Gone- But Not Forgotten

Jews were not raping thousands of kids in the 30s.

Correct! But that didn't stop the Nazis propagandising to that effect. As I've said before, again and again, evil exists in every community, it doesn't mean everyone in that community is evil. Yaxley-Lennon has taken lessons from his Nazi forebears and directed his propaganda towards another minority group, Muslims.

It's always fun watching antisemites invoke the Holocaust to protect the one group of people on Earth with the greatest tendency to support another one.

Jews are an ethnicity, Muslims are not. Jews follow a doctrine that disapproves of proselytization. Islam is supremacist in nature, its followers commanded to spread it by any means necessary. Jewish people were never responsible for an inordinate amount of crime compared to their population, much less the systematic rape of children. Muslims ARE responsible for an inordinate amount of crime ESPECIALLY rape. There is nothing in Islam that encourages the rape of non Jews. Mohammad commanded his followers to rape the women of the lands they invaded.

You wish to assist in the rape of children and so you have seized upon this repulsive insult to all who suffered the Holocaust to do so. The comparison is SO stupid as to be beneath contempt.

I think the rape claims belong in the canard category and is sad you can recognize that. It is an often used too rally a population against “the other”. Southern whites made that claim about blacks. As was already pointed out, it was made Jews and a whole host of immigrant groups. Like many claims there is often a kernal of truth that is then greatly exaggerated to demonize. New immigrant groups in Europe slow a slightly higher rate of crime, but that bump goes down over time.

Unfortunately this trend towards ethnic nationalism and demonizing the other is going on around the world. Minority populations are vulnerable in a way they haven’t been for years, even if they have lived there over a thousand years like Egyptian Copts or Indian Muslims or Yazidis. Others, with a lengthy heritage are under threat of genocide, such as the Rohinga. Perpetrating these canards doesn’t do a thing to help the real victims of real crimes such as the children in Rotherham. Better policing, a better social safetynet, and better funding are what is needed.

So that is why I ask, and don’t see an answer for with you and others of a similar mindset, what is your end game?

If it is reducing child trafficking and rape, why do you never address the critical issues underlying the exploitation of children?

Rather, it seems aimed at highlighting Europe’s Muslim population. Do want them all deported? Tattooed and in a register? Make Islam illegal?

Some interesting points:

Fact Check: Claim linking Muslims to 96 per cent rapes in India falls flat

Fact-Check: Is There Truth To Refugee Rape Reports? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

Facts about migration, integration and crime in Sweden
You will seize upon anything to keep the rape jihad gping, won't you?

Rotherham . Total population 300000. Children raped 1400 . ethicity of the children raped . close to 100 percent white .Ethnicity of the pedps .almost 100 Muslim.

The same is occurring all throughout the UK.

You defend the rape jihad because you share the same Islamic agenda as the rapists. You try to cast those who oppose rape jihad as being Nazis for one reason and one reason only.

You support it

Some other facts to consider.

All these kids were from poor broken family backgrounds.

If you look at Rotherham’s demographics, the Muslim population as of 2011 was 3.7%, pretty small. That means that most of the victims were going to be non Muslim just due to demographics. In addition, Pakistani girls who are raped are far far less likely to come forward due to their culture, so we don’t really know enough to say it was only white children.

From Wikipedia: British Asian girls in Rotherham also suffered abuse, but a fear of shame and dishonour made them reluctant to report the abuse to authorities.[17

I believe I read that most of the criminal gang came from a particular part of Pakistan, maybe even the same village. Much like other criminal gangs forming out of immigrant groups like the Italian Mafia. Child trafficking is also part of their repertoire.

You think it is “a Muslim thing”. I disagree. I do however think we DO agree on one thing: there was a huge failing on the part of the police and government due in part to too much political sensitivity over good policing, and in part, because these children were lower class, no one cared enough.
Opposing Coyote's people gang raping kids is JUST like putting 6 million Jews in the ovens, folks!

Coyote says so!
How did you get THAT out of a conversation about similarities in rhetoric and cultural attitudes between now and the 1930’s. I was very specific in what I said.

Of course, in your typical manner, you falsely claim something else.

