God is love

Everyone? What about those that lived before Jesus? What about those who live in Muslim countries where they grow up never learning about Jesus?

If a Jew lived in Jerusalem in 100 BC and kept Mosaic law he would get into heaven. If a Jew lived in Jerusalem in 100 AD and kept Mosaic law would he still get into heaven or had the rules of the game changed?

Everybody. I know that because Christ paid the debt for everybody, not a select few.
There is no country where the gospel isn't preached. Where it hasn't been in the past, "Forgive them for they know not what they do", applies.

No, a Jew that lived in 100 BC and tried to keep the law could not get into heaven. Because no Jew was ever able to perfect himself through the law. But instead, those who favored God, went to Abraham's Bosom to await Christ. It is where Christ went for 3 days following His death on the cross, and who He brought back with Him.

The Jew that lived in 100 AD would not go to Heaven based on his performance according to the Law, but under the substitute of the sacrifice God judged in his place, or by accepting Christ as their Messiah.

And yes, the rules have changed. We are under the covenant of Jesus. We have a Father again. Not a Judge. Love has replaced Law. :eusa_angel:

That is your God of love? He chooses to create imperfect people and then gives them a set a laws he knows they will not be able to follow. Then He waits thousands of years to replace the laws. Under this new covenant we're supposed to know that Jesus is God or we end up in hell. This, even though his followers, those who listened to him preach and saw him work miracles, did not know who he really was.

The God of Love created people with free will. Had He not, you would have complained that perfect people are only perfect because God was afraid to give us free will.

He chose to give us free will and shower us with mercy and forgiveness from the git go.
And did so.

God was against the Law, and instituted it only at the arrogant insistence of one specific group of people. That group is the ONLY group God ever placed under laws, instead of mercy and grace. The law was only in place for approx. 1,500 years. It was given to Moses, not Adam...

Under this new covenant Christ paid our debt so that God could dismiss our case. We are under forgiveness, mercy, and favor, the direct result of the righteousness of the one that paid the debt.

Not only did the people that saw Him work miracles know who He was, they went before Him proclaiming Emanuel, Hosanna. They were so sure of who He was, they died rather than worship anything other than Him.

And yes, you are expected to know who He is. He's the one who died for you. He left a message. Love one another. :eusa_angel:
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The God of Love created people with free will. Had He not, you would have complained that perfect people are only perfect because God was afraid to give us free will.

Free will with imperfect knowledge is a dangerous combination. Jesus never brought his message to the Aztecs or the Chinese. Why?

He chose to give us free will and shower us with mercy and forgiveness from the git go.
And did so.

Was this the same God that instructed the Israelites to kill men, women, children, and animals?

God was against the Law, and instituted it only at the arrogant insistence of one specific group of people. That group is the ONLY group God ever placed under laws, instead of mercy and grace. The law was only in place for approx. 1,500 years. It was given to Moses, not Adam...

Those Israelites were such bullies. How would a pagan have made into heaven is they were taught there were many gods?

Under this new covenant Christ paid our debt so that God could dismiss our case. We are under forgiveness, mercy, and favor, the direct result of the righteousness of the one that paid the debt.

But Jesus was God so this means he created our debt, then paid off the debt to himself, and forgave himself. Seems like circular bookkeeping.

And yes, you are expected to know who He is. He's the one who died for you. He left a message. Love one another. :eusa_angel:

Does God really expect people to find Jesus without someone telling them about him? Seems we have to go through man to find God, why did he not provide us a direct path?
The God of Love created people with free will. Had He not, you would have complained that perfect people are only perfect because God was afraid to give us free will.

Free will with imperfect knowledge is a dangerous combination. Jesus never brought his message to the Aztecs or the Chinese. Why?

He chose to give us free will and shower us with mercy and forgiveness from the git go.
And did so.

Was this the same God that instructed the Israelites to kill men, women, children, and animals?

Those Israelites were such bullies. How would a pagan have made into heaven is they were taught there were many gods?

