God told Mike Johnson he's the new moses

You tell me what you have forgotten!
20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and [g]Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like [h]corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Why did the 10 Commandments need to be taken down?

Why? Because it was the only thing Roy Moore allowed to be displayed in the lobby of the Alabama Supreme Court.
The big bang theory doesn't say the universe began from nothing. It says that it went from an infinitely hot and small dense state to all the matter, energy and space you see around you today. This theory was born from the equations in Einstein's theory of general relativity in the early 1900s and supported by with the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation in the 60s. We use math and science to explain the expanding of our universe, gravity, light, the collection of matter into galaxies and stars and then you Bingos come in at the end and say see that bit you can't explain here? That's sky daddy. Never do you ever hold your own theories up to the same rigorous standard that you demand of science.
I don't. I expect you to be able to explain how it works or at least point me in the direction of someone who can.
1. So where did that infinitely hot and small bit of energy come from? Empty space? Even science today can't explain the rapid expansion of the big bang called "inflation". Nor can science explain how the speck of energy was so precisely measured by random chance. The big bang could have collapsed back on itself, or expanded without forming anything if the amount of energy wasn't perfect.

2. Religion is generally based on believing that we all have souls. You know, that 1/6 of an ounce drop in our weight that happens when we die. <g>
1. So where did that infinitely hot and small bit of energy come from? Empty space?
Well no. That infinitely hot and condensed bit of energy was the universe and its rapid expansion created space.
Even science today can't explain the rapid expansion of the big bang called "inflation".
Agreed. That doesn't mean you get to fill in the answer with imaginary sky daddy and call it a day. Science can explain almost everything up to that point, sky daddy can't explain shit. 😄
Nor can science explain how the speck of energy was so precisely measured by random chance. The big bang could have collapsed back on itself, or expanded without forming anything if the amount of energy wasn't perfect.
Lots of things could of happened. Some theories suggest infinite worlds where every type of universe does exist. We just happen to exist in this one.

2. Religion is generally based on believing that we all have souls. You know, that 1/6 of an ounce drop in our weight that happens when we die. <g>
Why is it that it's everyone else theories that need rational explanations and never your own?

21 grams experiment - Wikipedia
Why would that bother you, oh it wouldn't you just want to deny God in front of everyone by complaining!

You are really trying to act like you know me, aren't you?

No, I am not just wanting to deny God in front of everyone. But there is this little thing called the US Constitution that forbids our gov't from having a specific religion. When Roy Moore put that 2 ton monument in the lobby, he was asked to allow other religious displays and he adamantly refused.
Incorrect, we were founded as a free nation, complete with the ability to express our faith however we see fit, without repercussions from godless heathen such as yourself. We were not founded to exclude people of faith from serving in the highest position on the land.
The Founders foresaw the evil that is the Christo-fascist right – they created a secular nation subject only to the rule of law, not religious dogma, and prohibited the conjoining of church and state in the Constitution.
You are really trying to act like you know me, aren't you?

No, I am not just wanting to deny God in front of everyone. But there is this little thing called the US Constitution that forbids our gov't from having a specific religion. When Roy Moore put that 2 ton monument in the lobby, he was asked to allow other religious displays and he adamantly refused.
Yet it was displayed for years upon years with no complaints till the heathen got their panties in a bunch, because when faced with them in a court of law, they were exposed face to face with their sin against man and God, many of our laws are base on the commandments regardless of what you think you know!

I, Moses Johnson, do hereby endorse Donald Trump.


Hail Satan!
Yet it was displayed for years upon years with no complaints till the heathen got their panties in a bunch, because when faced with them in a court of law, they were exposed face to face with their sin against man and God, many of our laws are base on the commandments regardless of what you think you know!

This particular 10 Commandments display was not there for years and years. It was installed by Judge Roy Moore in 2001. It was there for only 2 years. And almost a year of that was because it was decided the monument could stay while Moore appealed the decision of the 11th Circuit Court.
As already correctly noted: you deny your ‘god’ with every hateful, bigoted statement directed at gay and transgender Americans and every time you advocate that the health and lives of women be placed in jeopardy with reckless, irresponsible abortion ‘bans.’
You type that as if you think God is for those things you troll!
This particular 10 Commandments display was not there for years and years. It was installed by Judge Roy Moore in 2001. It was there for only 2 years. And almost a year of that was because it was decided the monument could stay while Moore appealed the decision of the 11th Circuit Court.
Changes nothing!
The Founders foresaw the evil that is the Christo-fascist right – they created a secular nation subject only to the rule of law, not religious dogma, and prohibited the conjoining of church and state in the Constitution.
No that is incorrect ,they made assurances that one religion would not be instituted by the state that everyone should follow. That has no meaning in anything but the things the Government can't do, and has nothing to do with people who serve who believe, or keeping in out of the public forum!

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