Are you losing your ability for rational debate? (I might be erroneously assuming it existed in the first place).
Cut the shit, bitch .you know what you are up to just as much as I do.

You have been trying to gain support for your precious rape jihad though patently dishonest comparisons to the holocaust.

I have ALRAEDY pointed out many of the myriad ways in which the situations are magnitudes different.

You persist, however because the rape of British kids is serving your Islamic agenda and the agenda is all that matters to you.
Opposing Coyote's people gang raping kids is JUST like putting 6 million Jews in the ovens, folks!

Coyote says so!
How did you get THAT out of a conversation about similarities in rhetoric and cultural attitudes between now and the 1930’s. I was very specific in what I said.

Of course, in your typical manner, you falsely claim something else.

Are you losing your ability for rational debate? (I might be erroneously assuming it existed in the first place).
Cut the shit, bitch .you know what you are up to just as much as I do.

You have been trying to gain support for your precious rape jihad though patently dishonest comparisons to the holocaust.

I have ALRAEDY pointed out many of the myriad ways in which the situations are magnitudes different.

You persist, however because the rape of British kids is serving your Islamic agenda and the agenda is all that matters to you.

No. You really haven’t. You just say you have.

Be specific.

How is this combination of factors in the 1930’s different than a similar combination occurring today.

Increasingly strident rhetoric aimed at demonizing minority groups (immigrants and Muslims).

The rise of ethnic and religious nationalism, and nativism around the world and the subsequent rise of rightwing populist political groups who promote that rhetoric.

Those are two trends that are similar and should concern you because they aren’t going to just stop at Muslims and immigrants.

There ARE differences but they are more in terms of historical events leading up to the 1930’s, the fact that Jews have been the brunt of persecution since Christianity became a political force, and that in theory at least, we have learned a lesson from the Holocaust (but have we?).

Another difference is that while attitudes towards ethnic purity are ratcheting up, eugenics hasn’t entered into it yet. But all that occurred after the rhetoric and political changes.

Look at how we are treating migrants at the US border. At one time that would have been unthinkable. Now it is being justified and the rhetoric of subhuman, criminal, rapist etc utilized to maintain it.
Jews were not raping thousands of kids in the 30s.

Correct! But that didn't stop the Nazis propagandising to that effect. As I've said before, again and again, evil exists in every community, it doesn't mean everyone in that community is evil. Yaxley-Lennon has taken lessons from his Nazi forebears and directed his propaganda towards another minority group, Muslims.

It's always fun watching antisemites invoke the Holocaust to protect the one group of people on Earth with the greatest tendency to support another one.

Jews are an ethnicity, Muslims are not. Jews follow a doctrine that disapproves of proselytization. Islam is supremacist in nature, its followers commanded to spread it by any means necessary. Jewish people were never responsible for an inordinate amount of crime compared to their population, much less the systematic rape of children. Muslims ARE responsible for an inordinate amount of crime ESPECIALLY rape. There is nothing in Islam that encourages the rape of non Jews. Mohammad commanded his followers to rape the women of the lands they invaded.

You wish to assist in the rape of children and so you have seized upon this repulsive insult to all who suffered the Holocaust to do so. The comparison is SO stupid as to be beneath contempt.

I think the rape claims belong in the canard category and is sad you can recognize that. It is an often used too rally a population against “the other”. Southern whites made that claim about blacks. As was already pointed out, it was made Jews and a whole host of immigrant groups. Like many claims there is often a kernal of truth that is then greatly exaggerated to demonize. New immigrant groups in Europe slow a slightly higher rate of crime, but that bump goes down over time.

Unfortunately this trend towards ethnic nationalism and demonizing the other is going on around the world. Minority populations are vulnerable in a way they haven’t been for years, even if they have lived there over a thousand years like Egyptian Copts or Indian Muslims or Yazidis. Others, with a lengthy heritage are under threat of genocide, such as the Rohinga. Perpetrating these canards doesn’t do a thing to help the real victims of real crimes such as the children in Rotherham. Better policing, a better social safetynet, and better funding are what is needed.

So that is why I ask, and don’t see an answer for with you and others of a similar mindset, what is your end game?

If it is reducing child trafficking and rape, why do you never address the critical issues underlying the exploitation of children?

