Zone1 God Says Don't Eat Shellfish

Leviticus 11

Of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams you may eat any that have fins and scales. 10 But all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales—whether among all the swarming things or among all the other living creatures in the water—you are to regard as unclean. 11 And since you are to regard them as unclean, you must not eat their meat; you must regard their carcasses as unclean. 12 Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be regarded as unclean by you.
Well, just goes to show ya, don't eat raw oysters in months that don't have an "R" in them.

He ate them in June by the way.

And, one of the main reasons is because they are "filter feeders", and bacteria likes to grow and flourish in warmer months, meaning those months are prime time for the oysters to become infected.
Well, just goes to show ya, don't eat raw oysters in months that don't have an "R" in them.

He ate them in June by the way.

And, one of the main reasons is because they are "filter feeders", and bacteria likes to grow and flourish in warmer months, meaning those months are prime time for the oysters to become infected.
My brother brought some at Christmas, many years ago. Nobody died, and they were great, but my brother was showing off how quick and smoothly he could shuck an oyster, slipped and laid his palm open with the oyster knife. It got infected after he go home and set up blood poisoning. Beside the antibiotics, they had to cut it open, clean it out and sew it back up. I don't think he has had a raw oyster since.
My brother brought some at Christmas, many years ago. Nobody died, and they were great, but my brother was showing off how quick and smoothly he could shuck an oyster, slipped and laid his palm open with the oyster knife. It got infected after he go home and set up blood poisoning. Beside the antibiotics, they had to cut it open, clean it out and sew it back up. I don't think he has had a raw oyster since.

I used to work at a bar in a fishing town in Washington state. All the guys just had to prove their macho by slamming Oyster Shooters -- a huge, raw Willapa Bay oyster in a double shot of whiskey. My job was to go to the cooler and tong out one of those slimy fuckers and slap it into the glass. Ick!

My brother brought some at Christmas, many years ago. Nobody died, and they were great, but my brother was showing off how quick and smoothly he could shuck an oyster, slipped and laid his palm open with the oyster knife. It got infected after he go home and set up blood poisoning. Beside the antibiotics, they had to cut it open, clean it out and sew it back up. I don't think he has had a raw oyster since.

Yep, shucking oysters can be a dangerous undertaking, even for people who are familiar with how to do it. My question is, was he wearing steel gloves (which most shuckers wear), because that would have helped to prevent him from opening up his palm.

I used to work at a bar in a fishing town in Washington state. All the guys just had to prove their macho by slamming Oyster Shooters -- a huge, raw Willapa Bay oyster in a double shot of whiskey. My job was to go to the cooler and tong out one of those slimy fuckers and slap it into the glass. Ick!


Hey...................if it's during a month with an "R" in it, raw oysters is one of my favorite things. I WON'T eat them any other time though, because they are filter feeders and you can get sick from them during the warmer months.

Oyster shooters? You bet! First came across them when I took a trip to New Orleans, and have loved them ever since.

I used to work at a bar in a fishing town in Washington state. All the guys just had to prove their macho by slamming Oyster Shooters -- a huge, raw Willapa Bay oyster in a double shot of whiskey. My job was to go to the cooler and tong out one of those slimy fuckers and slap it into the glass. Ick!

I have never eaten a raw oyster, I didn't shuck, but I guess giving drunks in a bar an oyster knife and a dozen in the shell, is probably a non-starter.:cool:

I used to work at a bar in a fishing town in Washington state. All the guys just had to prove their macho by slamming Oyster Shooters -- a huge, raw Willapa Bay oyster in a double shot of whiskey. My job was to go to the cooler and tong out one of those slimy fuckers and slap it into the glass. Ick!


Hey...................if it's during a month with an "R" in it, raw oysters is one of my favorite things. I WON'T eat them any other time though, because they are filter feeders and you can get sick from them during the warmer months.

Oyster shooters? You bet! First came across them when I took a trip to New Orleans, and have loved them ever since.

We were always seeing PSP warnings on the TV news in Coastal WA and that's when I started getting queasy about shellfish. PSP is a nasty disease.

Then there was the time that I got a mussel on my plate of seafood medley that was so bad I couldn't swallow it. And food has to be DEMONIC bad for me to not be able to swallow it.


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