Under this new covenant Christ paid our debt so that God could dismiss our case. We are under forgiveness, mercy, and favor, the direct result of the righteousness of the one that paid the debt.

But Jesus was God so this means he created our debt, then paid off the debt to himself, and forgave himself. Seems like circular bookkeeping.

And yes, you are expected to know who He is. He's the one who died for you. He left a message. Love one another. :eusa_angel:

Does God really expect people to find Jesus without someone telling them about him? Seems we have to go through man to find God, why did he not provide us a direct path?

WOW!!! GUY!! YOU GOT PROBLEMS!! JUST KNOW no little man has ever won by trying to argue and fight against ALMIGHTY GOD. one question at a time if you want to debate on a message board!
Do you include the westboro baptist church in your circle of love?


I avoid commenting on groups or people I don't know.


My bad, I thought you had been speaking for Christians.

cuz' there's these 37 people in Kansas that the atheists have appointed as spokespeople for all of Christianity.......
2Ti 4:3-4 KJV 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

2Pe 2:1-3 KJV But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
WOW!!! GUY!! YOU GOT PROBLEMS!! JUST KNOW no little man has ever won by trying to argue and fight against ALMIGHTY GOD. one question at a time if you want to debate on a message board!

Thanks for the heads up but I'm unafraid. If there is a God he made me what I am and I argue from knowledge, not from ignorance. Just what he'd want.

Feel free to pick any one of my points if you'd care to do me the favor of a reply.
cuz' there's these 37 people in Kansas that the atheists have appointed as spokespeople for all of Christianity.......

I know they are hardly representative of Christianity, I never meant to imply they are anything but a fringe (cult?) group. My point was that they consider themselves Christian so the definition of Christianity must include them.
cuz' there's these 37 people in Kansas that the atheists have appointed as spokespeople for all of Christianity.......

I know they are hardly representative of Christianity, I never meant to imply they are anything but a fringe (cult?) group. My point was that they consider themselves Christian so the definition of Christianity must include them.

what people may "consider: themselves to be CHANGES NO TRUTH!!
cuz' there's these 37 people in Kansas that the atheists have appointed as spokespeople for all of Christianity.......

I know they are hardly representative of Christianity, I never meant to imply they are anything but a fringe (cult?) group. My point was that they consider themselves Christian so the definition of Christianity must include them.

what people may "consider: themselves to be CHANGES NO TRUTH!!

Who decides who is a Christian? You? They read and revere the same scripture as you do. Why should I question their "Christianity"?
The God of Love created people with free will. Had He not, you would have complained that perfect people are only perfect because God was afraid to give us free will.

Free will with imperfect knowledge is a dangerous combination. Jesus never brought his message to the Aztecs or the Chinese. Why?

He chose to give us free will and shower us with mercy and forgiveness from the git go.
And did so.

Was this the same God that instructed the Israelites to kill men, women, children, and animals?

Those Israelites were such bullies. How would a pagan have made into heaven is they were taught there were many gods?

Under this new covenant Christ paid our debt so that God could dismiss our case. We are under forgiveness, mercy, and favor, the direct result of the righteousness of the one that paid the debt.

But Jesus was God so this means he created our debt, then paid off the debt to himself, and forgave himself. Seems like circular bookkeeping.

And yes, you are expected to know who He is. He's the one who died for you. He left a message. Love one another. :eusa_angel:

Does God really expect people to find Jesus without someone telling them about him? Seems we have to go through man to find God, why did he not provide us a direct path?

He didn't preach to the Aztecs because all flights were cancelled that day. :cuckoo:

Christ was a Jewish Rabbi. He came to the Jews. But saw faith in the Gentiles. His teaching covers all humans. China, Africa, America, Russia, all nations and the people in them have been given enough knowledge to achieve salvation.