Rather, it seems aimed at highlighting Europe’s Muslim population. Do want them all deported? Tattooed and in a register? Make Islam illegal?

Some interesting points:

Fact Check: Claim linking Muslims to 96 per cent rapes in India falls flat

Fact-Check: Is There Truth To Refugee Rape Reports? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

Facts about migration, integration and crime in Sweden
You will seize upon anything to keep the rape jihad gping, won't you?

Rotherham . Total population 300000. Children raped 1400 . ethicity of the children raped . close to 100 percent white .Ethnicity of the pedps .almost 100 Muslim.

The same is occurring all throughout the UK.

You defend the rape jihad because you share the same Islamic agenda as the rapists. You try to cast those who oppose rape jihad as being Nazis for one reason and one reason only.

You support it

Some other facts to consider.

All these kids were from poor broken family backgrounds.

If you look at Rotherham’s demographics, the Muslim population as of 2011 was 3.7%, pretty small. That means that most of the victims were going to be non Muslim just due to demographics. In addition, Pakistani girls who are raped are far far less likely to come forward due to their culture, so we don’t really know enough to say it was only white children.

From Wikipedia: British Asian girls in Rotherham also suffered abuse, but a fear of shame and dishonour made them reluctant to report the abuse to authorities.[17

I believe I read that most of the criminal gang came from a particular part of Pakistan, maybe even the same village. Much like other criminal gangs forming out of immigrant groups like the Italian Mafia. Child trafficking is also part of their repertoire.

You think it is “a Muslim thing”. I disagree. I do however think we DO agree on one thing: there was a huge failing on the part of the police and government due in part to too much political sensitivity over good policing, and in part, because these children were lower class, no one cared enough.

all true but you did a bit of OVER-THINKING------the fact that rape of non muslim
women is legal in shariah law is a very important factor
Correct! But that didn't stop the Nazis propagandising to that effect. As I've said before, again and again, evil exists in every community, it doesn't mean everyone in that community is evil. Yaxley-Lennon has taken lessons from his Nazi forebears and directed his propaganda towards another minority group, Muslims.

It's always fun watching antisemites invoke the Holocaust to protect the one group of people on Earth with the greatest tendency to support another one.

Jews are an ethnicity, Muslims are not. Jews follow a doctrine that disapproves of proselytization. Islam is supremacist in nature, its followers commanded to spread it by any means necessary. Jewish people were never responsible for an inordinate amount of crime compared to their population, much less the systematic rape of children. Muslims ARE responsible for an inordinate amount of crime ESPECIALLY rape. There is nothing in Islam that encourages the rape of non Jews. Mohammad commanded his followers to rape the women of the lands they invaded.

You wish to assist in the rape of children and so you have seized upon this repulsive insult to all who suffered the Holocaust to do so. The comparison is SO stupid as to be beneath contempt.

I think the rape claims belong in the canard category and is sad you can recognize that. It is an often used too rally a population against “the other”. Southern whites made that claim about blacks. As was already pointed out, it was made Jews and a whole host of immigrant groups. Like many claims there is often a kernal of truth that is then greatly exaggerated to demonize. New immigrant groups in Europe slow a slightly higher rate of crime, but that bump goes down over time.

Unfortunately this trend towards ethnic nationalism and demonizing the other is going on around the world. Minority populations are vulnerable in a way they haven’t been for years, even if they have lived there over a thousand years like Egyptian Copts or Indian Muslims or Yazidis. Others, with a lengthy heritage are under threat of genocide, such as the Rohinga. Perpetrating these canards doesn’t do a thing to help the real victims of real crimes such as the children in Rotherham. Better policing, a better social safetynet, and better funding are what is needed.

So that is why I ask, and don’t see an answer for with you and others of a similar mindset, what is your end game?

If it is reducing child trafficking and rape, why do you never address the critical issues underlying the exploitation of children?

Rather, it seems aimed at highlighting Europe’s Muslim population. Do want them all deported? Tattooed and in a register? Make Islam illegal?

