God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrZHPOeOxQQ]Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube[/ame]
Maybe you are questioning the change in personality of God through out the Bible?

Not really as there is only the one God.

There is a change in God from the O.T. prick to the more loving Jesus but that Jesus also invented hell and his love should be questioned as well because no loving God would create a vile and immoral place like hell.

I wonder

Did Jesus invent hell, or did his disciples? Kind of hard to say.

Kind of like how a disciple dreamed that all foods are edible and how they decided that Jesus message is really meant for all. Considering that they(the disciples) wrote the New Testament, one really has to consider rather or not they made some additions to Jesus teachings.
Lemme set things straight.

It's the old time religion's God that smote every living thing in Canaan, which just happens to be the invention of that old time religion.

The inventors of the OT God would change things as necessary to maintain their power, as all purveyors of revealed religion do. And Jesus wasn't that peace-loving. After all he did say, I come not to bring peace, but a sword--and then promptly occupied the Temple for a day at sword point in order to cleanse it so that God would return to "His" house. But God didn't show, Jesus' pissed followers mostly turned on him and, well the rest is not exactly history but we're pretty sure they crucified him and buried him and he's still dead.

Paul, however, not to be deterred, seized the moment, picked up the baton and morphed the Jewish God into a cyborg of the Mithraic God and thus called Jesus God--which was the only real difference between Mithraism and "Christianity"...which should rightly be called Paulism. Oh and Paul invented hell, or perfected it anyway.

The only God that makes any sense (if one exists) is a laissez-faire deist God. It must not interfere lest we loose our free-will--the one and only reason for Creation.
Lemme set things straight.

It's the old time religion's God that smote every living thing in Canaan, which just happens to be the invention of that old time religion.

The inventors of the OT God would change things as necessary to maintain their power, as all purveyors of revealed religion do. And Jesus wasn't that peace-loving. After all he did say, I come not to bring peace, but a sword--and then promptly occupied the Temple for a day at sword point in order to cleanse it so that God would return to "His" house. But God didn't show, Jesus' pissed followers mostly turned on him and, well the rest is not exactly history but we're pretty sure they crucified him and buried him and he's still dead.

Paul, however, not to be deterred, seized the moment, picked up the baton and morphed the Jewish God into a cyborg of the Mithraic God and thus called Jesus God--which was the only real difference between Mithraism and "Christianity"...which should rightly be called Paulism. Oh and Paul invented hell, or perfected it anyway.

The only God that makes any sense (if one exists) is a laissez-faire deist God. It must not interfere lest we loose our free-will--the one and only reason for Creation.

Thank you again. Rare to find someone who knows what they are talking about when discussing Christianity.
I wonder

Did Jesus invent hell, or did his disciples? Kind of hard to say.

Kind of like how a disciple dreamed that all foods are edible and how they decided that Jesus message is really meant for all. Considering that they(the disciples) wrote the New Testament, one really has to consider rather or not they made some additions to Jesus teachings.

The church teaches whatever Rome tells them to teach and they definitely do not teach what Jesus taught. Jesus taught that the church was not required for us to know God. The Church will never teach that.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

People cannot gain the Christ mind while following a church. They have to follow Jesus.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alRNbesfXXw&feature=player_embedded]Alan Watts - On The Book of Eli - YouTube[/ame]

Lemme set things straight.

It's the old time religion's God that smote every living thing in Canaan, which just happens to be the invention of that old time religion.

The inventors of the OT God would change things as necessary to maintain their power, as all purveyors of revealed religion do. And Jesus wasn't that peace-loving. After all he did say, I come not to bring peace, but a sword--and then promptly occupied the Temple for a day at sword point in order to cleanse it so that God would return to "His" house. But God didn't show, Jesus' pissed followers mostly turned on him and, well the rest is not exactly history but we're pretty sure they crucified him and buried him and he's still dead.

Paul, however, not to be deterred, seized the moment, picked up the baton and morphed the Jewish God into a cyborg of the Mithraic God and thus called Jesus God--which was the only real difference between Mithraism and "Christianity"...which should rightly be called Paulism. Oh and Paul invented hell, or perfected it anyway.

The only God that makes any sense (if one exists) is a laissez-faire deist God. It must not interfere lest we loose our free-will--the one and only reason for Creation.

Wow. The whole of creation was created just so that man could have free will. Wow, are we important to the whole of the universe or what!

So you would see God as serving man and not man serving God. Right?

It makes at least as much sense as the whole of creation was made just so God could have people tell God just how awesome God is.

I doubt there is a God, but if there is the Deists conceptualization is probably the closest to the truth.
We cannot know until someone otherworldly pops up.

We have been waiting forever and that is why we have made up our own Gods.
And quite a lot of them.

Thank you again. Rare to find someone who knows what they are talking about when discussing Christianity.

K you're too kind, thanks.

What does the book of Eli have to do with anything? I didn't see where he mentioned it, but I didn't have time to listen to the whole thing. When he talked about God revealing Himself, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Did you know Watts figured prominently in the movie Her. Best movie of all time IMNTBHO.

