You're uninformed or a liar. Queers are suing people who own businesses for not bending to their demands on same-sex marriage.

That is not suing someone because they don't like you.

That is suing a business for not serving everyone. We settled this in the 1960s. You can't refuse to serve blacks anymore. You can't refuse to serve women anymore. And you can't, as a business, refuse to serve gays anymore. In other words, you are not allowed to discriminate.
If two adults decide to murder someone would that be immoral? Marriage laws are a states issue.
False analogy logical fallacy. Murder harms others and it is pretty much a universal taboo. Either you know that and your just trolling or you are really that stupid
As far as it being a state issue goes, states must abide by the US constitution in creating and administering their laws.
That is not suing someone because they don't like you.

That is suing a business for not serving everyone. We settled this in the 1960s. You can't refuse to serve blacks anymore. You can't refuse to serve women anymore. And you can't, as a business, refuse to serve gays anymore. In other words, you are not allowed to discriminate.
False narrative. No one is being sued for refusing to serve queers. Businesses are sued for refusing to believe in same-sex marriage. Try again.
False narrative. No one is being sued for refusing to serve queers. Businesses are sued for refusing to believe in same-sex marriage. Try again.

Bullshit. Not believing is not a violation of laws for businesses. Discrimination is.
False analogy logical fallacy. Murder harms others and it is pretty much a universal taboo. Either you know that and your just trolling or you are really that stupid
As far as it being a state issue goes, states must abide by the US constitution in creating and administering their laws.
Same-sex marriage has harmed many people who get sued because of religious beliefs. Marriage laws have always been a states issue. The Supreme Court will eventually reverse this just like Iike Roe v Wade.
Freedom of religion. You can't force a business owner to violate their First Amendment rights.

Their business is not a religion.

People have tried to claim their religion is against integration as well. Didn't work.
Intelligent people understand that this thread is about the continued opposition to same sex marriage and the myriad of ways that the GOP is trying to undermine gay rights.

If you are trying to make a case against gay marriage by citing AIDS, it is a desperate use of a logical fallacy, specifically a false cause fallacy, not to mention just plain stupid. People are going to have sex as they please with or without marriage. I will also point out that heterosexuals also engage in some of those same sexual practices
If you reread my post, I said doing unnatural sexual acts leads to disaster, whether it be gay sex or illicit sex by unmarrieds. I didn't tie it to gay marriage. You did.
Intelligent people understand that the AIDS epidemic sprung from a time when gay men were marginalized had few options other than having anonymous sex in bath houses and dark theaters. Their relationships were not afforded any legitimacy and therefore unstable and ripe for promiscuity. Now, it has been found that gay men who are married or otherwise in a committed relationship are far less likely to transmit diseases.
Gay sexual relationships were not afforded legitimacy, nor should they be. They are immoral. Gays have more sex partners than heteros, with or without gay 'marriage'.
Intelligent people understand that anyone who expresses concern about AIDS but does not support laws and policies that allow gays to fully participate in society by the light of day are hypocrites and just plain full of shit
Gays can already fully participate in society. They want extra immoral "rights".
Same-sex marriage has harmed many people who get sued because of religious beliefs. Marriage laws have always been a states issue. The Supreme Court will eventually reverse this just like Iike Roe v Wade.
I agree. The badly-decided Obergefell will fall just like Roe v Wade did. Even liberal John Roberts dissented.
False analogy logical fallacy. Murder harms others and it is pretty much a universal taboo. Either you know that and your just trolling or you are really that stupid
As far as it being a state issue goes, states must abide by the US constitution in creating and administering their laws.
Illicit sex (any act outside hetero marriage) harms all of society.
Illicit sex (any act outside hetero marriage) harms all of society.

How is sex between myself and my partner harming anyone? Unless you just mean people getting worked up because we don't follow YOUR faith's rules?
Their business is not a religion.

People have tried to claim their religion is against integration as well. Didn't work.
Sorry, the Supreme Court has already determined that a person has a religious right to refuse based on the First Amendment.

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