Going Galt?

Your propagandists count on you brainless tards to parrot whatever bullshit pictures they feed you. God forbid you should ever engage in even the most basic critical thinking.


Progressive income tax rates. Under this plan the marginal income tax rate would be:

§ 40 percent on income between $250,000 and $500,000.

§ 45 percent on income between $500,000 and $2 million.

§ 50 percent on income between $2 million and $10 million. (In 2014, only 136,000 households, the top 0.1 percent of taxpayers, had income between $2 million and $10 million.)

§ 52 percent on income above $10 million. (In 2014, only 16,700 households, just 0.02 percent of taxpayers, had income exceeding $10 million.)
Can you explain to Me why The Democrat’s Socialist Platform and planned spending of $200 Trillion in an economy with a $20 Trillion GDP is Not Going to destroy America and Enslave everyone?

If you cared to do some research, you will see Trump’s new budgets are designed to lower deficits and stop out of control spending.

What The Democrat Party is offering is to bankrupt America.

Again, as long as we agree how they tax their POOREST citizens, while actually having LESS taxes on their businesses, we can agree on BERNARDS views of what needs to be done!
Corporate Tax Rate in Norway averaged 33.62 percent from 1981 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 50.80 percent in 1982 and a record low of 22 percent in 2019.
Norway Corporate Tax Rate | 1981-2020 Data | 2021-2022 Forecast | Calendar

Personal Income Tax Rate in Norway averaged 46.41 percent from 1995 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 55.30 percent in 2003 and a record low of 38.20 percent in 2019.
Norway Personal Income Tax Rate | 1995-2020 Data | 2021-2022 Forecast | Calendar

As for how Norway taxes their poorest:
For personal income between NOK 254,500 and NOK 639,750, the bracket tax rate is 4.2%. For personal income between NOK 639,750 and NOK 999,550, the bracket tax rate is 13.2%. Personal income exceeding NOK 999,550 is subject to a bracket tax of 16.2%.
Norway - Taxes on personal income

The corporate tax rate in Denmark is 22%, placing Denmark below the average OECD and EU level. Uniquely among the Nordic countries, Denmark has no double taxation for Danish companies with branches abroad.

Taxation in Denmark - below EU and OECD tax levels

Personal Income Tax Rate in Denmark averaged 60.45 percent from 1995 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 65.90 percent in 1997 and a record low of 55.40 percent in 2010.
Denmark Personal Income Tax Rate | 1995-2018 Data | 2019-2020 Forecast | Calendar

As for how Denmark taxes its poorest:
The state (i.e., national) income tax has two income brackets (bottom and top). In 2019 income above DKK 46,200 is taxed at 12.16% (bottom-bracket rate), and income above DKK 513,400 is taxed an additional 15% (top-bracket rate).
Taxation in Denmark - Wikipedia

The corporate tax rate in Sweden is 22 percent, below the OECD average of 23.9 percent. The tax code also allows companies to be taxed on their average profitability by allowing net operating losses to be carried forward indefinitely.
Sweden is Competitive in Spite of a High Tax Burden | Tax Foundation

Personal Income Tax Rate in Sweden is expected to reach 57.20 percent by the end of 2020, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. In the long-term, the Sweden Personal Income Tax Rate is projected to trend around 57.20 percent in 2021, according to our econometric models.
Sweden Personal Income Tax Rate | 1995-2020 Data | 2021-2022 Forecast | Calendar

As for how Sweden taxes its poorest:
Sweden has a progressive income tax, the general rates for 2018 are as follows (based on yearly incomes):

Income tax

    • 0% from 0 kronor to 20,008 kronor.

    • Circa 32% (ca. ...

    • 32% + 20%: from 468,700 kronor to 675,700 kronor.

    • 32% + 25%: above 675,700 kronor (prior to 2020)
Taxation in Sweden - Wikipedia

Your numbers are all well and good, especially when you consider that to survive, they LOWERED their tax rates. Pretty informative, yes!

But one thing you didn't add in was the VAT-) And the VAT hits consumers the hardest, and has NOTHING to do with the tax rates.

Since I didn't follow your links, maybe they did INCLUDE the VAT, but if they didn't, it kinda skews your tax rate inclusion, doesn't it!
See post 28. ;)

OK, so there you have it, plain and simple. In fact, so simple, that even a BERNARD supporter can understand it, and realize why Hokie Poky took a dump in the polls.