Wow. The whole of creation was created just so that man could have free will.

Precisely. God could do anything else instantly.

So you would see God as serving man and not man serving God. Right?

No, we are born/made in It's sentient image. Our free will is a tremendous gift. God gave it to us for our sakes and for It's own sake. We both benefit.

It makes at least as much sense as the whole of creation was made just so God could have people tell God just how awesome God is.

I doubt there is a God, but if there is the Deists conceptualization is probably the closest to the truth.

I put the odds at 50/50. Curiously, that is what it would be if God existed but didn't want to have It's existence knowable. God couldn't make it so that it appeared that It doesn't exist, because that would be a lie--and whatever God is, It is the Truth.

We cannot know until someone otherworldly pops up.

The instant we knew, we would know that God was looking over our shoulders and we would thus loose our free will.

We have been waiting forever and that is why we have made up our own Gods.
And quite a lot of them.

Patience is not what's required, the Truth is. Those for whom the Truth isn't that important, invent gods for their own ends. And others believe at the expense of the Truth as well, for a sense of security that they know deep down is false. The ones we are most easily able to fool are ourselves.

I've done some cowardly things in my time, but the most courageous thing I've ever done was to admit that I don't know--it scared the hell out of me.

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God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube

Absolutely. You've misrepresented God and His Word here. God gave "man" dominion over all the earth ( Gen 1:26 and Psalm 8 ) and over all the power of Satan ( Luke 10:19). ALL as in ALL.

Luke 10:19 Behold I have given you authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy ( satan ) and nothing shall by any means harm you.

Luke 10:20 Do not rejoice that the spirits ( demons ) are subject unto you but rather rejoice that your names are written in the lambs book of life.

Those who have authority over all the power of Satan have also been given dominion because that was the original plan of God - from the beginning.. through the redemption of the cross we reconnect with our destiny. In the name of Jesus there is great power. What great love the Father has for us to send us His Son and for His Son to send us the Holy Spirit! What do believers lack? Nothing.
We cannot know until someone otherworldly pops up.

We have been waiting forever and that is why we have made up our own Gods.
And quite a lot of them.


Oh my how this takes me back to the story of Moses and what was going on down below - those who were worshiping the golden calf. They surely didn't wait too long before making their own gods. It was wrong then and it is wrong today. Wait upon the LORD and do not be led away by such foolishness!
God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube

Absolutely. You've misrepresented God and His Word here. God gave "man" dominion over all the earth ( Gen 1:26 and Psalm 8 ) and over all the power of Satan ( Luke 10:19). ALL as in ALL.

Luke 10:19 Behold I have given you authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy ( satan ) and nothing shall by any means harm you.

Luke 10:20 Do not rejoice that the spirits ( demons ) are subject unto you but rather rejoice that your names are written in the lambs book of life.

Those who have authority over all the power of Satan have also been given dominion because that was the original plan of God - from the beginning.. through the redemption of the cross we reconnect with our destiny. In the name of Jesus there is great power. What great love the Father has for us to send us His Son and for His Son to send us the Holy Spirit! What do believers lack? Nothing.
What is God's grace?
Lemme set things straight.

It's the old time religion's God that smote every living thing in Canaan, which just happens to be the invention of that old time religion.

The inventors of the OT God would change things as necessary to maintain their power, as all purveyors of revealed religion do. And Jesus wasn't that peace-loving. After all he did say, I come not to bring peace, but a sword--and then promptly occupied the Temple for a day at sword point in order to cleanse it so that God would return to "His" house. But God didn't show, Jesus' pissed followers mostly turned on him and, well the rest is not exactly history but we're pretty sure they crucified him and buried him and he's still dead.

Paul, however, not to be deterred, seized the moment, picked up the baton and morphed the Jewish God into a cyborg of the Mithraic God and thus called Jesus God--which was the only real difference between Mithraism and "Christianity"...which should rightly be called Paulism. Oh and Paul invented hell, or perfected it anyway.

The only God that makes any sense (if one exists) is a laissez-faire deist God. It must not interfere lest we loose our free-will--the one and only reason for Creation.

Utter nonsense. Truth is based upon the Word of God. Not your "opinion" of the Word of God, PT. Your opinion won't move Gods hand one iota. It is Gods Word that moves Gods hand. Youre either quoting it or you're not. Your'e not!

Finally in closing there are over 400 references in the Old Testament - The Jewish Torah - referencing hell. From King David, to Isaiah, to Samuel and onward... hell is repeatedly mentioned. To continue to deny the truth in order to implicate a lie is grounds for major consequences. You cannot provoke God to anger and expect nothing from it. What are you doing on this board, PT? You are provoking God to anger. Stop while you can.
Lemme set things straight.

It's the old time religion's God that smote every living thing in Canaan, which just happens to be the invention of that old time religion.

