Zone1 God Says Don't Eat Shellfish

God doesn't "do away" with any of His laws. Only cafeteria Christians who think they can pick and choose what they will or won't follow do that.
Even cursing your parents is a death penalty sin.

"GOD" didn't "say" anything of the sort. A bunch of men wrote just to see if they could control the masses by pretending to represent a "GOD."
I do not keep kosher-----I is a jew. BUT it must be CULTURAL----I never tasted any of them----
cuisine is more CULTURAL than "religious" -----hubby would drop dead if I ever gave him a
You're pitching one right down the middle but I ain't swinging at it. :auiqs.jpg:
God doesn't "do away" with any of His laws. Only cafeteria Christians who think they can pick and choose what they will or won't follow do that.
So you say He didn't do away with ANY law

So YOU keep/observe them all.

Except earlier you said we DON'T have to

You are very confused. And you're a liar
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished” (Matthew 5:17–19)
Accomplished: "It is finished" -Last words of Christ as a mortal.
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished” (Matthew 5:17–19)
The Law was given to Israel only, and many of the laws are 'laws of separation' from the Gentile world. It was administered by the Levites, adjudicated by a 'Council of Elders', and enforced by the 'host' of Israelites. All of these are gone. What remains is Judaism, and the Christian church.
So you say He didn't do away with ANY law

So YOU keep/observe them all.

Except earlier you said we DON'T have to

You are very confused. And you're a liar

Never said anything of the sort. And, you make an awful lot of assumptions about me. No, I'm not a Christian.

When I started out life, I was baptized as a Lutheran, but, my mother ended up getting married to a Catholic, and I was sent to Catholic school for a short time (2nd and 3rd grade). She ended up getting divorced from him, and shortly after died in a car crash. Because I was orphaned, I ended up in foster care and was bounced around between a few different families. Each of them belonged to a different sect of Christianity, and each time I was moved to a different family, I was told that I was going to hell if I didn't believe as they did. Pretty heavy trip for a kid, being told that what I had previously learned was wrong, and now I had to learn a new way of belief. Ran away from foster care in my late teens and went to live with my Grandparents, who weren't exactly religious, but they did believe in God and also believed that one should always try to do right by their fellow human. So, I turned my back on Christianity and just decided to follow the moral beliefs that my Grandparents had taught me (don't steal, don't lie, treat others decently, etc.), as they seemed to be workable.

Drifted around for a few years as a young adult until I came across Taoist beliefs, and decided that that particular philosophy worked for me, so I decided to become spiritual rather than religious.

Today, I believe that there is a Supreme Being, Higher Power, God, or whatever you want to call it. I believe that we should help our fellow humans wherever possible, as well as believe that stealing, lying, murder and other things are not beneficial for anyone, especially myself. I don't exactly adhere to dietary "laws", because I believe that modern technology makes most of what we eat safe to consume, but I will exercise caution when eating things that need caution. One example is that while I am very fond of raw oysters, I won't eat them in months that don't have an "R", as those are the warm months and oysters are filter feeders, meaning they filter whatever is in the water. Bacteria and other nasties will thrive in warm months, meaning that eating oysters in months that don't have an "R" in them can result in a greater chance of me eating something that could be infected.

Circumcision? Wasn't given a choice in the matter as I was circumcised at birth. Am I butt hurt about my parents decision? No, because with the research that I've seen on it, I believe it is a good idea, as it's cleaner and there is less chance of some kind of infection than if I wasn't.

How do I feel about religion? I came across a thought once that said "all paths lead to the top of the mountain". ALL religions believe in some form of the Golden Rule, all of them believe in some form of the Commandments (don't steal, lie or murder), and all of them believe in some form of God, whether you call It Allah, God, Tao, Jehovah, etc. They also all believe that what we do now will have some effect on what comes later.

So, I believe that religion is a stepping stone, or pathway to get to God, but I also believe that God is too large to be confined to just one religion, so I look for where there are similarities rather that looking at the differences to understand God in my own way a bit better.

As far as the dogma of religion (the restrictions that it imposes on the individual)? Not a fan.
The Law was given to Israel only
JESUS said, "The Sabbath was made for MAN and not Man for the Sabbath."

Notice He DIDNT say, _the Sabbath was made for THE JEW ONLY."

If YOU are "Man" -- male or female, and a follower of the ONLY GOD who exists, you will be a Sabbath keeper.

Ite is GOD'S Sabbath, for Man. Not the Jew only
JESUS said, "The Sabbath was made for MAN and not Man for the Sabbath."

Notice He DIDNT say, _the Sabbath was made for THE JEW ONLY."

If YOU are "Man" -- male or female, and a follower of the ONLY GOD who exists, you will be a Sabbath keeper.

Ite is GOD'S Sabbath, for Man. Not the Jew only
God's laws would benefit all of mankind but were only commanded for Israel and those who joined themselves to Israel.
JESUS said, "The Sabbath was made for MAN and not Man for the Sabbath."

Notice He DIDNT say, _the Sabbath was made for THE JEW ONLY."

If YOU are "Man" -- male or female, and a follower of the ONLY GOD who exists, you will be a Sabbath keeper.

