Zone1 God Says Don't Eat Shellfish

You really enjoy feeling superior which, as I have pointed out to you before, is a much bigger "sin" than Christians eating shellfish.

But go your way.
"I would have OBEDIENCE over sacrifice "

A truly converted person appreciates correction and LOVES understanding.
Why would an infinite God, who created trillions of galaxies and innumerable stars and planets, care if a few hominid great apes on a planet somewhere in the universe, go to Red Lobster and order some shellfish?

Because of the very reason He created Man.

You don't understand what God envisions for Man. Hope you don't miss out!
From my Father. I ask and He teaches me. He will do that for you to the degree you ask with an open heart

That's what I thought. You're wrong, but the worst part is, you're sinfully wrong. You enjoy thinking everyone else is wrong so you can tell them how superior you are.
Because of the very reason He created Man.

You don't understand what God envisions for Man. Hope you don't miss out!
Why would he punish us for eating shellfish? Why leave people out of whatever good he can give them for eating shellfish?
“God Says Don't Eat Shellfish”

There is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

This is something humans made up, the consequence of their ignorance.

If you're certain of this, your even being present in a forum discussing God amounts to trolling and must be taken as having ill intent.


Why would he punish us for eating shellfish? Why leave people out of whatever good he can give them for eating shellfish?
You can eat mud for all I care. You went thru that phase when you were a child and your parents told you "don't eat dirt. It's not food!" Do as you please. This discussion obviously isn't for you.

And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
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You can eat mud for all I care. You went thru that phase when you were a child and your parents told you "don't eat dirt. It's not food!" Do as you please. This discussion obviously isn't for you.

And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
Shellfish are bottom feeders.

How safe is shellfish?


Because shellfish habitats are often in areas of high water pollution, the nutrients they consume from their surrounding water can be contaminated. For clams and other shellfish, years of exposure can allow toxins to reach harmful levels and cause serious foodborne illness risks for consumers.
Both Israel and the Jews were punished for 2520 years. Israel and the Tribe of Judah are not the he same.

Israel lost her identity because she no longer keeps GODS identifying sigh -- the SABBATH.

We are still here (The British and American People and the people of NW Europe).

The Jews returned to the Land of Israel as a nation 2520 years after exile.
Of course, the descendants of Israel are still here, but not as a unified nation. The unity is found in the shared Christian faith. The Jews have appropriated the name "Israel" as they desire to be thought of as the only remaining 'chosen people'. The land they occupy should rightly be called "Judea". America and the other western democracies are the true "Israel". God has returned the Jews to Palestine to set up the end time conflagration that will take place there.

Are you a believer of British Israelism?
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Oh, and I don't bury my poop in the backyard as God commanded the WANDERING NOMADIC Israelites to do. Neither did Jesus and the apostles. Why? Because I'm not wandering in the wilderness. But if I were living in the national Forrest I would dig a hole and bury it.

Think about what you just wrote........................"wandering nomadic people" DON'T have backyards. They are wandering from place to place, and the very definition of nomadic means they don't live in one place.

Wandering nomads don't have backyards to bury their poop in.
Shellfish are bottom feeders.

How safe is shellfish?


Because shellfish habitats are often in areas of high water pollution, the nutrients they consume from their surrounding water can be contaminated. For clams and other shellfish, years of exposure can allow toxins to reach harmful levels and cause serious foodborne illness risks for consumers.

Actually, they are reasonably safe to consume in the colder months as that is when the bacteria and other nasties in the water are at low levels. Warmer months are when the nasties become more numerous, which is why people are told to only eat oysters in months that have an "R" in them.

And.................fwiw...............lobsters are bottom feeders, oysters are filter feeders. There is a difference, and I suggest you learn what it is.

By the way................"bottom feeders" isn't limited to just shellfish either.

A bottom-feeder is any aquatic animal which spends some or all of its life feeding on or near the bottom of water, be it a lake, river, ocean or pond. It might surprise you that the following fish and shellfish are classified as bottom-feeders: halibut, flounder, sole, cod, haddock, bass, carp, snapper, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, squid, octopus, catfish, shrimp, crabs, lobster, crayfish, snails and shellfish.

While the term “bottom-feeders” sounds repulsive, they are considered to be extremely good for a healthy diet, because they spend their lives in mineral-rich waters. Shellfish provide vitamins and minerals often exceeding that of land-based animals or plants. For example, oysters are a great source of zinc, B-vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin E, copper, selenium, heart healthy omega-3 fatty acid, protein and healthy fats. Clams, mussels and scallops are nearly equal in their benefits.

If you live in the South (or are a fisherman of fresh water fish), bass and catfish (both bottom feeders) are considered to be a tasty meal.
Guess you missed the whole thing about Israel becoming its own nation, and the Jews becoming whole again in their homeland after WWII, didn't ya?
Oh yeah, I can paint a pile of defecation red and call it a Rose, but it still smells like crap because its not really a flower.

