God of the Gaps (well then, how did...")

This "all beliefs are equal" stuff doesn't play, in the science section.

There is a section for such ideas, where they are protected. That would be the religion section.
Sherlock should listen to his namesake.

"When all other possibilities are eliminated, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth".
Enjoy, its a classic, don't know if anyone here has seen this, where Dawkins admits that there might be an intelligent designer:

Strawman, I never asserted "all beliefs are equal" are you thinking of someone else?
It's precisely what you implied. This is another time when some secondary education on basic logic would come in handy.

Are you now saying that all beliefs are not equal?

Strawman, I never asserted "all beliefs are equal" are you thinking of someone else?

For religious beliefs, yes that's quite true.
For all evidence free beliefs. Because unlike your implication from earlier, not all beliefs are equal.
It's precisely what you implied. This is another time when some secondary education on basic logic would come in handy.

Are you now saying that all beliefs are not equal?
Well you've never asked me this question before, by equal I assume you mean "the same"?
For all evidence free beliefs. Because unlike your implication from earlier, not all beliefs are equal.
Tell me what "equal" means to you.
Same truth value, yes. Any belief as valid as any other?
You've simply replaced "equal" with "valid" I don't know what meaning to attach to the question.
Obviously no. I'm sure you agree.
I believe that God exists, I also believe the temperature of my pool is higher than it was yesterday.

Are these two things "equal" well they're not the same that's for sure. When comparing different things for equality it gets tricky, we need to define how to compare them, rules.

We can ask "do they have anything in common?" and then on that basis argue they are equal, is that what you mean?
You've simply replaced "equal" with "valid" I don't know what meaning to attach to the question.

I believe that God exists, I also believe the temperature of my pool is higher than it was yesterday.

Are these two things "equal" well they're not the same that's for sure. When comparing different things for equality it gets tricky, we need to define how to compare them, rules.

We can ask "do they have anything in common?" and then on that basis argue they are equal, is that what you mean?

Ahhh.. a denier special I call "the everything is just a belief Fallacy."
Your pool is measurably hotter or not, and one can say with EVIDENCE/MSRT if it's true or not.
Religion/Deism is "Faith." That is, belief withOut Evidence.
All 'beliefs' are Not equal.

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Dawkins admits that there might be an intelligent designer:
Le :sigh2:.. He also "admits" to not believing in any god anywhere. As the man said, it's possible that superior beings evolved at some time somewhere in the universe. Suppose they did. Would it necessarily impact life on Earth. Highly doubtful, but supply your scientifically verifiable evidence. We atheists/agnostics remain all ears. Otherwise go fish until you can supply some.
Ahhh.. a denier special I call "the everything is just a belief Fallacy."
Your pool is measurably hotter or not, and one can say with EVIDENCE/MSRT if it's true or not.
If you believe that the universe is always predictable, then yes I agree. It is a belief that the laws of physics always behave in the future as they have behaved in the past. It's a very reasonable belief, I too believe it but it is a belief.

You cannot prove that the outcome of an experiment will yield an expected result UNTIL you do the experiment. This is why so many armchair "scientists" need to educate themselves more with logic, metaphysics and philosophy, it's your ignorance of this that misleads you into believing you have no beliefs.

Are you aware that science relies on inductive reasoning? do you even know what that is?
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Ahhh.. a denier special I call "the everything is just a belief Fallacy."
Yep. Every single time.

Because, again, they can't elevate their own ideas out of the shitty murk of faith.

So they vandalize other ideas to drag them down.

It's dimestore charlatan stuff.
This is probably THEE #1 rationale for those arguing for a god on msg boards.
"Well then, did all this stuff just appear?".. "how did ___ if not god?"
And we can see several Fallacious OPs currently employing this boner.

If we can't explain it/explain it Yet, it must be 'god.'
The same Bogus/Failed 'logic' used for creating Fire, Lightning, Sun, Fertility, and Ten thousand other 'gods.'

1. God of the gaps - RationalWiki

God of the gaps
(or a divine fallacy) is logical fallacy that occurs when Goddidit (or a variant) is invoked to explain some natural phenomena that science cannot (at the time of the argument). This concept is similar to what systems theorists refer to as an "explanatory principle." "God of the gaps" is a bad argument not only on logical grounds, but on empirical grounds: there is a long history of "gaps" being filled and the gap for God thus getting smaller and smaller, suggesting "we don't know Yet" as an alternative that works Better in practice; naturalistic explanations for still-mysterious phenomena are always possible, especially in the future where more information may be uncovered.[1]
The God of the Gaps is a didit Fallacy and an ad hoc Fallacy, as well as an Argument from Incredulity or an Argument from Ignorance, and is thus an informal fallacy...​

2. Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_of...pe_of_argument

The term God-of-the-gaps fallacy can refer to a position that assumes an act of God as the explanation for an unknown phenomenon, which is a variant of an argument from ignorance fallacy.[13][14] Such an argument is sometimes reduced to the following form:​
*There is a gap in understanding of some aspect of the natural world.​
*Therefore the cause must be supernatural.​
One example of such an argument, which uses God as an explanation of one of the current gaps in biological science, is as follows: "Because current science can't figure out exactly how life started, it must be God who caused life to start." Critics of intelligent design creationism, for example, have accused proponents of using this basic type of argument.[15]​
God-of-the-gaps arguments have been Discouraged by some theologians who assert that such arguments tend to relegate God to the Leftovers of science: as scientific knowledge Increases, the dominion of God Decreases...[4][5][16][17]​

There is NO proof, or even evidence for god/s, just fallacious god-of-the-gaps inferences.
There is a big hole in the science when it comes to the origin of the universe.

That's why you don't can't argue from a scientific point of view on Creation.

The best you have is "I don't know".


Much better.
But that is the logical position for all... and the point of his thread.
Making up gods for what No One knows yet has has always turned out to be loser 0-fer-10,000.
One thing we do know is man has created gods: thousands gone by the wayside.
We also know a least 75% of religions/creation Myths are wrong even if one stepped in it.
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Much better.
But that is the logical position for all... and the point of his thread.
Making up gods for what No One knows yet has has always turned out to be loser 0-fer-10,000.
One thing we do know is man has created gods: thousands gone by the wayside.
We also know a least 75% of religions/creation Myths are wrong even if one stepped in it.
For the love of God please learn how to compose a paragraph.
it's your ignorance of this that misleads you into believing you have no beliefs.
Lacking belief in supernatural causes leaves massive room for beliefs, Skippy. It's your missing the brain line as a child that misleads you into believing that atheists claim to have no beliefs.

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