'Good Catholic' Joe Biden Wanted To Force CatholicsTo Go Against Their Faith - It Goes Up In Smoke

You haven't posted any yet. Your highly emotional, biased, skewed opinion doesn't count.

Fail...try again.
If you can't defend your fake pretense that the Catholic Church requires that Catholic politicians to impose its teachings upon everyone, you can't.

That's obvious.
While I can argue against several of your points, your #3 is completely wrong. While abortion in general may be what YOU want this thread to be about, it is NOT.

Go back and read the 1st post.

It is about Biden's attempt to violate a group of Americans' religeous freedom / Constitutional right by ignoring them and imposing his will, which a court just denied him the ability to do.

Joe attempted to do the same thing with vacvine mandates and the military.

Biden has proven multiple times he does not care about the Constitution or Constitutional rights when it comes to his agenda / his authoritarian attempt to control and dictate to American citizens or when it comes, for another example, to his Un-Constitutional Open Border Invasion policies (which this thread is NOT about either).

I ought to know what this thread is about - I created it.

No one's religious rights are being violated. Religion is being imposed on us at the point of a gun. It is Republicans who attack our constitutional rights. Republicans have a radical view of the Constitution.
If you can't defend your fake pretense that the Catholic Church requires that Catholic politicians to impose its teachings upon everyone, you can't.

Why do you snowflakes have to.lie and manufacture a fake argument just to win a debate?

I have NEVER - EVER - claimed
'the Catholic Church requires that Catholic politicians to impose its teachings upon everyone'
Why do you snowflakes have to.lie and manufacture a fake argument just to win a debate?

I have NEVER - EVER - claimed
You're sulking because you are impotent in refuting the truth that i have posted.

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Your pretending to speak for the Holy See was exposed.
'Good, Practicing Catholics' do not support and attempt to force abortions right up to tbe moment of birth, and 'Good' Catholics don't try to force Catholics to go against their faith / belief to support and cy with libersl agendas; yet, here is Biden claiming to be a 'good, practicing Catholic' doing both.

What measurement does Bidrn go by IOT claim he is a 'good, practicing Catholic'? It must be his own because he sure isn't using any actual Catholic Church standards.

It was not tbe Catholic Church this week who pointed out Joe's actions and agenda are both not constitutional and against the Catholic church's faith, religeous freedom, and rights.

"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"

"thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself"

I guess the meaning of those phrases are lost on you.
I understand your desperation to avoid facing up to the reality that the Catholic Church does not insist that Catholic politicians must impose church doctrine upon everyone, but that's the way it is.

I never said they did, lil' pathetic lying snowflake.


And in your attempt to cherry-pick scripture with which to attack me you leave out many that can be applied to pro-abortion, lying, child-trafficking, criminal Joe Biden, but you choose to remain silent when it comes to Biden and other criminal Democrats.
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"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"

"thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself"

I guess the meaning of those phrases are lost on you.
Not at all, but thanks for trying to infer they are, little snowflake.

Not at all, but thanks for trying to infer they are, little snowflake.


I wasn't inferring anything. It's obvious that you don't understand or just don't believe those phrases.

Perhaps you're just a partisan hack that couldn't care less about Christianity.
I never said they did, lil' pathetic lying snowflake.


And in your attempt to cherry-pick scripture with which to attack me you leave out many that can be applied to pro-abortion, lying, child-trafficking, criminal Joe Biden, but you choose to remain silent when it comes to Biden and other criminal Democrats.
Sunshine, you need to understand that no one is being forced by the State to have an abortion.

Personal liberty means that's a personal choice.
You can't be a Catholic and not be against abortion.

A lot of things Catholics let slide like fasting for lent. They say "oh I won't eat meat but I'll go eat seafood, spaghetti and all the other things I really like". Fasting is supposed to be a spiritual thing where you give up what you enjoy, not just meat, to show your faith and strength of your faith. That stuff is fine I guess, but abortion is not fine because abortion is an absolute to Catholics. There is no gray area, either you're a Catholic or you're ok with abortion, they can't co exist.

Even Jesus/god spoke many times about "woe unto thee that harms the little children". A commandment also says though shalt not murder. Abortions are murder because you're ending the life of a human. Those two combined are a double whammy.
I wasn't inferring anything. It's obvious that you don't understand or just don't believe those phrases.

You're an idiot and a liar. Who knew?!

You can always tell who the snowflakes are - they are the ones making false accusations, manufacturing fake arguments just so they can say they won one. They're morons like you who try to tell others what THEY think / believe.

Sunshine, you need to understand that no one is being forced by the State to have an abortion.

I never said the government is forcing anyone to HAVE an abortion, but Joe's attempt to force Catholic hospitals and Doctors to PERFORM them just got shot down

Why do you keep telling me things I have never said?

Are you that desperate to create a false narrative / argument just so you can claim you finally won one?
Sunshine, you need to understand that no one is being forced by the State to have an abortion.
Personal liberty means that's a personal choice.
But what we see from supposedly devout Catholics liken Biden, etc, is an effort to facilitate abortion.
Your belief may not require you to use your position in government to outlaw abortion, but it certainly does not allow you to use your position in government to make it easier for people to have one.
1. You read my post #15 and gave me a "winner" rating. I get the OP.

2. RWer and I mix it up a lot in many threads. Sometime we stay on topic, but most of the time we don't.
RWer is the prototypical "thoroughly modern" secular democrat, who knows all the talking points.

3. What set me off this time was RWer's post #5 lie that "The majority of US Catholics support Roe v Wade".
The problem with the RvW abortion poll question is that it doesn't break down the specific type of abortion. Such as a "partial birth abortion", or within the first 15-weeks, or after 15-weeks, or to protect the life of the mother, etc. Asking if abortions should be "legal" isn't helpful, asking what circumstances and when abortions should be legal is better.

You are nothing but a liar. There is little difference between 15 week abortions and 23 week abortions. The odds are heavily against a fetus surviving outside of the womb. There is nothing wrong with asking whether abortions should be legal. You are trying to change the subject.
You keep missing the point. Maybe if you democrats had souls you'd be more religious and have actual "values"?

You want to impose your so-called values on us at the point of a gun. That is what dictators do. Maybe you should support programs that help pregnant women and women with children. You don't give a damn about children except as a political wedge issue.
But what we see from supposedly devout Catholics liken Biden, etc, is an effort to facilitate abortion.
Your belief may not require you to use your position in government to outlaw abortion, but it certainly does not allow you to use your position in government to make it easier for people to have one.

It should be a woman's choice and politicians should not be allowed to interfere. That is why Roe vs Wade was a conservative issue. It is right wing fascists who act like liberals. They want to control everyone.
1. You read my post #15 and gave me a "winner" rating. I get the OP.

2. RWer and I mix it up a lot in many threads. Sometime we stay on topic, but most of the time we don't.
RWer is the prototypical "thoroughly modern" secular democrat, who knows all the talking points.

3. What set me off this time was RWer's post #5 lie that "The majority of US Catholics support Roe v Wade".
The problem with the RvW abortion poll question is that it doesn't break down the specific type of abortion. Such as a "partial birth abortion", or within the first 15-weeks, or after 15-weeks, or to protect the life of the mother, etc. Asking if abortions should be "legal" isn't helpful, asking what circumstances and when abortions should be legal is better.

What you are trying to do is change the subject. The question of whether abortion should be legal or not is a perfectly fine question. There is little difference between a 15 week abortion and a 23 week abortion in terms of a fetus surviving outside of the womb.

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