Gofundme is cracking down on anti vaccination campaigns

Big Pharma loves forced Vaccinations, It’s all about control, power and money....

What's the profit they earn on vaccines? Link?

VFC | Current CDC Vaccine Price List | CDC

Outcry Over EpiPen Prices Hasn’t Made Them Lower

Thanks. So how much profit?

There's around 8 billion people on this planet. And if they can get 1 billion fools to take their vaccines, yearly. Each vaccine averages around $20 and up to $500 to $2,000. And each of these billion of fools, gets vaccinated 3 times or more a year. But our tax dollars are helping to fund their researches. Which I haven't seen a dime of my profit. So basically, that they are receiving government assistant while the poor receives little. We should let the Welfare Queens to decide on who shall receive those government funds.

Today, taxpayer-supported research to develop new drugs and vaccines is voraciously patented by universities and drug companies for outsized Wall Street profits when the research rightfully belongs to taxpayers.

Thank God I do not live in New York, $2000 fine for no measles vaccination? If that is not communist.... lol
GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.

I assume GoFundMe is like many other online entities & can regulate those that utilize their web platforms; no different than most online forums, such as USMB for example.

I assume GoFundMe can do as they like with their web site, as most others also do.

Got a problem with that? Go use a different web site.
GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.

I assume GoFundMe is like many other online entities & can regulate those that utilize their web platforms; no different than most online forums, such as USMB for example.

I assume GoFundMe can do as they like with their web site, as most others also do.

Got a problem with that? Go use a different web site.
Certainly, But that does not make vaccination infallible as you guys claim...
GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.

I assume GoFundMe is like many other online entities & can regulate those that utilize their web platforms; no different than most online forums, such as USMB for example.

I assume GoFundMe can do as they like with their web site, as most others also do.

Got a problem with that? Go use a different web site.
Certainly, But that does not make vaccination infallible as you guys claim...

I have never made any (previous) claims about vacs.
GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.

I assume GoFundMe is like many other online entities & can regulate those that utilize their web platforms; no different than most online forums, such as USMB for example.

I assume GoFundMe can do as they like with their web site, as most others also do.

Got a problem with that? Go use a different web site.
Certainly, But that does not make vaccination infallible as you guys claim...

I have never made any (previous) claims about vacs.
Why is force people into vaccination?

If they are so great why don’t you keep them to yourselves? You have nothing to worry about according to you if you’re vaccinated.
Like I’ve always said vaccines should be 100% voluntary, because no one has any idea what the short and long-term repercussions of vaccinations.
Putting so many poisons in my body and more importantly in my family’s is simply unacceptable, and injecting dead baby parts in my family is beyond repugnant...

But I do understand, it’s a freedom thing you may not understand...
GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.

I assume GoFundMe is like many other online entities & can regulate those that utilize their web platforms; no different than most online forums, such as USMB for example.

I assume GoFundMe can do as they like with their web site, as most others also do.

Got a problem with that? Go use a different web site.
Certainly, But that does not make vaccination infallible as you guys claim...

I have never made any (previous) claims about vacs.
Why is force people into vaccination?

If they are so great why don’t you keep them to yourselves? You have nothing to worry about according to you if you’re vaccinated.
Like I’ve always said vaccines should be 100% voluntary, because no one has any idea what the short and long-term repercussions of vaccinations.
Putting so many poisons in my body and more importantly in my family’s is simply unacceptable, and injecting dead baby parts in my family is beyond repugnant...

But I do understand, it’s a freedom thing you may not understand...

I'm not saying to force folks to be vaccinated; I commented on a companies web site.
GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.

I assume GoFundMe is like many other online entities & can regulate those that utilize their web platforms; no different than most online forums, such as USMB for example.

I assume GoFundMe can do as they like with their web site, as most others also do.

Got a problem with that? Go use a different web site.
Certainly, But that does not make vaccination infallible as you guys claim...

I have never made any (previous) claims about vacs.
Why is force people into vaccination?

If they are so great why don’t you keep them to yourselves? You have nothing to worry about according to you if you’re vaccinated.
Like I’ve always said vaccines should be 100% voluntary, because no one has any idea what the short and long-term repercussions of vaccinations.
Putting so many poisons in my body and more importantly in my family’s is simply unacceptable, and injecting dead baby parts in my family is beyond repugnant...