Now the pertinent question, besides the fact that the poorest people are actually taxed the most in %----------->take that amount out of the private economy of the USA, and what kind of HIT does that cause in growth, and unemployment?

We must add the supposed GOOD, then subtract the obvious BAD!

If poorer people want to pay more when they pay nothing now, that is THEIR choice!
How much does Trump's trillion dollar deficits take out of the private economy?

How hard will the unborn be hit when they have to pay all this debt back?

When the total health care costs of America exceed $5 trillion dollars a year in a few years, how much will that suck out of the productivity of our economy?

What is the Republican plan to reform health care?

What's that? They don't have one!?!?!


No wonder Bernie is looking so attractive to so many people.

Any fuckwit can attack someone else's plan. It takes real guts to actualy come up with a plan, and the GOP has demonstrated they are the biggest lying cowards in the whole country.
Corporate Tax Rate in Norway averaged 33.62 percent from 1981 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 50.80 percent in 1982 and a record low of 22 percent in 2019.
Norway Corporate Tax Rate | 1981-2020 Data | 2021-2022 Forecast | Calendar

Personal Income Tax Rate in Norway averaged 46.41 percent from 1995 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 55.30 percent in 2003 and a record low of 38.20 percent in 2019.
Norway Personal Income Tax Rate | 1995-2020 Data | 2021-2022 Forecast | Calendar

As for how Norway taxes their poorest:
For personal income between NOK 254,500 and NOK 639,750, the bracket tax rate is 4.2%. For personal income between NOK 639,750 and NOK 999,550, the bracket tax rate is 13.2%. Personal income exceeding NOK 999,550 is subject to a bracket tax of 16.2%.
Norway - Taxes on personal income

The corporate tax rate in Denmark is 22%, placing Denmark below the average OECD and EU level. Uniquely among the Nordic countries, Denmark has no double taxation for Danish companies with branches abroad.

Taxation in Denmark - below EU and OECD tax levels

Personal Income Tax Rate in Denmark averaged 60.45 percent from 1995 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 65.90 percent in 1997 and a record low of 55.40 percent in 2010.
Denmark Personal Income Tax Rate | 1995-2018 Data | 2019-2020 Forecast | Calendar

As for how Denmark taxes its poorest:
The state (i.e., national) income tax has two income brackets (bottom and top). In 2019 income above DKK 46,200 is taxed at 12.16% (bottom-bracket rate), and income above DKK 513,400 is taxed an additional 15% (top-bracket rate).
Taxation in Denmark - Wikipedia

The corporate tax rate in Sweden is 22 percent, below the OECD average of 23.9 percent. The tax code also allows companies to be taxed on their average profitability by allowing net operating losses to be carried forward indefinitely.
Sweden is Competitive in Spite of a High Tax Burden | Tax Foundation

Personal Income Tax Rate in Sweden is expected to reach 57.20 percent by the end of 2020, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. In the long-term, the Sweden Personal Income Tax Rate is projected to trend around 57.20 percent in 2021, according to our econometric models.
Sweden Personal Income Tax Rate | 1995-2020 Data | 2021-2022 Forecast | Calendar

As for how Sweden taxes its poorest:
Sweden has a progressive income tax, the general rates for 2018 are as follows (based on yearly incomes):

Income tax

    • 0% from 0 kronor to 20,008 kronor.

    • Circa 32% (ca. ...

    • 32% + 20%: from 468,700 kronor to 675,700 kronor.

    • 32% + 25%: above 675,700 kronor (prior to 2020)
Taxation in Sweden - Wikipedia

Your numbers are all well and good, especially when you consider that to survive, they LOWERED their tax rates. Pretty informative, yes!

But one thing you didn't add in was the VAT-) And the VAT hits consumers the hardest, and has NOTHING to do with the tax rates.

Since I didn't follow your links, maybe they did INCLUDE the VAT, but if they didn't, it kinda skews your tax rate inclusion, doesn't it!
See post 28. ;)

OK, so there you have it, plain and simple. In fact, so simple, that even a BERNARD supporter can understand it, and realize why Hokie Poky took a dump in the polls.

Now the pertinent question, besides the fact that the poorest people are actually taxed the most in %----------->take that amount out of the private economy of the USA, and what kind of HIT does that cause in growth, and unemployment?

We must add the supposed GOOD, then subtract the obvious BAD!