Ite is GOD'S Sabbath, for Man. Not the Jew only
Do you keep kosher?

Never said anything of the sort. And, you make an awful lot of assumptions about me. No, I'm not a Christian.

When I started out life, I was baptized as a Lutheran, but, my mother ended up getting married to a Catholic, and I was sent to Catholic school for a short time (2nd and 3rd grade). She ended up getting divorced from him, and shortly after died in a car crash. Because I was orphaned, I ended up in foster care and was bounced around between a few different families. Each of them belonged to a different sect of Christianity, and each time I was moved to a different family, I was told that I was going to hell if I didn't believe as they did. Pretty heavy trip for a kid, being told that what I had previously learned was wrong, and now I had to learn a new way of belief. Ran away from foster care in my late teens and went to live with my Grandparents, who weren't exactly religious, but they did believe in God and also believed that one should always try to do right by their fellow human. So, I turned my back on Christianity and just decided to follow the moral beliefs that my Grandparents had taught me (don't steal, don't lie, treat others decently, etc.), as they seemed to be workable.

Drifted around for a few years as a young adult until I came across Taoist beliefs, and decided that that particular philosophy worked for me, so I decided to become spiritual rather than religious.

Today, I believe that there is a Supreme Being, Higher Power, God, or whatever you want to call it. I believe that we should help our fellow humans wherever possible, as well as believe that stealing, lying, murder and other things are not beneficial for anyone, especially myself. I don't exactly adhere to dietary "laws", because I believe that modern technology makes most of what we eat safe to consume, but I will exercise caution when eating things that need caution. One example is that while I am very fond of raw oysters, I won't eat them in months that don't have an "R", as those are the warm months and oysters are filter feeders, meaning they filter whatever is in the water. Bacteria and other nasties will thrive in warm months, meaning that eating oysters in months that don't have an "R" in them can result in a greater chance of me eating something that could be infected.

Circumcision? Wasn't given a choice in the matter as I was circumcised at birth. Am I butt hurt about my parents decision? No, because with the research that I've seen on it, I believe it is a good idea, as it's cleaner and there is less chance of some kind of infection than if I wasn't.

How do I feel about religion? I came across a thought once that said "all paths lead to the top of the mountain". ALL religions believe in some form of the Golden Rule, all of them believe in some form of the Commandments (don't steal, lie or murder), and all of them believe in some form of God, whether you call It Allah, God, Tao, Jehovah, etc. They also all believe that what we do now will have some effect on what comes later.

So, I believe that religion is a stepping stone, or pathway to get to God, but I also believe that God is too large to be confined to just one religion, so I look for where there are similarities rather that looking at the differences to understand God in my own way a bit better.

As far as the dogma of religion (the restrictions that it imposes on the individual)? Not a fan.

Explains a lot

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished” (Matthew 5:17–19)
Fulfill: In the English Dictionary................COMPLETE SUCCESSFULLY. Complete: In the English Dictionary..........Perfect in every respect. With His last breath........Jesus Christ put an end to the OLD LAW because it was FINISHED. "It is finished......." -- John 19:30 "For Christ is the end to the LAW for righteousness to everyone that believeth." -- Romans 10:4 James declared that Jesus introduced the Perfect Law of Liberty (James 1:25) as per the completion of God's prophet Jeremiahs' prophecy.............

"Behold the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel..............NOT ACCORDING TO THE COVENANT THAT I (the Lord) MADE WITH THEIR FATHERS (MOSES) IN THE DAY I TOOK THEM BY THE HAND TO LEAD THEM OUT OF THE LAND OF EGYPT...." -- Jer.31:31-32.

Jeremiah states why there was to be a new covenant unlike the covenant written on stone.........."MY COVENANT WHICH THEY, BROKE.....THOUGH I WAS A HUSBAND UNTO THEM...." -- Jer. 31:33. I am sure you KEEP THE LAW IN ITS circumcise your new born males on the 8th? If not, why not? You provide burnt offering to the Royal Priesthood of Levites? If not, why not? No gentile nation was ever husbanded to God until the New Testament Covenant Grace came into effect. (Deut. 5:1-4) The OLD LAW does not apply to any nation other than Biblical Israel.......not to the ancestors that came before Moses nor to anyone in the future that comes after the Law and Prophets were fulfilled.

Jesus nailed the Law to His sacrificial cross. -- Col. 2:14-18. No one is to judge another because of food, drink or Sabbath Worship.

Tell that to anyone that claims that Sabbath worship is still authorized because it was eternal.........with conditions, God informed Israel what would happen if it continued to defy His righteous commandments and hurt His prophets. He would take away the land of promise.......and spread Israel around the globe......never to be made whole a potters Jar that was broken. (Jer. 19:7-13).

Israel would lose its nation if it disobeyed God's commandments. (Deut. 8:19-20) God said He would destroy Israel if it disobeyed (Lev. 26:27-39)

Jesus declared that God would punish Israel in that very generation in the 1st century. (Matthew 23:36). History actual proves Jesus' prophecy of Israel's destruction was upon that generation..........called the "abomination of desolation" by the prophet Daniel. (Matthew 24:15) Rome destroyed Jerusalem and spread the Jewish nation around the globe.....without a home land, never to be complete again.
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