But I do understand, it’s a freedom thing you may not understand...

I'm not saying to force folks to be vaccinated; I commented on a companies web site.
Big Pharma loves forced Vaccinations, It’s all about control, power and money....

What's the profit they earn on vaccines? Link?
Socialized medicine/healthcare is all about control, power and money… All related

Like I said no one knows the short and long term affects of these vaccines, I would guess big Pharma/deep state is banking on future health problems to prescribe for… LOL can

Socialized medicine/healthcare is all about control, power and money… All related

What's the profit?
U.S. health care spending grew 3.9 percent in 2017, reaching $3.5 trillion or $10,739per person. As a share of the nation's Gross Domestic Product, health spending accounted for 17.9 percent.Dec 11, 2018
National Health Expenditure Data - CMS.gov
CMS.gov › nationalhealthexpenddata › n...

Thank you for avoiding my question.

2 parts per billion times 25,000 times 0.5 mL = 12,500 mL = 12.5 L
I hope you haven't had more than 3.3 gallons of water in your life, you might die!
P.S. they only put thimerosal in the multi-dose vaccines. If you get a single dose shot,
no mercury is added. You're still dead from the water...…..
Actually mercury is the lesser of the worries, it’s all the other shit they put in vaccines that I want no part of, me and my family along with millions of other Americans.
I certainly don’t want any dead baby parts injected in me and my family along with the rest of the shit...
But do what you like… Just don’t force that shit on people that want nothing to do with it


Actually mercury is the lesser of the worries,

Don't you hate it when someone laughs at your bad math?

it’s all the other shit they put in vaccines that I want no part of,

I know, MSG! Crazy. DURR.
Like I said you can take all the vaccinations you want, I don’t give two shits. As far as I’m concerned you guys can keep that shit to yourselves... Millions of Americans just like me and want no part of forced vaccinations

I agree, you and your germy kids should stay away from the rest of us.
Cannibals in the uncivilized parts of the world get diseases and disorders from cannibalization.
Injecting dead baby parts in people seems like it could cause diseases and disorders.


Kuru is a disease of the nervous system.

Kuru is a very rare disease. It is caused by an infectious protein (prion) found in contaminated human brain tissue.

Kuru is found among people from New Guinea who practiced a form of cannibalism in which they ate the brains of dead people as part of a funeral ritual. This practice stopped in 1960, but cases of kuru were reported for many years afterward because the disease has a long incubation period. The incubation period is the time it takes for symptoms to appear after being exposed to the agent that causes disease.

Kuru causes brain and nervous system changes similar to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Similar diseases appear in cows as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also called mad cow disease.

The main risk factor for kuru is eating human brain tissue, which can contain the infectious particles.
Big Pharma loves forced Vaccinations, It’s all about control, power and money....

What's the profit they earn on vaccines? Link?

VFC | Current CDC Vaccine Price List | CDC

Outcry Over EpiPen Prices Hasn’t Made Them Lower

Thanks. So how much profit?

There's around 8 billion people on this planet. And if they can get 1 billion fools to take their vaccines, yearly. Each vaccine averages around $20 and up to $500 to $2,000. And each of these billion of fools, gets vaccinated 3 times or more a year. But our tax dollars are helping to fund their researches. Which I haven't seen a dime of my profit. So basically, that they are receiving government assistant while the poor receives little. We should let the Welfare Queens to decide on who shall receive those government funds.

Today, taxpayer-supported research to develop new drugs and vaccines is voraciously patented by universities and drug companies for outsized Wall Street profits when the research rightfully belongs to taxpayers.

How old are you? When was the last time you got 1 vaccine, let alone 3?
GoFundMe is cracking down on anti-vaccination campaigns
GoFundMe is one of the latest online platforms to cut off proponents of anti-vaccine related content.

This is America morons , this is forcing, this is blackmail, this is not what America does yah *****S
Dumb fks they do not want you having information to make a choice. They will make them worse than what they are now if they get away with doing this. If you think kids are dropping like flies now wait until this happens.

I assume GoFundMe is like many other online entities & can regulate those that utilize their web platforms; no different than most online forums, such as USMB for example.

I assume GoFundMe can do as they like with their web site, as most others also do.

Got a problem with that? Go use a different web site.
Certainly, But that does not make vaccination infallible as you guys claim...