Some interesting points:

Fact Check: Claim linking Muslims to 96 per cent rapes in India falls flat

Fact-Check: Is There Truth To Refugee Rape Reports? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

Facts about migration, integration and crime in Sweden
You will seize upon anything to keep the rape jihad gping, won't you?

Rotherham . Total population 300000. Children raped 1400 . ethicity of the children raped . close to 100 percent white .Ethnicity of the pedps .almost 100 Muslim.

The same is occurring all throughout the UK.

You defend the rape jihad because you share the same Islamic agenda as the rapists. You try to cast those who oppose rape jihad as being Nazis for one reason and one reason only.

You support it

Some other facts to consider.

All these kids were from poor broken family backgrounds.

If you look at Rotherham’s demographics, the Muslim population as of 2011 was 3.7%, pretty small. That means that most of the victims were going to be non Muslim just due to demographics. In addition, Pakistani girls who are raped are far far less likely to come forward due to their culture, so we don’t really know enough to say it was only white children.

From Wikipedia: British Asian girls in Rotherham also suffered abuse, but a fear of shame and dishonour made them reluctant to report the abuse to authorities.[17

I believe I read that most of the criminal gang came from a particular part of Pakistan, maybe even the same village. Much like other criminal gangs forming out of immigrant groups like the Italian Mafia. Child trafficking is also part of their repertoire.

You think it is “a Muslim thing”. I disagree. I do however think we DO agree on one thing: there was a huge failing on the part of the police and government due in part to too much political sensitivity over good policing, and in part, because these children were lower class, no one cared enough.

all true but you did a bit of OVER-THINKING------the fact that rape of non muslim
women is legal in shariah law is a very important factor
In one of the Hadiths, Mohammad tells his men to rape women in front of their husbands and then kill the men - even though the men were reluctant.

In the world of these child rape supporters , though, opposing that makes a person a Nazi. They keep saying so over and over and over again so as to drive that point home.
It's always fun watching antisemites invoke the Holocaust to protect the one group of people on Earth with the greatest tendency to support another one.

Jews are an ethnicity, Muslims are not. Jews follow a doctrine that disapproves of proselytization. Islam is supremacist in nature, its followers commanded to spread it by any means necessary. Jewish people were never responsible for an inordinate amount of crime compared to their population, much less the systematic rape of children. Muslims ARE responsible for an inordinate amount of crime ESPECIALLY rape. There is nothing in Islam that encourages the rape of non Jews. Mohammad commanded his followers to rape the women of the lands they invaded.

You wish to assist in the rape of children and so you have seized upon this repulsive insult to all who suffered the Holocaust to do so. The comparison is SO stupid as to be beneath contempt.

I think the rape claims belong in the canard category and is sad you can recognize that. It is an often used too rally a population against “the other”. Southern whites made that claim about blacks. As was already pointed out, it was made Jews and a whole host of immigrant groups. Like many claims there is often a kernal of truth that is then greatly exaggerated to demonize. New immigrant groups in Europe slow a slightly higher rate of crime, but that bump goes down over time.

Unfortunately this trend towards ethnic nationalism and demonizing the other is going on around the world. Minority populations are vulnerable in a way they haven’t been for years, even if they have lived there over a thousand years like Egyptian Copts or Indian Muslims or Yazidis. Others, with a lengthy heritage are under threat of genocide, such as the Rohinga. Perpetrating these canards doesn’t do a thing to help the real victims of real crimes such as the children in Rotherham. Better policing, a better social safetynet, and better funding are what is needed.

So that is why I ask, and don’t see an answer for with you and others of a similar mindset, what is your end game?

If it is reducing child trafficking and rape, why do you never address the critical issues underlying the exploitation of children?

Rather, it seems aimed at highlighting Europe’s Muslim population. Do want them all deported? Tattooed and in a register? Make Islam illegal?

Some interesting points:

Fact Check: Claim linking Muslims to 96 per cent rapes in India falls flat

Fact-Check: Is There Truth To Refugee Rape Reports? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

Facts about migration, integration and crime in Sweden
You will seize upon anything to keep the rape jihad gping, won't you?

Rotherham . Total population 300000. Children raped 1400 . ethicity of the children raped . close to 100 percent white .Ethnicity of the pedps .almost 100 Muslim.

The same is occurring all throughout the UK.