Do you have even a semblance of understanding as to why God would command all living things in certain areas be destroyed?
Fallen angels produced nephilim offspring. Big, nasty offspring both human and animal. To the extent that at one point there were only 8 human left without corrupted blood.

Abraham's father made idols as a livelihood. And yet Abraham made it to Heaven....

Jesus is God, and had nothing to do with our debt other than covering it. He did not sin or force others to sin. Our actions are our actions. There is no circular bookkeeping.
I know they are hardly representative of Christianity, I never meant to imply they are anything but a fringe (cult?) group. My point was that they consider themselves Christian so the definition of Christianity must include them.

what people may "consider: themselves to be CHANGES NO TRUTH!!

Who decides who is a Christian? You? They read and revere the same scripture as you do. Why should I question their "Christianity"?

He didn't preach to the Aztecs because all flights were cancelled that day. :cuckoo:

Christ was a Jewish Rabbi. He came to the Jews. But saw faith in the Gentiles. His teaching covers all humans. China, Africa, America, Russia, all nations and the people in them have been given enough knowledge to achieve salvation.

Do you have even a semblance of understanding as to why God would command all living things in certain areas be destroyed?
Fallen angels produced nephilim offspring. Big, nasty offspring both human and animal. To the extent that at one point there were only 8 human left without corrupted blood.

Jesus is God, and had nothing to do with our debt other than covering it. He did not sin or force others to sin. Our actions are our actions. There is no circular bookkeeping.

Jesus took human form only once. You'd think he'd do it for all mankind, not just one small tribe.

So Jericho was populated by nephilim? That seems debatable.

Jesus as God was the one who determined there was a debt that needed paying. If not God then who?
He didn't preach to the Aztecs because all flights were cancelled that day. :cuckoo:

Christ was a Jewish Rabbi. He came to the Jews. But saw faith in the Gentiles. His teaching covers all humans. China, Africa, America, Russia, all nations and the people in them have been given enough knowledge to achieve salvation.

Do you have even a semblance of understanding as to why God would command all living things in certain areas be destroyed?
Fallen angels produced nephilim offspring. Big, nasty offspring both human and animal. To the extent that at one point there were only 8 human left without corrupted blood.

Jesus is God, and had nothing to do with our debt other than covering it. He did not sin or force others to sin. Our actions are our actions. There is no circular bookkeeping.

Jesus took human form only once. You'd think he'd do it for all mankind, not just one small tribe.

So Jericho was populated by nephilim? That seems debatable.

Jesus as God was the one who determined there was a debt that needed paying. If not God then who?

TRY TO THINK!!! THERE WILL BE, THERE CAN BE NO EVIL FOR ALL ETERNITY ON THE RENEWED EARTH IF there were evil it would soon become hell. When JESUS returns HE will destroy all evil for eternity!!! PTL.
what people may "consider: themselves to be CHANGES NO TRUTH!!

Who decides who is a Christian? You? They read and revere the same scripture as you do. Why should I question their "Christianity"?


If a man tells you he believes Jesus is his savior and he follows scripture, would you consider him to be a Christian? Or are there other criteria?
He didn't preach to the Aztecs because all flights were cancelled that day. :cuckoo:

Christ was a Jewish Rabbi. He came to the Jews. But saw faith in the Gentiles. His teaching covers all humans. China, Africa, America, Russia, all nations and the people in them have been given enough knowledge to achieve salvation.

Do you have even a semblance of understanding as to why God would command all living things in certain areas be destroyed?
Fallen angels produced nephilim offspring. Big, nasty offspring both human and animal. To the extent that at one point there were only 8 human left without corrupted blood.

Jesus is God, and had nothing to do with our debt other than covering it. He did not sin or force others to sin. Our actions are our actions. There is no circular bookkeeping.

Jesus took human form only once. You'd think he'd do it for all mankind, not just one small tribe.

So Jericho was populated by nephilim? That seems debatable.

Jesus as God was the one who determined there was a debt that needed paying. If not God then who?

