Zone1 God Says Don't Eat Shellfish

There is one way for any Jew on earth to be saved.

Neither have I. I have eaten clams in chowder and abalone. Both are very good. I've eaten scallops, but I can take em or leave em--mostly leave em.
Never have had abalone, ever. No on many restaurant menus in Tennessee. I'd have to look it up, just to know what one looked like.
Fulfill: In the English Dictionary................COMPLETE SUCCESSFULLY. Complete: In the English Dictionary..........Perfect in every respect. With His last breath........Jesus Christ put an end to the OLD LAW because it was FINISHED. "It is finished......." -- John 19:30 "For Christ is the end to the LAW for righteousness to everyone that believeth." -- Romans 10:4 James declared that Jesus introduced the Perfect Law of Liberty (James 1:25) as per the completion of God's prophet Jeremiahs' prophecy.............

"Behold the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel..............NOT ACCORDING TO THE COVENANT THAT I (the Lord) MADE WITH THEIR FATHERS (MOSES) IN THE DAY I TOOK THEM BY THE HAND TO LEAD THEM OUT OF THE LAND OF EGYPT...." -- Jer.31:31-32.

Jeremiah states why there was to be a new covenant unlike the covenant written on stone.........."MY COVENANT WHICH THEY, BROKE.....THOUGH I WAS A HUSBAND UNTO THEM...." -- Jer. 31:33. I am sure you KEEP THE LAW IN ITS circumcise your new born males on the 8th? If not, why not? You provide burnt offering to the Royal Priesthood of Levites? If not, why not? No gentile nation was ever husbanded to God until the New Testament Covenant Grace came into effect. (Deut. 5:1-4) The OLD LAW does not apply to any nation other than Biblical Israel.......not to the ancestors that came before Moses nor to anyone in the future that comes after the Law and Prophets were fulfilled.

Jesus nailed the Law to His sacrificial cross. -- Col. 2:14-18. No one is to judge another because of food, drink or Sabbath Worship.

Tell that to anyone that claims that Sabbath worship is still authorized because it was eternal.........with conditions, God informed Israel what would happen if it continued to defy His righteous commandments and hurt His prophets. He would take away the land of promise.......and spread Israel around the globe......never to be made whole a potters Jar that was broken. (Jer. 19:7-13).

Israel would lose its nation if it disobeyed God's commandments. (Deut. 8:19-20) God said He would destroy Israel if it disobeyed (Lev. 26:27-39)

Jesus declared that God would punish Israel in that very generation in the 1st century. (Matthew 23:36). History actual proves Jesus' prophecy of Israel's destruction was upon that generation..........called the "abomination of desolation" by the prophet Daniel. (Matthew 24:15) Rome destroyed Jerusalem and spread the Jewish nation around the globe.....without a home land, never to be complete again.
Read up on Antiochus Epiphanes.. he also defiled the temple.
Never have had abalone, ever. No on many restaurant menus in Tennessee. I'd have to look it up, just to know what one looked like.
They are a type of snail I believe. Very dense white meat. Visualize a half of a mussel shell with the mussel crawling along the bottom of the ocean. They have to be 8" across to be taken legally--that will produce maybe a pound of solid meat. They cannot be taken commercially or by divers with tanks. Only free divers. When you spot on, you have to quickly slide your iron under it and pop it off the rock. If you don't do it deftly enough, the ab will clamp down to the rock and you won't be able to pop it off and you lose the ab AND your ab iron. Bummer. LOL They cook up very quickly in small pieces -- drop em in boiling water for about a minute and they're done. 1/2" thick steaks can be fried, but you have to tenderize them first and be careful to not overcook or they will be very tough.
They are a type of snail I believe. Very dense white meat. Visualize a half of a mussel shell with the mussel crawling along the bottom of the ocean. They have to be 8" across to be taken legally--that will produce maybe a pound of solid meat. They cannot be taken commercially or by divers with tanks. Only free divers. When you spot on, you have to quickly slide your iron under it and pop it off the rock. If you don't do it deftly enough, the ab will clamp down to the rock and you won't be able to pop it off and you lose the ab AND your ab iron. Bummer. LOL They cook up very quickly in small pieces -- drop em in boiling water for about a minute and they're done. 1/2" thick steaks can be fried, but you have to tenderize them first and be careful to not overcook or they will be very tough.
Wow! That's a big dang snail! I guess I won't ever taste one. I don't think they are common to sandy beaches where I swim in Florida and my ears won't let me go down 10 feet, anyway. Is there some other seafood, they taste like? I take it, you are from or at least spent time on the West Coast.
Is there some other seafood, they taste like? I take it, you are from or at least spent time on the West Coast.
No, they have a unique flavor and not for everyone. I like them, but I don't dive anymore and I am a long way from Monterey, CA--the only place I've ever found them in a restaurant. Yes, I spent 45 years in CA before retiring and escaping.

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