If poorer people want to pay more when they pay nothing now, that is THEIR choice!
How much does Trump's trillion dollar deficits take out of the private economy?

How hard will the unborn be hit when they have to pay all this debt back?

When the total health care costs of America exceed $5 trillion dollars a year in a few years, how much will that suck out of the productivity of our economy?

What is the Republican plan to reform health care?

What's that? They don't have one!?!?!


No wonder Bernie is looking so attractive to so many people.

Any fuckwit can attack someone else's plan. It takes real guts to actualy come up with a plan, and the GOP has demonstrated they are the biggest lying cowards in the whole country.

Hey, you can complain, you have that right, and in some instances I agree.

Just as long as you ADMIT what the hell is actually going on with the other sides supposed plan, I have no problem with where you stand!

If charging into pitchforks, bayonets, and cannon fire is the BEST plan because the other side has not yet put forth a plan is the best idea, then I suppose you have a good point!

Forgive me if I take the position, that I will just wait and see if a better idea comes up-)
If you are standing around under heavy cannon fire, and one guy's plan is to keep standing around, and another guy's plan is to go on the attack, then it is just a matter of time before everyone decides going on the attack is better than just standing around.

You go ahead and keep standing around and not demanding Trump and the Republicans do something. Good plan!
Americans are already pay a total tax bill between Federal State and Local of 54%

What you are suggesting would raise that total taxation to 70% or more.

All to give free shit to lazy people like you.

Why do you advocate economic slavery for working Americans?

Your propagandists count on you brainless tards to parrot whatever bullshit pictures they feed you. God forbid you should ever engage in even the most basic critical thinking.


Progressive income tax rates. Under this plan the marginal income tax rate would be:

§ 40 percent on income between $250,000 and $500,000.

§ 45 percent on income between $500,000 and $2 million.

§ 50 percent on income between $2 million and $10 million. (In 2014, only 136,000 households, the top 0.1 percent of taxpayers, had income between $2 million and $10 million.)

§ 52 percent on income above $10 million. (In 2014, only 16,700 households, just 0.02 percent of taxpayers, had income exceeding $10 million.)
Last edited:
If you cared to do some research, you will see Trump’s new budgets are designed to lower deficits and stop out of control spending.


Trump and your propagandists must have nothing but utter contempt for rubes like you. They can't possibly lie to you so much and respect you.
Americans are already pay a total tax bill between Federal State and Local of 54%

What you are suggesting would raise that total taxation to 70%

All to give free shit to lazy people like you.

Why do you advocate economic slavery for working Americans?

Your propagandists count on you brainless tards to parrot whatever bullshit pictures they feed you. God forbid you should ever engage in even the most basic critical thinking.


Progressive income tax rates. Under this plan the marginal income tax rate would be:

§ 40 percent on income between $250,000 and $500,000.

§ 45 percent on income between $500,000 and $2 million.

§ 50 percent on income between $2 million and $10 million. (In 2014, only 136,000 households, the top 0.1 percent of taxpayers, had income between $2 million and $10 million.)

§ 52 percent on income above $10 million. (In 2014, only 16,700 households, just 0.02 percent of taxpayers, had income exceeding $10 million.)
I completely oppose Sanders.

But since you retards are standing around with your thumbs up your asses, parroting lies fed to you by Trump and your propagandists, then the commies are going to win sooner or later. They are going to storm the ramparts and it will be their flag flying over the land.

And it will be YOUR fault.
When a retard doesn't know the answer to a problem, he elevates himself by making fun of someone else.

Trump and the Republicans have no clue how to solve our country's problems. They only know how to spend other people's money and blame the other guy.
When a retard doesn't know the answer to a problem, he elevates himself by making fun of someone else.

Trump and the Republicans have no clue how to solve our country's problems. They only know how to spend other people's money and blame the other guy.

Fair enough. Ok, then we can agree to disagree, except on the facts of how the NORDIC countries fund what BERNARD wants.

In my book, that translates to a victory for both you and I G!

The GOP learns something from you and what you want; everybody learns that BERNARD is as full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey.

Absolutely, a win-win!

Sanders points to Denmark and Norway as successful examples of democratic socialism.

College tuition is free is Denmark and Norway.

Tuition Fees & Scholarships

Tuition-Free Universities in Finland, Norway and Germany in 2020 - MastersPortal.com

They also have socialized medicine in Norway and Denmark.

