God told Mike Johnson he's the new moses

God talks to people. He cares less about our politics though. Johnson will come and go and what would that actually say about what God wants?

Tell that to the fool I was talking about, who wants to use a man's faith to label him as 'crazy' simply because he doesn't understand the context of it.
Tell that to the fool I was talking about, who wants to use a man's faith to label him as 'crazy' simply because he doesn't understand the context of it.
In what context is believing in an invisible sky daddy not crazy? Let alone that that sky daddy talks to you. 😄
Tell that to the fool I was talking about, who wants to use a man's faith to label him as 'crazy' simply because he doesn't understand the context of it.

I don't understand the context. What is the argument come November if Johnson is removed?

Democrats and the voters have more power than the will of God?
In what context is believing in an invisible sky daddy not crazy? Let alone that that sky daddy talks to you. 😄

I pity you that you feel the need to ridicule others for their faith, and honestly you're wasting your time trying to ridicule me. Your opinion not only doesn't mean anything to me, it verifies to me that I'm not anything like you, (oops, guess diversity isn't a good thing now, it it?) and I don't want to be anything like you at all. So it's all good. :cool:
I pity you that you feel the need to ridicule others for their faith, and honestly you're wasting your time trying to ridicule me.
I don't care if you want to believe in zombie Jesus, or Poseidon, or Vishnu. It's when you use these made up beliefs as excuses for real bigotry that I have an issue.
Your opinion not only doesn't mean anything to me, it verifies to me that I'm not anything like you, (oops, guess diversity isn't a good thing now, it it?) and I don't want to be anything like you at all. So it's all good. :cool:
It's not an opinion that your beliefs are fantasy. That's what they literally are until you provide objective proof of its existence. :dunno:
I don't care if you want to believe in zombie Jesus, or Poseidon, or Vishnu. It's when you use these made up beliefs as excuses for real bigotry that I have an issue.

It's not an opinion that your beliefs are fantasy. That's what they literally are until you provide objective proof of its existence. :dunno:

As I said, I pity you, and I will continue to do so.
It's not crazy to deny something you have no evidence of. You fail whites love to boast about the ingenuity and scientific advancements of western civilization but you're the rubes who don't understand any of it. 😄

1. You can't explain how this universe began with a big-bang thru an aperture about the size of an atom from nothing, can you?

2. If you need proof of a spiritual dimension buy a ghost box and communicate with ghosts and demons.
Again you try to tell me what I believe.

I have never tried to keep people from espousing their beliefs. In fact, I will fight for their right to worship as they choose.

Just like I will fight to keep any religious dogma from being made into laws.

I am proud to have participated in shutting judge Roy Moore's monument of the 10 Commandments out of the Alabama Supreme Courthouse lobby.
You tell me what you have forgotten!
20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and [g]Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like [h]corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Why did the 10 Commandments need to be taken down?
Who am I bigoted against?

We are allowed to be ”bigoted” against people for their actions.

By the way, I noticed you couldn’t back up your claim with an actual biblical quote.
Then you certainly can’t love your neighbor. :uhoh3:

Such an easy message that somehow whizzes right past you.
Yet he expects others to acknowledge that Johnson is a fool for thinking that God 'talks to him', he wants to belittle him for that comment, and label him crazy without any understanding of the context in which he was speaking. You can't 'reason' with a fool.
He has promised to leave the country someday soon

Lets hope he doesnt change his mind
1. You can't explain how this universe began with a big-bang thru an aperture about the size of an atom from nothing, can you?
The big bang theory doesn't say the universe began from nothing. It says that it went from an infinitely hot and small dense state to all the matter, energy and space you see around you today. This theory was born from the equations in Einstein's theory of general relativity in the early 1900s and supported by with the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation in the 60s. We use math and science to explain the expanding of our universe, gravity, light, the collection of matter into galaxies and stars and then you Bingos come in at the end and say see that bit you can't explain here? That's sky daddy. Never do you ever hold your own theories up to the same rigorous standard that you demand of science.
2. If you need proof of a spiritual dimension buy a ghost box and communicate with ghosts and demons.
I don't. I expect you to be able to explain how it works or at least point me in the direction of someone who can.
Nope. The Establishment clause takes care of that.

You have no "freedom from religion". I can preach my religion in your ears, on the town square, in the park, on the sidewalk ... and you can't do jack squat about it.
Sure can, leave you there squawking to yourself!

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