God told Mike Johnson he's the new moses


Advocate for abortion so their teenage daughter doesn't become a teenage mother and arrest for the statutory rapist. Let me guess, despite all previous cosplay you're going to now defend adults marrying minors they've knocked up?
Since I dont [sic] know the two people involved I cant endorse your idea to kill the baby and send the father to jail
A shotgun marriage may be the best thing for both of them

Murdering an innocent human being in cold blood is certainly not a valid solution to any of that, in any event.

But it is never any surprise to see a subhuman piece of shit like Curried Goats calling for the death of an innocent child. Evil is as evil does.
Murdering an innocent human being in cold blood is certainly not a valid solution to any of that, in any event.
Yeah I don't get so dramatic about abortion. Your tearful wailing doesn't move me. :dunno:
But it is never any surprise to see a subhuman piece of shit like Curried Goats calling for the death of an innocent child. Evil is as evil does.
Throw holy water on me, see if that does anything. 😄
Love it. I have a Bible; that I've read most of it. It's a lot to retain, which is, I guess why you're supposed to read it on a regular basis.
Where can I find, where the Lord commands Moses to die in the land of Moab?

I should know this.

I pick a book of the Bible and read 30-50 verses a day, not too taxing. I'm currently reading Deuteronomy and then will take on a book or two within the New Testament. For the story of Moses turning the reins over to Joshua to lead the Jews across the Jordan, refer to Deuteronomy 3:25-28 and Deuteronomy 4:21-22.
Where and how did they prohibit it? (not that the question will be answered this time either)
The Framers knew well the evil that was the conjoining of church and state, to exclude from political participation those who were not members of the official state religion, where the state disadvantaged those of a minority religion through force of law, and enacted measures predicated on failed, wrongheaded religious dogma rather than sound public policy.

The likes of Johnson and others of the Christian right clearly have contempt for the Framers’ prohibition of conjoining church and state, just as they have contempt for sound, responsible governance.
When weird sex lives go public as homosexuals and trans-whatever have done it becomes a public issue

One of the biggest lies ever told was back in the 60’s when homo’s said that all they wanted was to be left alone to do disgusting things to other homo’s in the privacy of their own bedroom
Only you and others on hateful, bigoted right obsess over the sex lives of gay and transgender Americans.

Only you and others on hateful, bigoted right are making an ‘issue’ about being gay and transgender.

Being gay or transgender does not pose a ‘threat’ to society; what poses a threat to society is the small-minded bigotry of the hateful right.

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