Healthcare in Norway - Wikipedia

Healthcare in Denmark - Wikipedia

Neither Denmark or Norway are socialist countries.

That does not matter. What matters is that they have the policies Sanders wants. Free college, universal healthcare.

And they have not turned into Venezuela.

Uhm, what Sanders isn't telling you is that model is not possible in US.

Let me take few steps back to elaborate. There is socialism already in US, and it's present in every household, and in my own, as well. Both, me and my wife work and earn money we use for better of our family. And what we earn goes from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs. Our kids are enjoying the fruit of socialism in our family, where I as main provider earn most, but spend least. My wife earnings alone could feed the family in case something happen to me and I don't provide, although we would have to cut on some luxuries we enjoy. Kids don't work, they just eat, study, play and enjoy what their parents provided to them.

That kind of socialism works for our little tribe. It simply wouldn't work if we let neighboring little tribe move into our house and enjoy it together with us, especially if they don't provide anything. We could possibly survive feeding two families, but what would happen if third family decide to move in with us? It wouldn't work, it would be unsustainable. I do not have problem providing for my little tribe, but even if I can, I will not accept to provide for other tribes with different mentality, goals, mindsets than mine.

Take Nordic countries as tribes, they all prosper as long they work and provide for their won tribes.They are all homogeneous, with the same mentality, work ethics, goals, and none of them have problem providing for their own. Their schools and healthcare is not free, it is paid by all working people in their tribes and they're all taxes heavily for it. But look what happened when they opened their borders to "refugees" and "economic migrants"? They realize it's not sustainable, they're cutting benefits for their own people in favor to those who they let in. Not to mention increased crimes, rapes, no-go zones, etc.

With leftist policies of "free shit" for everyone, including to those who are illegally here, and open borders, Nordic systems simply cant work here. It hardly works for Americans now, because of those leftist policies, imagine if we expand it?

Again, Nordic countries are not socialist. They have social programs they were willingly paying because they're homogeneous nations. But according to their own news, they're not willing to pay for it anymore. Sanders is Socialist Marxist. He's preaching Denmark and Norway, while he's thinking of Cuba and Venezuela, countries he was praising for decades until not so long ago.
Also please quit calling Health Insurance Health Care.

No one is denied Healthcare in this country.
Americans are already pay a total tax bill between Federal State and Local of 54%

What you are suggesting would raise that total taxation to 70%

All to give free shit to lazy people like you.

Why do you advocate economic slavery for working Americans?

Your propagandists count on you brainless tards to parrot whatever bullshit pictures they feed you. God forbid you should ever engage in even the most basic critical thinking.


Progressive income tax rates. Under this plan the marginal income tax rate would be:

§ 40 percent on income between $250,000 and $500,000.

§ 45 percent on income between $500,000 and $2 million.

§ 50 percent on income between $2 million and $10 million. (In 2014, only 136,000 households, the top 0.1 percent of taxpayers, had income between $2 million and $10 million.)

§ 52 percent on income above $10 million. (In 2014, only 16,700 households, just 0.02 percent of taxpayers, had income exceeding $10 million.)
I completely oppose Sanders.

But since you retards are standing around with your thumbs up your asses, parroting lies fed to you by Trump and your propagandists, then the commies are going to win sooner or later. They are going to storm the ramparts and it will be their flag flying over the land.

And it will be YOUR fault.

There is Zero Difference between Sanders and any other DemNazi Candidates.

Bernie is just the only one who comes right out and tells you he is a full blown Commie who would kiss Putin’s ass if he bared it.

Sanders points to Denmark and Norway as successful examples of democratic socialism.

College tuition is free is Denmark and Norway.

Tuition Fees & Scholarships

Tuition-Free Universities in Finland, Norway and Germany in 2020 - MastersPortal.com

They also have socialized medicine in Norway and Denmark.

Healthcare in Norway - Wikipedia

Healthcare in Denmark - Wikipedia

And look what they charge in % their poorest citizens.

Once you agree with this, we are both on the same page. As long as America KNOWS what it is voting for, then I accept your support, and everyone else that supports BERNARD!

I do not support Sanders. At all.

If Sanders is the nominee, Trump will be re-elected. And I hate Trump more than any president in my lifetime.

Then you will be happy to know, that many of us in the GOP are redoing our party affiliation to give you BERNARD!

