Zone1 God Says Don't Eat Shellfish

I posted this in another related thread. I'll post it here too. It's relevant.

Transmissible Cancers from Shellfish


Crap! I don't even eat any ocean fish. Lots of Pacific fish has shown up contaminated from Fukushima Daiichi.

They're not very tasty raw. In a stew they're great.
I do not keep kosher-----I is a jew. BUT it must be CULTURAL----I never tasted any of them----
cuisine is more CULTURAL than "religious" -----hubby would drop dead if I ever gave him a
That is OLD Testament.
For Christians the NEW Testament applies.

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished” (Matthew 5:17–19)
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished” (Matthew 5:17–19)
So are all Christians circumcised?
In order to follow the LAW, you have to follow all of it, not just the parts you think you need to follow.

And yes, that includes being circumcised.
It's not "THE Law"

There are many laws.

Some are MORAL

Some are functional NATIONAL law for the Ancient people wandering in the desert. We aren't a nomadic people wandering in the desert.

Some laws are operational dealing with the priesthood.

Those who have the Holy Spirit are led by the Spirit to see the difference

I'd say, if you don't have the Holy Spirit, your opinion doesn't matter.

You choose not to follow God, so He hasn't given you the understanding to discern the difference
It's not "THE Law"

There are many laws.

Some are MORAL

Some are functional NATIONAL law for the Ancient people wandering in the desert. We aren't a nomadic people wandering in the desert.

Some laws are operational dealing with the priesthood.

Those who have the Holy Spirit are led by the Spirit to see the difference

I'd say, if you don't have the Holy Spirit, your opinion doesn't matter.

You choose not to follow God, so He hasn't given you the understanding to discern the difference

God isn't a buffet where you can pick and choose what you want and leave the rest. If you think that is the case, I feel sorry for you.
It's not "THE Law"

There are many laws.

Some are MORAL

Some are functional NATIONAL law for the Ancient people wandering in the desert. We aren't a nomadic people wandering in the desert.

Some laws are operational dealing with the priesthood.

Those who have the Holy Spirit are led by the Spirit to see the difference

I'd say, if you don't have the Holy Spirit, your opinion doesn't matter.

You choose not to follow God, so He hasn't given you the understanding to discern the difference
So you keep kosher? Good for you. It's expensive and a lot of work. Do you have separate dishes for dairy?
God isn't a buffet where you can pick and choose what you want and leave the rest. If you think that is the case, I feel sorry for you.

So do think God "did away" with the Commandment against MURDER?

Did He "do away" with the COMMANDMENT against STEALING?

Did He "do away" with the COMMANDMENT against SERVING OTHER GODS?

If you say "No" then you are agreeing with me that there is a difference between Law.

Wisdom is understanding WHiCH LAWS applied to us
So do think God "did away" with the Commandment against MURDER?

Did He "do away" with the COMMANDMENT against STEALING?

Did He "do away" with the COMMANDMENT against SERVING OTHER GODS?

If you say "No" then you are agreeing with me that there is a difference between Law.
Do you keep kosher?
So do think God "did away" with the Commandment against MURDER?

Did He "do away" with the COMMANDMENT against STEALING?

Did He "do away" with the COMMANDMENT against SERVING OTHER GODS?

If you say "No" then you are agreeing with me that there is a difference between Law.

God doesn't "do away" with any of His laws. Only cafeteria Christians who think they can pick and choose what they will or won't follow do that.

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