God told Mike Johnson he's the new moses

Nope "freedom from religion" is just opposite of what we have in this country. You want that, you'll have to go to a communist country.
You were duped by 'of' as preposition, because to not have freedom from religion would not be freedom, it would be a pure, totalitarian theocracy that only gives the choice of type/denomination of religion. That's not going to happen, precisely due to the Founders' astute observations about church and state history elsewhere.
1. I think I'm defending Mike? What he said in front of a religious crowd was fine. That someone made it public and then is trying to criticize him for his beliefs is what is wrong.

2. We disagree then. I prefer pols to keep their religious beliefs to themselves. But I do expect pols to keep parental rights as far as what their children are taught in school about God, values, and behaviors.
2. is why, by law, religious indoctrination will come under litigation in schools.
You were duped by 'of' as preposition, because to not have freedom from religion would not be freedom, it would be a pure, totalitarian theocracy that only gives the choice of type/denomination of religion.

Nope. The Establishment clause takes care of that.
That's not going to happen, precisely due to the Founders' astute observations about church and state history elsewhere.
You have no "freedom from religion". I can preach my religion in your ears, on the town square, in the park, on the sidewalk ... and you can't do jack squat about it.
Exactly. How would they feel if he was up there proclaiming the will of allah or that this was a Jedi Nation?

About the same way muslims in muslim nations feel when a Christian says some thing in their country.

Oh wait, are there any Christians in muslim countries? Or have they all been thrown off buildings, beheaded, and or slaughtered?
Nope. The Establishment clause takes care of that.

You have no "freedom from religion". I can preach my religion in your ears, on the town square, in the park, on the sidewalk ... and you can't do jack squat about it.
You are incorrect. Everyone has freedom from religion, because the Founders (had to [italics]) make sure of it because they knew that government and religion should not be mixed. When did you start thinking that the government gets to be free from religion and its subjects cannot? What you mouth off about in public is not the same thing as what you try to teach in school, which comes under the sway of the law.
About the same way muslims in muslim nations feel when a Christian says some thing in their country.

Oh wait, are there any Christians in muslim countries? Or have they all been thrown off buildings, beheaded, and or slaughtered?
Ironically, Xianity is the #1 religion for secreting atheism, though Islam will most likely subject an atheist in their country to ostracism rather than beheading, because it is a more lasting violence.
You are incorrect. Everyone has freedom from religion, because the Founders (had to [italics]) make sure of it because they knew that government and religion should not be mixed.

Please explain. How did the founders institute "freedom from religion".

When did you start thinking that the government gets to be free from religion and its subjects cannot? What you mouth off about in public is not the same thing as what you try to teach in school, which comes under the sway of the law.

Congress starts every morning with a prayer.
You are incorrect. Everyone has freedom from religion, because the Founders (had to [italics]) make sure of it because they knew that government and religion should not be mixed. When did you start thinking that the government gets to be free from religion and its subjects cannot?

Prolly about the 4th grade.
What you mouth off about in public is not the same thing as what you try to teach in school, which comes under the sway of the law.
OK. You're talking about the Establishment clause and simply mislabeling it "freedom from religion."
I know what you say you believe, you know God exists, but Romans talks about those who suppress the truth, and worship the creation, instead of the Creator. You refuse to admit it because you believe sin to be better and are given over to your reprobate mind!

I say what I believe. I do not know God exists.
Please explain. How did the founders institute "freedom from religion".

Congress starts every morning with a prayer.
Should one attempt to change the mental illnesses of Congress and its chronic genuflections done early in the morning? When was this habit first established in Congress? We will be excerpting from Seidel, et al, to more explain freedom from religion, because it's a serious mental pathology to have no freedom from religion.
Should one attempt to change the mental illnesses of Congress and its chronic genuflections done early in the morning? When was this habit first established in Congress? We will be excerpting from Seidel, et al, to more explain freedom from religion, because it's a serious mental pathology to have no freedom from religion.

So we will go with how you can't answer my question and back up your position.

First Prayer of the Continental Congress, Office of the Chaplain

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