We figure after the way you treated our lawful President for the last 3 years, it is the LEAST we can do for your side of the aisle-)

All that maters to that nose picker is his hatred of Trump...He'd be good with turning Murica into Cuba if it means Trump losing.

Hate does some seriously messed up things to peoples minds.

Sanders points to Denmark and Norway as successful examples of democratic socialism.

College tuition is free is Denmark and Norway.

Tuition Fees & Scholarships

Tuition-Free Universities in Finland, Norway and Germany in 2020 - MastersPortal.com

They also have socialized medicine in Norway and Denmark.

Healthcare in Norway - Wikipedia

Healthcare in Denmark - Wikipedia

And look what they charge in % their poorest citizens.

Once you agree with this, we are both on the same page. As long as America KNOWS what it is voting for, then I accept your support, and everyone else that supports BERNARD!

I do not support Sanders. At all.

If Sanders is the nominee, Trump will be re-elected. And I hate Trump more than any president in my lifetime.

Then you will be happy to know, that many of us in the GOP are redoing our party affiliation to give you BERNARD!

We figure after the way you treated our lawful President for the last 3 years, it is the LEAST we can do for your side of the aisle-)

You are suffering from the delusion that I am a Democrat.

I was a lifelong Republican until Trump. I am now an Independent. A Never-Trumper.

Unlike you dolts standing around with your thumbs up your asses parroting the lies fed to you by Trump and the pseudocon propaganda mills, I believe we should hold our leaders accountable and demand they provide answers to our problems.

Because you are just standing around drinking Trump's piss, commies like Bernie are going to win sooner or later. Maybe not this year, but they have been gaining ground for quite some time, thanks to your stupidity and credulity.

Sanders points to Denmark and Norway as successful examples of democratic socialism.

College tuition is free is Denmark and Norway.

Tuition Fees & Scholarships

Tuition-Free Universities in Finland, Norway and Germany in 2020 - MastersPortal.com

They also have socialized medicine in Norway and Denmark.

Healthcare in Norway - Wikipedia

Healthcare in Denmark - Wikipedia

And look what they charge in % their poorest citizens.

Once you agree with this, we are both on the same page. As long as America KNOWS what it is voting for, then I accept your support, and everyone else that supports BERNARD!

I do not support Sanders. At all.

If Sanders is the nominee, Trump will be re-elected. And I hate Trump more than any president in my lifetime.

Then you will be happy to know, that many of us in the GOP are redoing our party affiliation to give you BERNARD!

We figure after the way you treated our lawful President for the last 3 years, it is the LEAST we can do for your side of the aisle-)

You are suffering from the delusion that I am a Democrat.

I was a lifelong Republican until Trump. I am now an Independent. A Never-Trumper.

Unlike you dolts standing around with your thumbs up your asses parroting the lies fed to you by Trump and the pseudocon propaganda mills, I believe we should hold our leaders accountable and demand they provide answers to our problems.

Because you are just standing around drinking Trump's piss, commies like Bernie are going to win sooner or later. Maybe not this year, but they have been gaining ground for quite some time, thanks to your stupidity and credulity.

Geeze, calm down! I don't understand your angst. What do you want everyone to do, go SOCIALIST?

I get it, the whole system screwed us all over, all the politicians, most all of Washington.

Now what? Got someone in mind to fix it, or rather, we have our 2 usual choices?

OK, SOCIALIST or not, that is the only pertinent question, unless you have an alternative!
Sanders points to Denmark and Norway as successful examples of democratic socialism.

College tuition is free is Denmark and Norway.

Tuition Fees & Scholarships

Tuition-Free Universities in Finland, Norway and Germany in 2020 - MastersPortal.com

They also have socialized medicine in Norway and Denmark.

Healthcare in Norway - Wikipedia

Healthcare in Denmark - Wikipedia

And look what they charge in % their poorest citizens.

Once you agree with this, we are both on the same page. As long as America KNOWS what it is voting for, then I accept your support, and everyone else that supports BERNARD!
I do not support Sanders. At all.

If Sanders is the nominee, Trump will be re-elected. And I hate Trump more than any president in my lifetime.

Then you will be happy to know, that many of us in the GOP are redoing our party affiliation to give you BERNARD!

We figure after the way you treated our lawful President for the last 3 years, it is the LEAST we can do for your side of the aisle-)
You are suffering from the delusion that I am a Democrat.

