God... Is Time.

Then no, i wouldnt call some occurance 99.9999999% probable as needing faith.

But i would call believing in god needing faith.
obviously just in claiming its 99.999999% instead of 97% or 83% or 49.6%, you are still making a faith choice.......
It's impossible for humans to observe the present. Physics has to happen in order to deliver a perception and that always takes time. Despite our inability to observe the present, three possibilities logically exist... 1) the present exists, 2) the present does not exist, and 3) the present exists but not as we perceive it. You can't prove which is true because you can't observe it.
And physics never depends on observation. Therefore there is a 4th option that physics depends on, "the present exists as we MEASURE it."

We can't measure what we cannot observe. Physics cannot apply to what isn't observable or physics would apply to God.

All we can possibly measure is a perception-after-the-fact. The moment of present was gone before you could even realize it, much less measure it. You're left with a perception which you can't confirm if it's correct because you can't observe the present.

We can keep going over this again and again until it sinks into your granite-like cranium, but you can't win this argument because physics doesn't support you. What is required is FAITH.
Picky, picky, picky.

No, it's not being picky to point out faith is faith. You either have faith or you don't have faith. It's as simple as that. The degree of faith you think you have is dependent upon your evaluation of the evidence to support your faith and this varies from person to person.

Predictions of something, no matter how accurate you believe they are, do not equal proof of fact. For example, I can predict the Patriots will win the Super Bowl... I may be correct or I may be wrong, it isn't a fact until it happens. Doesn't matter how much faith I have in the Patriots or how little faith I have.
We can't measure what we cannot observe. Physics cannot apply to what isn't observable or physics would apply to God.
Physicists have been measuring time for centuries.

They haven't measured present time because it can't be observed.
The more time they measure the more presents they measure.

Again, it is as silly as saying they can measure God.

You can say it... just isn't true!

We cannot observe the present. Therefore, we cannot measure the present. The only information we have is perception created after time passes and is no longer the present. Can we measure past time? Sure... that's all we can measure because it's all we can observe.

Wanna be silly another dozen more posts? Fine with me! Let's be silly! We still can't measure what can't be observed.... that won't change because you're acting silly and it will still be the same tomorrow, if tomorrow comes.
passage of time.
From what to what?

Past to more distant past.

Again... Because of physics having to happen, we cannot observe the moment of present time. I don't give a damn how long you want to obfuscate and dance around playing semantics games, that isn't going to change. All humans can have is a perception of is time which has already passed. The perception we assume is the present is already in the past forever. We require faith to believe our perception of the present is an accurate representation.
... after your Juvenal outburst

was that a cover from what is meant by "we" in the observance of the present ?

such that the variance in oxygen consumption would have likewise the same affect on the present time as neuro receptors ? - :eusa_whistle:

or the affect on present time caused by the common cold ...


Again, it is as silly as saying they can measure God.
Time is measured all the time and since according to you "God is time" then we measure God with every timepiece!

Look goofball, I've already gone over context several times here. "TIME" can mean all kinds of goddamn things! In the proper context of this debate, it specifically means the moment of present time. First of all, you can't measure a point in time. You can only measure between points of time. Because of physics and our inability to observe the present time, we can only measure between points in time which already happened.
passage of time.
From what to what?

Past to more distant past.
That is as mindless as claiming from the distant future to the less distant future.
All you have done is redefine the present as the past and the past as the distant past.

You can't observe the present. You're not capable of it because you are a physical being living in a physical universe. You only have a perception which is happening after time has passed and is no longer the present. It's not mindless, it's the truth, you just don't want to accept it because you don't want my argument to be right... but the argument is right.
You can only measure between points of time. Because of physics and our inability to observe the present time, we can only measure between points in time which already happened.


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