda machine, dupe.

Nobody is falling for this shit.

It's stale.

Give us something a little more...


He's doing his best.
Breaking for GOP dupes: No charge has ever been brought against Hillary or Bill in a court of law, conspiracy nutjobs.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: by your logic organized crime families are innocent.
BS. Never even arrested? LOL!
Only on Fox/Rush etc etc bs character assassination propaganda machine, dupe.

Nobody is falling for this shit.

It's stale.

Give us something a little more...


He's doing his best.
Breaking for GOP dupes: No charge has ever been brought against Hillary or Bill in a court of law, conspiracy nutjobs.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: by your logic organized crime families are innocent.
BS. Never even arrested? LOL!

I obliterated your stupid point, go lick your wounds.
Donald Trump: Bringing more godless liberals to see the light, than any televangelist could possibly accomplish.

He even convinced Hillary to turn her life around, you know. :biggrin:

Televangelist are pathetic thief's. Also if Trump and his supporters are supposedly Christian, I shall denounce my faith, but I know they are just pretending.

What "faith"? Christianity and abortion are mutually-exclusive.

You do support abortion, right?

Do you support ending the ACA, Contraception, age appropriate human sexuality education. vasectomies and the CDC?
Donald Trump: Bringing more godless liberals to see the light, than any televangelist could possibly accomplish.

He even convinced Hillary to turn her life around, you know. :biggrin:

Televangelist are pathetic thief's. Also if Trump and his supporters are supposedly Christian, I shall denounce my faith, but I know they are just pretending.

What "faith"? Christianity and abortion are mutually-exclusive.

You do support abortion, right?

I support choice, and safe abortions. That doesn't mean I agree personally with having an abortion, but I do not force my morals, values or opinions on others.
Safe abortions? Safe for who? Certainly not for the baby.

Haven't you heard? safe abortions were launched last month, keeps the baby alive, keeps the mother alive... kills the doctor.

For technology to continue to march forward sacrifices must be made. :p
Donald Trump: Bringing more godless liberals to see the light, than any televangelist could possibly accomplish.

He even convinced Hillary to turn her life around, you know. :biggrin:

Televangelist are pathetic thief's. Also if Trump and his supporters are supposedly Christian, I shall denounce my faith, but I know they are just pretending.

What "faith"? Christianity and abortion are mutually-exclusive.

You do support abortion, right?

I support choice, and safe abortions. That doesn't mean I agree personally with having an abortion, but I do not force my morals, values or opinions on others.
Safe abortions? Safe for who? Certainly not for the baby.

Haven't you heard? safe abortions were launched last month, keeps the baby alive, keeps the mother alive... kills the doctor.

For technology to continue to march forward sacrifices must be made. :p

No one gets killed when contraceptives are used.

Q. Why are social conservatives opposed to contraceptives

A1: They are authoritarians who want to control the sexual activity of others


A2: They want cheap labor, the greater the population, the more competition there are for jobs

A3. God told them it was wrong

A4: It's a wedge issue, the GOP doesn't care about the unborn, it allows them to manipulate the biddable and get their vote.
Televangelist are pathetic thief's. Also if Trump and his supporters are supposedly Christian, I shall denounce my faith, but I know they are just pretending.

What "faith"? Christianity and abortion are mutually-exclusive.

You do support abortion, right?

I support choice, and safe abortions. That doesn't mean I agree personally with having an abortion, but I do not force my morals, values or opinions on others.
Safe abortions? Safe for who? Certainly not for the baby.

Haven't you heard? safe abortions were launched last month, keeps the baby alive, keeps the mother alive... kills the doctor.

For technology to continue to march forward sacrifices must be made. :p

No one gets killed when contraceptives are used.
Depends on which contraceptive you use.....I always kinda favored hemlock myself, 100% effective and as an added bonus you don't have to make her breakfast in the morning.
did trump tell us Mexico was going to pay for the wall??? Now he wants us including dumb republicans to pay? I say let him stick his wall where the sun doesn't shine

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