You defend the rape jihad because you share the same Islamic agenda as the rapists. You try to cast those who oppose rape jihad as being Nazis for one reason and one reason only.

You support it

Some other facts to consider.

All these kids were from poor broken family backgrounds.

If you look at Rotherham’s demographics, the Muslim population as of 2011 was 3.7%, pretty small. That means that most of the victims were going to be non Muslim just due to demographics. In addition, Pakistani girls who are raped are far far less likely to come forward due to their culture, so we don’t really know enough to say it was only white children.

From Wikipedia: British Asian girls in Rotherham also suffered abuse, but a fear of shame and dishonour made them reluctant to report the abuse to authorities.[17

I believe I read that most of the criminal gang came from a particular part of Pakistan, maybe even the same village. Much like other criminal gangs forming out of immigrant groups like the Italian Mafia. Child trafficking is also part of their repertoire.

You think it is “a Muslim thing”. I disagree. I do however think we DO agree on one thing: there was a huge failing on the part of the police and government due in part to too much political sensitivity over good policing, and in part, because these children were lower class, no one cared enough.

all true but you did a bit of OVER-THINKING------the fact that rape of non muslim
women is legal in shariah law is a very important factor
In one of the Hadiths, Mohammad tells his men to rape women in front of their husbands and then kill the men - even though the men were reluctant.

In the world of these child rape supporters , though, opposing that makes a person a Nazi. They keep saying so over and over and over again so as to drive that point home.

You keep spewing that. Why can’t you address the actual arguments?
what are the ACTUAL ARGUEMENTS? ???? Omar's-----
that SOMALIA's muslims kill each other because the USA
interferes with other people's business? No wonder she is pissed
I think the rape claims belong in the canard category and is sad you can recognize that. It is an often used too rally a population against “the other”. Southern whites made that claim about blacks. As was already pointed out, it was made Jews and a whole host of immigrant groups. Like many claims there is often a kernal of truth that is then greatly exaggerated to demonize. New immigrant groups in Europe slow a slightly higher rate of crime, but that bump goes down over time.

Unfortunately this trend towards ethnic nationalism and demonizing the other is going on around the world. Minority populations are vulnerable in a way they haven’t been for years, even if they have lived there over a thousand years like Egyptian Copts or Indian Muslims or Yazidis. Others, with a lengthy heritage are under threat of genocide, such as the Rohinga. Perpetrating these canards doesn’t do a thing to help the real victims of real crimes such as the children in Rotherham. Better policing, a better social safetynet, and better funding are what is needed.

So that is why I ask, and don’t see an answer for with you and others of a similar mindset, what is your end game?

If it is reducing child trafficking and rape, why do you never address the critical issues underlying the exploitation of children?

Rather, it seems aimed at highlighting Europe’s Muslim population. Do want them all deported? Tattooed and in a register? Make Islam illegal?

Some interesting points:

Fact Check: Claim linking Muslims to 96 per cent rapes in India falls flat

Fact-Check: Is There Truth To Refugee Rape Reports? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

Facts about migration, integration and crime in Sweden
You will seize upon anything to keep the rape jihad gping, won't you?

Rotherham . Total population 300000. Children raped 1400 . ethicity of the children raped . close to 100 percent white .Ethnicity of the pedps .almost 100 Muslim.

The same is occurring all throughout the UK.

You defend the rape jihad because you share the same Islamic agenda as the rapists. You try to cast those who oppose rape jihad as being Nazis for one reason and one reason only.

You support it

Some other facts to consider.

All these kids were from poor broken family backgrounds.

If you look at Rotherham’s demographics, the Muslim population as of 2011 was 3.7%, pretty small. That means that most of the victims were going to be non Muslim just due to demographics. In addition, Pakistani girls who are raped are far far less likely to come forward due to their culture, so we don’t really know enough to say it was only white children.

From Wikipedia: British Asian girls in Rotherham also suffered abuse, but a fear of shame and dishonour made them reluctant to report the abuse to authorities.[17

I believe I read that most of the criminal gang came from a particular part of Pakistan, maybe even the same village. Much like other criminal gangs forming out of immigrant groups like the Italian Mafia. Child trafficking is also part of their repertoire.

