God was to be man’s slave. How did the reverse happen?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
God was to be man’s slave. How did the reverse happen?

Early man created both philosophy and theology to serve mankind. Philosophy was to seek the best rules to live by and implement them through a political system that was headed by man. Theology was to seek the best rules to live by and implement them through religion headed by an absentee God. Both were created to be slaved to man.

Jesus preached that holy things were created to serve man as well. The Sabbath was created for man and not man for the Sabbath. That is why he showed that we can work on the Sabbath and ignore the manmade law.

The religious manmade creations then, --- including God, --- are to be slaved to man. That works well with logic and reason as the strong are to serve the weak and not the weak serve the strong.

So how did God, who was to be a slave to man, --- become man’s master?

Now I know that most will say that God is supposed to be our master, --- but please note, --- that man has created government to serve us. Not to make slaves of us. We control governments. They do not control us. To have us control our political entity is normal and just.

As above so below says that God is also to come under man’s control. We created God just as we created governments.

That is what Jesus taught.
He even moved God aside and became our judge. We are now to answer to men and not some absentee man created God.

Are you ready to seek God as Jesus says we must? Are you willing to be a master to God, and like Jesus, take control of the judging powers of God?

When you can say that your God is I am, the Gnostic Christian way --- and mean you, --- then you will begin to know God.


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