..........I missed where Israel, appointed by the United Nations got all the land of promise returned to them and how a new Temple has been rebuilt, how modern Israel has a royal priesthood of Levites to regulate God's Law, and how burnt sacrifices are offered up the Royal Priesthood and high priest each year .......and lastly I enjoy the way THEIR GOD APPOINTED KING runs their affairs of state. And every citizen is by blood line identified by their TRIBE.

But wait. God never gave modern Israel the land of promise.......the UN resolution did not come close to restoring the land of promise. Modern Israel does not have a God appointed King, No Royal Priesthood, No Temple, God's law does not govern's law regulates the nation Calling itself Israel. No Tribal IDs. All modern Israel is good for is causing war and division among the peoples of the middle east. Every time Man sticks his nose into the affairs of God.......this is what happens.

Do I have anything against the people's of Modern Israel and its government? Of course not.......its the closet thing to a democracy that is located directly in the middle of land of despotic idiots and its the only ALLY the US has in the region...but Modern Israel is nothing but a nation of "Cubic Zirconias" when compared to the real Diamond that was Biblical Israel. It was created by man to deceive gullible fools and keep the business of the world engaged in prepetual warfare. War pays good to the people calling themselves PROGRESSIVE in the UN and the United States.

A carbon copy of Israel.:abgg2q.jpg: if you are Ray Charles, blind and dead..........Israel was Husbanded by the God of Creation (Jer.31:31-34) FYI...........Isarel, in Hebrew, means favored by God.....EL. because all brides take on the name of the Husband. Now what do we call the God of the N.T. and what must His bride be called? :dunno:

What do the scriptures declare? God knows there is no modern Israel..........its people and its heritage are still scattered around the globe, why? Because God keeps all His promises....even the curses. Today, There is neither Jew nor Gentile, Male nor Female, Free nor Slave all are made one through Jesus Christ, all are joint heirs to the Promise made to father Abraham. -- Gal. 3:28-29
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I gave up shellfish and pork years ago because the Bible says no to them.
Yeah........and I'd wager a dollar to a doughnut that you still don't live longer than your appointed years. The majority of one's life cycle is based upon Heredity and Lineage. The average lifespan of man, regardless of His diet is constant at 3 score and 10. Between 70 and 80 years old. God has no respect of person.....regardless of how some declare that God respects them more than others. (Acts 10:34-35, Romans 2:11)

What does the bible declare about your personal lifestyle choices? Yet........there are some still insisting upon judging others after the Holy Spirit of Truth said, "Let no man therefore Judge You in Meat, or in Drink, respect to any holiday, or SABBATH." -- Col. 2:16.

Clearly some people know more than the Spirit of Truth. ;) What made you think that anyone was interested in your personal lifestyle choices? Is seeking accolade.......look at me I AM SPECIAL.........that important to you?
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There is one way for any Jew on earth to be saved. Accept the fact that Jesus is the Messiah of prophecy. God is no longer a husband to the Jew alone. All authority in heaven and on earth were given to Jesus Christ by the Father (Matthew 28:18-19) and to enter the Kingdom of God....i.e, the church given to Christ by the Father (Matthew 16), one must be baptized in the Name of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Can the Jew be saved today? Of course, "And they (the castoff Jews who refused to accept Jesus), if they abide NOT STILL IN UNBELIEF, shall be grafted in......" -- Romans 11:23 God allowed 7 thousand -- Romans 11:4-5, (a symoblic number.....7 reflects perfection in scripture) to be saved 1st and then allowed the Gentiles to be grafted into the branch to invoke jealousy and anger the stubborn Jew (Romans 11:11)

The Modern Jew suffers from the same condition that caused Satan to be cast from Heaven and lose favor with the God of Creation ..................PRIDE. (Isa. 14:12), Pride is the beginning of sin (Eccl. 10:13)As Jesus stated, the Jew refuses to listen to their own prophets and has been guilty of dismissing them, killing them or placing them in prison (Matthew 23:33-36). God made the prophecy of Christ and Daniel (the abomination of desolation -- Matthew 24:15) come to pass in the 1st century 70 A.D. Rome destroyed Israel and scattered them around the globe, and the Jew is still scattered all around the globe today.

As demonstrated......its easy to document the fact that the Nation calling itself not Biblical Israel, and how the Jew still refuses to listen to their own prophets of history. The Old Law is our schoolmaster (Gal. 3:24) leading us to the Messiah of prophecy and a N.T. covenant (Jer. 31:31-34)
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I have never eaten a raw oyster, I didn't shuck, but I guess giving drunks in a bar an oyster knife and a dozen in the shell, is probably a non-starter.:cool:
Neither have I. I have eaten clams in chowder and abalone. Both are very good. I've eaten scallops, but I can take em or leave em--mostly leave em.

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