You think it is “a Muslim thing”. I disagree. I do however think we DO agree on one thing: there was a huge failing on the part of the police and government due in part to too much political sensitivity over good policing, and in part, because these children were lower class, no one cared enough.

all true but you did a bit of OVER-THINKING------the fact that rape of non muslim
women is legal in shariah law is a very important factor
In one of the Hadiths, Mohammad tells his men to rape women in front of their husbands and then kill the men - even though the men were reluctant.

In the world of these child rape supporters , though, opposing that makes a person a Nazi. They keep saying so over and over and over again so as to drive that point home.

You keep spewing that. Why can’t you address the actual arguments?
I already debunked your attempt to equate the opposition to child rape with the holocaust, oh child rape supporter.

The assertion that you support the brutal rape of children is PROVEN by your feeble attempts to cast the opposition to these child rapes as Nazis.
I think Coyote is of the opinion that accusations of rape against muslims are---in reality------ LIBELS
I think Coyote is of the opinion that accusations of rape against muslims are---in reality------ LIBELS
She is lying about it because she supports the rapes involved and is doing to by pretending that opposition to what has really occurred is imaginary prejudice.

She is one very sick, very twisted individual.
I think Coyote is of the opinion that accusations of rape against muslims are---in reality------ LIBELS
She is lying about it because she supports the rapes involved and is doing to by pretending that opposition to what has really occurred is imaginary prejudice.

She is one very sick, very twisted individual.

you got a problem----YOU do not respect Islamic law-----rape is not only legal
but LAUDED in shariah----if the rape victim is a non muslim or a TAFKIRA.
Rape is an excellent way to impregnate women----which pleases allah----in fact ---
experts (?) have stated that rape is more likely to lead to pregnancy than is
consensual sex---------which is why allah likes it------it makes MORE MUSLIMS,,,,,
did you know that a kafira woman raped by a muslim man-------does not get to keep the kid? IT IS MUSLIM by the glory of koranic law.
what are the ACTUAL ARGUEMENTS? ???? Omar's-----
that SOMALIA's muslims kill each other because the USA
interferes with other people's business? No wonder she is pissed
Wrong topic Rosie...
I think Coyote is of the opinion that accusations of rape against muslims are---in reality------ LIBELS
She is lying about it because she supports the rapes involved and is doing to by pretending that opposition to what has really occurred is imaginary prejudice.

She is one very sick, very twisted individual.
And yet you can’t adress the actual discussion.
No, Muslims commit rape just like any other human group.


You know as well as I do that the ugly creed you follow calls for rape of non Muslims

Sunan Abu Dawud 2150—The Apostle of Allah sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verse: “And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess.” That is to say, they are lawful for them when they complete their waiting period.

This is undoubtedly why you have always laughed about the plight of the children your people rape.
for Coyote-----rape of non muslims by muslims is LEGAL in shariah law. I know of no other "HUMAN" group that SPECIFICALLY legalizes rape. In 1971----the west Pakistani koranic "scholars" issued an edict of TAKFIR upon the people of east Pakistan----rendering it LEGAL for west Pakistani soldiers to RAPE east Pakistani women-----both muslim and hindu----the redcross issued an estimate of 1/4 million women raped. (on a more personal note-----the reason that hubby's father ---and his little mother fled the shariah shit hole in which they lived----was the rape and murder of his grandmother and the PENDING LEGAL RAPE of his little mother under the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW ---legal enslavement and rape of any dhimmi girl orphaned by the death of her father) It is the way of life that seems GOOD---to our dear congress lady-------Ilhan Omar. -----in fact---attempts to alter it by BOTH the few enlighted people of the Ottoman Empire and later the Brits -----was RESISTED by the UMMAH---and ignored because as Ilhan Omar complained----entities like the US ----INTERFERE. Actually---the little couple----his mama and dad---were rescued ----by the efforts of the
widowered FATHER of hubby's dad. He died during the escape-----their escape was ILLEGAL under shariah law. (coyote considers this dilemma common place in the world and the fact that not a single rape that took place in East Pakistan
(aka bangla desh) was ever prosecuted---JUST NORMAL)

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