GoFundMe for Alabama state government...

We are hardcore college football fans. They have tried pro teams and couldn't build a fan base. But the college games are sold out on a regular basis.

Five years in a row there was a team from the state of Alabama in the BCS Championship Game. Too bad auburn broke the trend, but the Crimson Tide won 3 of those 5 games.
Michigan and Michigan state sellout too but we still have redwings lions tigers and pistons.

Who's your favorite hockey football basketball and baseball teams?

I remember Michigan playing against Alabama in Dallas. Didn't look too good that day. 41-14 is pretty much getting whipped.
Where would you rather go to school? Cold north or down south? I don't understand how Ohio won last season with a third string qb

The team last year was not as good as everyone thought and underestimated the QB. The coaches admitted they did not prepare for him. And with only one game of film to study, it was tough to find his weaknesses. No apologies for the game. It was a good game until the end. And he was 3rd string mainly because of his age.
And he had almost no experience. It's amazing how much one game changes so many lives. For the rest of they're lives those osu players will fondly remember and brag about winning a national championship and all those bama players who will never go pro will never forget that game but in a negative way. No one cares you played in the game if you didn't win. To be able to flash that ring.

I know last year has you shaking your heads.

I'm hoping Ohio msu and uom with Jim harbaugh will start beating your division more.

I wouldn't waste too much pity on the players that ended their careers with that loss. If they were seniors, they already had 2 BCS Championship rings (2011 and 2012).

In fact, those boys managed to go 48-6 over those 4 years. They won 2 National Championships, 2 SEC Championships, and played in the first college football playoff game. I think the members of every other team in the NCAA would love to have the college career they had.

I am hoping we get to play Ohio State again this year. Only one coach has beaten Saban two years in a row, and that is Les Miles. Now Les has lost 4 in a row, including the only shutout ever recorded in a BCS Championship game.

Urban Meyer beat Saban in '08. Then in '09 the Crimson Tide whipped Florida so bad that Tebow cried and Meyer retired.
Where else do you think racist right wing white conservative bible thumping Republicans come from? There and Texas Oklahoma, Arkansas south Carolina Kentucky. The south. Red states.

I am from Alabama and I am not racist, conservative, bible thumping anything and I'm certainly far less ignorant than you.

Nor am I. The stereotypes of the South are often grossly exaggerated.
Do people down south really talk hillbilly still?

How come I never run into people with southern accents ever anymore? I'm in Michigan. No one from the south with accents ever move up north?

I love the accent and the people minus them being conservatives?

We like it down south. Plus, more and more yankees are moving south. That should tell you something.
Ones who couldn't find jobs. You can have them. I'm happy for them. Much easier to sleep under a bridge down south. Lol

Lots of jobs are moving south too. The cities down here are growing by leaps and bounds.
I am from Alabama and I am not racist, conservative, bible thumping anything and I'm certainly far less ignorant than you.
You're too cute to be smarter than me.

Why did you move to new England? No jobs in bama?

You ask as if it's any of your business, it is not, but I'll bite because I'm hoping men like you will learn better and I can quit questioning my heterosexuality.

I moved to New England to assist in the creation of a company that provides FSC Certification to small businesses within the wood product industry.

It wasn't a lack of opportunity in Alabama, it was my desire to step out of my own comfort zone, a desire to "let go" and see where life took me.

My first wife was from Vermont. We moved to Alabama after we got out of the Navy. We divorced 20 years ago. She stayed in Alabama. I live in GA.

I'm in southern NH now and have enjoyed my time here in NE for the most part, but the south will ALWAYS be "home". It just isn't the same here and I am constantly faced with the same sort of idiotic ignorance as Sealybobo was spewing. One asshole actually asked my kid, who was 7 at the time, if her parents "brought their slaves with them or left them behind". She came home crying and completely confused. I don't think I've ever come so close to pulling a mans toes up through his throat before. And they call us ignorant?! Not hardly.
I would never say that to a kid. Maybe jokingly to an adult though.

Oh relax. You could very easily come back with some northern stereotypes like we're all into science and we talk right. Go ahead I won't get mad.

Being condescending to someone who makes it so easy isn't really stimulating enough to maintain my interest.

Heh, now that I think about it, I actually kind of pity you. You don't have enough personality to be stimulating over the internet, I can't even imagine how awful you must be in person. I bet your forearms are HUGE.
I'm hoping Ohio msu and uom with Jim harbaugh will start beating your division more.

Keep dreaming.
As of last year we are 1 and 0 against you. If you beat us this year we will be tied. What makes you think you can beat osu this year? What you got this year? A new qb? Osu has 3 qbs that can beat you.

As of this year OSU is 1-3 against Alabama. We have a better defense. That will be enough. Its not as if the game was a blowout.

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