The inventors of the OT God would change things as necessary to maintain their power, as all purveyors of revealed religion do. And Jesus wasn't that peace-loving. After all he did say, I come not to bring peace, but a sword--and then promptly occupied the Temple for a day at sword point in order to cleanse it so that God would return to "His" house. But God didn't show, Jesus' pissed followers mostly turned on him and, well the rest is not exactly history but we're pretty sure they crucified him and buried him and he's still dead.

Paul, however, not to be deterred, seized the moment, picked up the baton and morphed the Jewish God into a cyborg of the Mithraic God and thus called Jesus God--which was the only real difference between Mithraism and "Christianity"...which should rightly be called Paulism. Oh and Paul invented hell, or perfected it anyway.

The only God that makes any sense (if one exists) is a laissez-faire deist God. It must not interfere lest we loose our free-will--the one and only reason for Creation.

Utter nonsense. Truth is based upon the Word of God. Not your "opinion" of the Word of God, PT. Your opinion won't move Gods hand one iota. It is Gods Word that moves Gods hand. Youre either quoting it or you're not. Your'e not!

Finally in closing there are over 400 references in the Old Testament - The Jewish Torah - referencing hell. From King David, to Isaiah, to Samuel and onward... hell is repeatedly mentioned. To continue to deny the truth in order to implicate a lie is grounds for major consequences. You cannot provoke God to anger and expect nothing from it. What are you doing on this board, PT? You are provoking God to anger. Stop while you can.
What is God's grace?
God teaches love thy enemies while condemning his enemies to fire and death!

Except for Satan. God gave her dominion over us and the power to deceive us all. Quite the gifts.

God’s love is strange. I thought love had some do unto others in it. That could not include hell.

Do you see something wrong with that God and how he loves us?


Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube

Absolutely. You've misrepresented God and His Word here. God gave "man" dominion over all the earth ( Gen 1:26 and Psalm 8 ) and over all the power of Satan ( Luke 10:19). ALL as in ALL.

Luke 10:19 Behold I have given you authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy ( satan ) and nothing shall by any means harm you.

Luke 10:20 Do not rejoice that the spirits ( demons ) are subject unto you but rather rejoice that your names are written in the lambs book of life.

Those who have authority over all the power of Satan have also been given dominion because that was the original plan of God - from the beginning.. through the redemption of the cross we reconnect with our destiny. In the name of Jesus there is great power. What great love the Father has for us to send us His Son and for His Son to send us the Holy Spirit! What do believers lack? Nothing.
What is God's grace?

Sending His Son to die on a cross for the redemption of mankind - all lost sinners. That's Grace. You either receive Him or you don't.
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Absolutely. You've misrepresented God and His Word here. God gave "man" dominion over all the earth ( Gen 1:26 and Psalm 8 ) and over all the power of Satan ( Luke 10:19). ALL as in ALL.

Luke 10:19 Behold I have given you authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy ( satan ) and nothing shall by any means harm you.

Luke 10:20 Do not rejoice that the spirits ( demons ) are subject unto you but rather rejoice that your names are written in the lambs book of life.

Those who have authority over all the power of Satan have also been given dominion because that was the original plan of God - from the beginning.. through the redemption of the cross we reconnect with our destiny. In the name of Jesus there is great power. What great love the Father has for us to send us His Son and for His Son to send us the Holy Spirit! What do believers lack? Nothing.
What is God's grace?

Sending His Son to die on a cross for the redemption of mankind - all lost sinners. That's Grace. You either receive Him or you don't.

What is grace?
Just a simple theological definition of the term.
What is God's grace?

You are born to subject the Law system in your own country/nation. Similarly if God exists, you are automatically subject to the judgment of His Law system as you are under His sovereignty. It is predicted that by the standard of God's Law system, everyone may fail such a judgment by Law. Jesus' coming brought us a covenant which says that by God's self-sacrifice, humans can be re-deemed by bypassing the judgment of Law.

That's God's Grace through Jesus Christ.
Absolutely. You've misrepresented God and His Word here. God gave "man" dominion over all the earth ( Gen 1:26 and Psalm 8 ) and over all the power of Satan ( Luke 10:19). ALL as in ALL.

Luke 10:19 Behold I have given you authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy ( satan ) and nothing shall by any means harm you.

Luke 10:20 Do not rejoice that the spirits ( demons ) are subject unto you but rather rejoice that your names are written in the lambs book of life.

Those who have authority over all the power of Satan have also been given dominion because that was the original plan of God - from the beginning.. through the redemption of the cross we reconnect with our destiny. In the name of Jesus there is great power. What great love the Father has for us to send us His Son and for His Son to send us the Holy Spirit! What do believers lack? Nothing.
What is God's grace?

Sending His Son to die on a cross for the redemption of mankind - all lost sinners. That's Grace. You either receive Him or you don't.

God is pissed at us for using the Free Will God gave us so God sends God to Earth so we can kill God so God won't be pissed at us any longer...except when we don't say thanks God for sending us God to kill which leads to God burning us for eternity.

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