God told Mike Johnson he's the new moses

I do not claim to know all that you have or have not personally advocated.

But one thing is absolutely clear: Wherever God's religion is driven out, Satan is invited to fill the remaining void with his religion.

Homosexuality, transsexuality,. pedophilia, and other related fucked-up sexual perversions, are clear parts of Satan's religion, and we are clearly seeing those being promoted from the places that Satan has been invited to take over—most tragically in those institutions given charge or influence over children.

By advocating that God's religion be driven out of anywhere, you are advocating that Satan's religion be invited to take its place.
What exactly is God's religion?
Child marriages to other children is not desirable in my opinion

But adult sex with children which libdom is gravitating toward is far worse
No dipshit, I'm talking about Republicans protecting child marriages to adults. The vast majority of which aren't homosexual relationships, but young girls marrying adult men. That's what the Republican Party protects.

Republicans make a case for child marriage

In most marriages reported nationwide involving children under 18, the children were girls, a trend that anti-child-marriage groups say represents the true function of child marriage: not for young couples to elope but for statutory rapists to marry their victims with the cover of the victim's parents.
Having a Christmas tree at city hall is an American tradition. Why do you want to mess with our traditions?
Why are you engaging in a war on Christmas? Christmas is supposed to be about celebrating the birth of Christ, not capitalism and paganism. Decorating Christmas trees was an ancient Egyptian custom in celebration of Ra.
No dipshit, I'm talking about Republicans protecting child marriages to adults. The vast majority of which aren't homosexual relationships, but young girls marrying adult men. That's what the Republican Party protects.

Republicans make a case for child marriage

In most marriages reported nationwide involving children under 18, the children were girls, a trend that anti-child-marriage groups say represents the true function of child marriage: not for young couples to elope but for statutory rapists to marry their victims with the cover of the victim's parents.
I have already said I dont approve of adults marrying children

But since you cant unwind from this topic there may be exceptions

If the girl is pregnant and under 18, and the boy is over 18 what should the parents do?
I have already said I dont approve of adults marrying children
I don't care if you approve you dipshit. I'm explaining to you that Democratic support for NAMBLA is imaginary while Republican defense of child brides is very real.
But since you cant unwind from this topic there may be exceptions

If the girl is pregnant and under 18, and the boy is over 18 what should the parents do?
Advocate for abortion so their teenage daughter doesn't become a teenage mother and arrest for the statutory rapist. Let me guess, despite all previous cosplay you're going to now defend adults marrying minors they've knocked up?
So we will go with how you can't answer my question and back up your position.

First Prayer of the Continental Congress, Office of the Chaplain
'Attendees at the First Continental Congress appointed a chaplain to pray in September 1774, when the colonies were still subjects of the British king and had not declared independence. That assembly spent a considerable amount of time discussing reconciliation with Britain, not independence. The battles at Lexington and Concord were still six months away. This is a seminal meeting in American history, but it was fifteen years before our country invented the separation of state and church. There was no United States of America and there was no Constitution, let alone a First Amendment to that Constitution.

Stating that the Continental Congress prayed is like stating that part of the British empire prayed: unremarkable. But still, Christian nationalists point to the chaplain's appointment and his prayer as evidence of America's having been founded on Judeo-Christian principles. The US Supreme Court, in an ill-advised decision in 1983, even declared that modern-day prayers at government meetings are not subject to the First Amendment partly because dependent British colonies prayed in 1774.
....As president, John Adams issued calls for prayer and thanksgiving, but thought they might have been responsible for his failed 1800 reelection bid: "Nothing is more dreaded than the National Government meddling with Religion."

Without the benefit of that hindsight, Adams participated in the chaplain's appointment and that prayer in 1774. He wrote Abigail a brief account when the Continental Congress first met:

'Mr. Cushing made a Motion, that is should be opened with Prayer. It was opposed by Mr. Jay of N. York and Mr. Rutledge of South Carolina, because we were so divided in religious Sentiments....so that We could not join in the same Act of Worship. Mr. S. Adams arose and said he was no Bigot, and could hear a Prayer from a Gentleman of Piety and Virtue, who was at the same Time a Friend to his Country. He was a Stranger in Phyladelphia. but had heard that Mr. Duche', an episcopal Clergyman, might be desired, to read Prayers to the Congress, tomorrow Morning.'

Relying on (any [italics]) religious colonialism for a Christian nation claim is a bit beside the point, because the colonies were still colonies; but pointing to the appointment of Jacob Duche' as chaplain and the prayer he gave as an example of our Christian founding is fruitless for three more reasons:

(1) The prayer was opposed; (2) the prayer was a political gambit, not a statement of religion in a founding principle; and (3) Duche's whole story (see pages 95-96) shows the appointment to have been a mistake and tends to undercut the Christian nationalist claim
Duche' wrote Washington a letter condemning American independence....Duche' told Washington that independence was impious, a form of idol worship, and asked, "Are the dregs of Congress then still to influence a mind like yours?" ....Washington forwarded this craven letter to the Continental Congress, noting that Duche' might have been "induced" into the "ridiculous-illiberal performance."

In the poorly reasoned 1983 case, Marsh v. Chambers, the Supreme Court relied on two things to exempt government prayer from the First Amendment: Duche' colonial prayers and the bill that the First United States Congress approved for congressional chaplains. I explained why this second rationale is unsound in the 2014 Supreme Court (amicus [it.]) brief I authored for the Freedom From Religion Foundation, in which I argued Marsh should be overturned.

The Supreme Court tends to heed Madison's First Amendment advice, but, curiously, it relegated Madison's legal opinion on the chaplains to a footnote. Madison condemned "the chaplainship to Congress" as "a palpable violation of equal rights, as well as of Constitutional principles." He's correct, but the court instead highlighted his vote for the appropriations bill that included two chaplain salaries. That bill was not really about chaplains - it authorized salaries for government officials, including the congressmen voting on it.

Because of that bill, the Marsh court concluded that "the First Amendment draftsmen....saw no real threat to the Establishment Clause arising from the practice of prayer." The more reasonable conclusion is that the members of Congress missed the threat in their rush to secure their own salaries and build the US government from the ground up.'
(Seidel, The Founding Myth)
I don't care if you approve you dipshit I'm explaining to you that Democratic support for NAMBLA is imaginary
Its far from imaginary

But dems are occupied with grooming children into perverted same sex relationships and sex changing and do not need NAMBLA at the moment

Just take a number and wait your turn
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Did we have a theocracy before the Progressive Socialist enlightenment from over a half century ago? The chickens are slowly coming home to roost now. Progs use riots as part of their political strategies. And are actually creating a potential theocracy with Islam. Wait until that comes here.

What are you talking about? Are you a progressive socialist? What a stupid thing to say.
Advocate for abortion so their teenage daughter doesn't become a teenage mother and arrest for the statutory rapist. Let me guess, despite all previous cosplay you're going to now defend adults marrying minors they've knocked up?
Since I dont know the two people involved I cant endorse your idea to kill the baby and send the father to jail

A shotgun marriage may be the best thing for both of them

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