TRY TO THINK!!! THERE WILL BE, THERE CAN BE NO EVIL FOR ALL ETERNITY ON THE RENEWED EARTH IF there were evil it would soon become hell. When JESUS returns HE will destroy all evil for eternity!!! PTL.

OK, but what does that have to do with what I wrote? Please clarify.
jesus took human form only once. You'd think he'd do it for all mankind, not just one small tribe.

So jericho was populated by nephilim? That seems debatable.

Jesus as god was the one who determined there was a debt that needed paying. If not god then who?

try to think!!! There will be, there can be no evil for all eternity on the renewed earth if there were evil it would soon become hell. When jesus returns he will destroy all evil for eternity!!! Ptl.

ok, but what does that have to do with what i wrote? Please clarify.

jesus came to his people israel with his truth and salvation,jesus then sends out his followers to ""all"" the world with the gosple(the good news).
try to think!!! There will be, there can be no evil for all eternity on the renewed earth if there were evil it would soon become hell. When jesus returns he will destroy all evil for eternity!!! Ptl.

ok, but what does that have to do with what i wrote? Please clarify.

jesus came to his people israel with his truth and salvation,jesus then sends out his followers to ""all"" the world with the gosple(the good news).

If that was his goal he was an underachiever. It's probably only been in the last 100 years that his message made to every corner of the globe. Only took 2,000 years, you'd think a message so important would have a higher priority from God.
The God of Love created people with free will. Had He not, you would have complained that perfect people are only perfect because God was afraid to give us free will.

Free will with imperfect knowledge is a dangerous combination. Jesus never brought his message to the Aztecs or the Chinese. Why?

He chose to give us free will and shower us with mercy and forgiveness from the git go.
And did so.
Was this the same God that instructed the Israelites to kill men, women, children, and animals?

Those Israelites were such bullies. How would a pagan have made into heaven is they were taught there were many gods?

Under this new covenant Christ paid our debt so that God could dismiss our case. We are under forgiveness, mercy, and favor, the direct result of the righteousness of the one that paid the debt.
But Jesus was God so this means he created our debt, then paid off the debt to himself, and forgave himself. Seems like circular bookkeeping.

And yes, you are expected to know who He is. He's the one who died for you. He left a message. Love one another. :eusa_angel:
Does God really expect people to find Jesus without someone telling them about him? Seems we have to go through man to find God, why did he not provide us a direct path?

Still criticizing people for not fitting into your box?
WOW!!! GUY!! YOU GOT PROBLEMS!! JUST KNOW no little man has ever won by trying to argue and fight against ALMIGHTY GOD. one question at a time if you want to debate on a message board!

Thanks for the heads up but I'm unafraid. If there is a God he made me what I am and I argue from knowledge, not from ignorance. Just what he'd want.

Feel free to pick any one of my points if you'd care to do me the favor of a reply.

That was funny.

Tell me something, if you are actually arguing from knowledge why do you refuse to accept the fact that not everyone who follows Jesus is a member of Westboro Baptist Church? Why do you constantly attack people for views you hold? If you think you can debate religion on the basis of facts then why are you ignoring the people who actually know more than you do? Is the truth that you are a small minded bigot who is incapalble of actual thought, and that you are used to arguing with other small minded bigots, and that you believe the fact that neither of you can actually prove anything somehow makes you smarter than they are?
cuz' there's these 37 people in Kansas that the atheists have appointed as spokespeople for all of Christianity.......

I know they are hardly representative of Christianity, I never meant to imply they are anything but a fringe (cult?) group. My point was that they consider themselves Christian so the definition of Christianity must include them.


Does that mean I can point to the whacko fringe left terrorists and demand that the definition of Democrat include them? Or that I can point to ISIS and demand that Muslims accept them as part of their religion?

You are so fucking stupid it isn't even worth posting how stupid you are. You do not have the power to demand that I accept other people as part of my religion simply because they claim they believe in something that sounds the same to idiots like you.

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