I was a lifelong Republican until Trump. I am now an Independent. A Never-Trumper.

Unlike you dolts standing around with your thumbs up your asses parroting the lies fed to you by Trump and the pseudocon propaganda mills, I believe we should hold our leaders accountable and demand they provide answers to our problems.

Because you are just standing around drinking Trump's piss, commies like Bernie are going to win sooner or later. Maybe not this year, but they have been gaining ground for quite some time, thanks to your stupidity and credulity.

Geeze, calm down! I don't understand your angst. What do you want everyone to do, go SOCIALIST?

I get it, the whole system screwed us all over, all the politicians, most all of Washington.

Now what? Got someone in mind to fix it, or rather, we have our 2 usual choices?

OK, SOCIALIST or not, that is the only pertinent question, unless you have an alternative!

socialist or lawless dictator ?

The Republicans whine that Bernie's plan will cost $40 trillion in a ten year period.

Well, guess what. Total health care spending in America is very shortly going to exceed $50 trillion per decade.

So chew on that a while, and then ask yourself why the FUCK the Republicans don't have an answer to that problem.


Tell us how much we were told that BarryCare would cost, and actual cost?

If Bernie claims it will cost $40 trillion over ten year, what do you think the actual cost would be? And it doesn't matter how much would cost, it's not acceptable that government control it.
View attachment 308552
I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?
Regular people having more discretionary income would stimulate the economy more than giving people that already have enough money more money.
Why Bernie could be the stock market's best friend.
That one has a false rating on snopes.
And snopes has no bias.
I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?
Regular people having more discretionary income would stimulate the economy more than giving people that already have enough money more money.
Why Bernie could be the stock market's best friend.
Can’t get any better Comradese than that.
The Putin-Trump love affair is the epitome of comrade.
And look what they charge in % their poorest citizens.

Once you agree with this, we are both on the same page. As long as America KNOWS what it is voting for, then I accept your support, and everyone else that supports BERNARD!
I do not support Sanders. At all.

If Sanders is the nominee, Trump will be re-elected. And I hate Trump more than any president in my lifetime.

Then you will be happy to know, that many of us in the GOP are redoing our party affiliation to give you BERNARD!

We figure after the way you treated our lawful President for the last 3 years, it is the LEAST we can do for your side of the aisle-)
You are suffering from the delusion that I am a Democrat.

I was a lifelong Republican until Trump. I am now an Independent. A Never-Trumper.

Unlike you dolts standing around with your thumbs up your asses parroting the lies fed to you by Trump and the pseudocon propaganda mills, I believe we should hold our leaders accountable and demand they provide answers to our problems.

Because you are just standing around drinking Trump's piss, commies like Bernie are going to win sooner or later. Maybe not this year, but they have been gaining ground for quite some time, thanks to your stupidity and credulity.

Geeze, calm down! I don't understand your angst. What do you want everyone to do, go SOCIALIST?

I get it, the whole system screwed us all over, all the politicians, most all of Washington.

Now what? Got someone in mind to fix it, or rather, we have our 2 usual choices?

OK, SOCIALIST or not, that is the only pertinent question, unless you have an alternative!

socialist or lawless dictator ?


Oh incompetent one, read history...…….SOCIALISTS are lawless dictators-)

Let me ask you, since you are obviously BRILLIANT, so BRILLIANT, your mommy calls you son-----------> If Bernie was to get a reversal of the 2nd amendment, a wealth tax, or the elimination of private healthcare, how would he make it stick?

At the point of a government gun, that is how, or he couldn't enforce it!

So either he can't enforce it, meaning you are all full of sh** and nothing is going to change, or he CAN enforce it at the point of the government gun!

Now, who is the DICTATOR!

Has Trump pointed the GOVERNMENT GUN at you? If so, tell us how!
I hear a lot of talk amongst conservatives of wanting to pull out of the market if Bernie is elected.

Does anyone else hear these things and if they did, what would happen?

Personally I'm not sure I believe them much like I did not believe those who said they would leave the US if Trump was elected, but then again, what future does their money have in a market that is targeted for destruction under socialism?
Regular people having more discretionary income would stimulate the economy more than giving people that already have enough money more money.
Why Bernie could be the stock market's best friend.
Can’t get any better Comradese than that.
The Putin-Trump love affair is the epitome of comrade.
No one is buying those Russian Lies anymore, son of Baal.

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