God told Mike Johnson he's the new moses

You are not fooling anyone

Of course any godless lib calling himself Father O’Blivion has a hangup against Christians
That isn't good enough. You accuse me of attacking Christians when I didn't and claim the name I chose in an anonymous internet message board means something.

Show proof of me attacking Christians or slink away.
He thought it wouldn't get out because they banned the press from the event.

He's dangerously insane and must be removed ASAP.

There are no restrictions on people of any religion to run for political office. Our founding fathers were "Deists. Buchanan and Dwight D. Eisenhower were Presbyterian. Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon were Quakers. James Madison was Episcopal. Four of our presidents, including Jefferson, were what we now refer to as Unitarian. James A. Garfield was part of the Disciples of Christ Church. Warren G. Harding was a Baptist, as was Jimmy Carter. John F. Kennedy was a Catholic and Joe Biden, a Catholic.
There is no litmus test of religion to become president. The only requirement, other than being a natural born citizen of the United States and 35 years of age at the time of being sworn in, is that the president "swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States," which all past presidents have done, excluding crooked Joe Biden.
As to some excellent examples of political leaders that were/are Atheists:
1. Kim Jung Un.
2. Xi Jinping.
3. Vladimir Lenin.
4. Ho Chi Minh.
5. Pol Pot.
6. Fidel Castro (while his family was Catholic, he personally said he wasn't a believer).
Thing they have in common, other than Atheism: No morals.
This fails as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

Not really. Our everyday lives show us that nothing ever happens without a cause. This is 100% undisputed.

Now, it is possible that the big bang did not have a cause, but assuming it did is not an appeal to ignorance, it is a deduction based upon what we know.
You accuse me of attacking Christianity. Please provide proof of your accusation. If you cannot, that means you made a mistake or just plain lied.

A mistake I understand.

A lie is is, well, just a lie.
Of course you are attacking Christians and Christianity

You want to keep Christianity away from government because you dont accept it the expression of God
He thought it wouldn't get out because they banned the press from the event.

He's dangerously insane and must be removed ASAP.

We have a new Moses? I guess thats pretty cool. Its nice to see people paying compliments to Mike Johnson. Im a fan too.

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