God told Mike Johnson he's the new moses

Denial of child grooming is a defense mechanism used by the perverted Dems / Socialists to manipulate the truth.
The ‘child grooming’ lie is yet another tedious, moronic manifestation of the right’s culture wars – to contrive an ‘issue’ out of whole cloth to keep the hateful, bigoted Republican base ignorant, frightened, and going to the polls.
The Framers knew well the evil that was the conjoining of church and state,

I have never argued they supported that nor was that the original claim.

to exclude from political participation those who were not members of the official state religion, where the state disadvantaged those of a minority religion through force of law, and enacted measures predicated on failed, wrongheaded religious dogma rather than sound public policy.

The likes of Johnson and others of the Christian right clearly have contempt for the Framers’ prohibition of conjoining church and state, just as they have contempt for sound, responsible governance.

I am not discussing Johnson who I believe to be a fraud. I'm asking for support of the "right to be free of religion".

I believe we have made clear there is no right.
The ‘child grooming’ lie is yet another tedious, moronic manifestation of the right’s culture wars – to contrive an ‘issue’ out of whole cloth to keep the hateful, bigoted Republican base ignorant, frightened, and going to the polls.

Dem / Socialist denial of their grooming is typical as an attempt to sidestep the perversions they want to impose on children. It’s why the groomers are going after children at the youngest ages.

Evanston–Skokie School District 65 has adopted a radical gender curriculum that teaches pre-kindergarten through third-grade students to celebrate the transgender flag, break the “gender binary” established by white “colonizers,” and experiment with neo-pronouns such as “ze,” “zir,” and “tree.”
Interestingly, it was Christians who created western civilization as we know it today

Mostly for good and the betterment of humans everywhere
Well except for those who were crusaded, inquistioned, studied science, colonized, seen as a witch or otherwise evil, genocided, enslaved, forcefully displaced or sent to abusive Christian schools of course. But yeah, mostly white folks benefitted from that process.
I think the OP is silly. If God speaks to your heart, that doesn’t mean you’re hearing voices.

And if you seek to do what God seemingly wants, that’s not exactly a sign of insanity.

If the new Speaker filters things through a perceptual filter of religious faith, that doesn’t seem particularly dangerous.

My own faith is paper thin. I believe in God. That’s pretty much it. Nonetheless, unlike so many people here, I don’t run around in terror of people with a deeper faith.

It’s not like the Speaker is a fanatical Muslim.
If you believe you’re the new Moses… you’re batshit.

No need, unlike you terminally repressed fuck-knuckles I am fully aware of my own quirks and kinks.

You, OTOH, should really have a nice heaping slice of your own advice.

That's goes for most of you tRumplings. As a group you kids are about as self-aware as jellyfish.
What are we supposed to be aware of? We already know which bathroom to use and we can define what a woman is.

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