I have never made any (previous) claims about vacs.
Why is force people into vaccination?

If they are so great why don’t you keep them to yourselves? You have nothing to worry about according to you if you’re vaccinated.
Like I’ve always said vaccines should be 100% voluntary, because no one has any idea what the short and long-term repercussions of vaccinations.
Putting so many poisons in my body and more importantly in my family’s is simply unacceptable, and injecting dead baby parts in my family is beyond repugnant...

But I do understand, it’s a freedom thing you may not understand...

Like I’ve always said vaccines should be 100% voluntary, because no one has any idea what the short and long-term repercussions of vaccinations.

How many cases of polio or smallpox have you seen lately? Hmmm........

2 parts per billion times 25,000 times 0.5 mL = 12,500 mL = 12.5 L
I hope you haven't had more than 3.3 gallons of water in your life, you might die!
P.S. they only put thimerosal in the multi-dose vaccines. If you get a single dose shot,
no mercury is added. You're still dead from the water...…..
Actually mercury is the lesser of the worries, it’s all the other shit they put in vaccines that I want no part of, me and my family along with millions of other Americans.
I certainly don’t want any dead baby parts injected in me and my family along with the rest of the shit...
But do what you like… Just don’t force that shit on people that want nothing to do with it


Actually mercury is the lesser of the worries,

Don't you hate it when someone laughs at your bad math?

it’s all the other shit they put in vaccines that I want no part of,

I know, MSG! Crazy. DURR.
Like I said you can take all the vaccinations you want, I don’t give two shits. As far as I’m concerned you guys can keep that shit to yourselves... Millions of Americans just like me and want no part of forced vaccinations

I agree, you and your germy kids should stay away from the rest of us.
Millions upon millions of Americans have never been vaccinated, and are just fine. By the way, how about them Diseased illegal aliens coming across the border?
How do you feel about that?

And no, I don’t think any of them should be vaccinated if they don’t wanna...

Everyone has germs of all types at all times, it depends on the immune system of the individual. Vaccination is unnatural... lol
I assume GoFundMe is like many other online entities & can regulate those that utilize their web platforms; no different than most online forums, such as USMB for example.

I assume GoFundMe can do as they like with their web site, as most others also do.

Got a problem with that? Go use a different web site.
Certainly, But that does not make vaccination infallible as you guys claim...

I have never made any (previous) claims about vacs.
Why is force people into vaccination?

If they are so great why don’t you keep them to yourselves? You have nothing to worry about according to you if you’re vaccinated.
Like I’ve always said vaccines should be 100% voluntary, because no one has any idea what the short and long-term repercussions of vaccinations.
Putting so many poisons in my body and more importantly in my family’s is simply unacceptable, and injecting dead baby parts in my family is beyond repugnant...

But I do understand, it’s a freedom thing you may not understand...

I'm not saying to force folks to be vaccinated; I commented on a companies web site.

DNA and protein? Scary!!!
2 parts per billion times 25,000 times 0.5 mL = 12,500 mL = 12.5 L
I hope you haven't had more than 3.3 gallons of water in your life, you might die!
P.S. they only put thimerosal in the multi-dose vaccines. If you get a single dose shot,
no mercury is added. You're still dead from the water...…..
Actually mercury is the lesser of the worries, it’s all the other shit they put in vaccines that I want no part of, me and my family along with millions of other Americans.
I certainly don’t want any dead baby parts injected in me and my family along with the rest of the shit...
But do what you like… Just don’t force that shit on people that want nothing to do with it


Actually mercury is the lesser of the worries,

Don't you hate it when someone laughs at your bad math?

it’s all the other shit they put in vaccines that I want no part of,

I know, MSG! Crazy. DURR.
Like I said you can take all the vaccinations you want, I don’t give two shits. As far as I’m concerned you guys can keep that shit to yourselves... Millions of Americans just like me and want no part of forced vaccinations

I agree, you and your germy kids should stay away from the rest of us.
Millions upon millions of Americans have never been vaccinated, and are just fine. By the way, how about them Diseased illegal aliens coming across the border?
How do you feel about that?

And no, I don’t think any of them should be vaccinated if they don’t wanna...

Everyone has germs of all types at all times, it depends on the immune system of the individual. Vaccination is unnatural... lol

Have you ever been vaccinated for anything at all? If so, then what?

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