Good Enough For Nixon?

Obama didnt selectively enforce laws passed by Congress? Are you really going to go there?
Learn what the President can and can't do. If you want to be pissed about something, be pissed about him ignoring Habeas Corpus, but he killed a couple of Muslims and you probably approved of that just fine.

The president cannot decide which laws he agrees with an will enforce. That's the point. That was the point of Nixon's impeachment, that he failed to carry out his oath of office. Obama equally has failed to carry out his oath of office. Nixon would have been impeached and probably removed. Obama not. Why the double standard?
There is no double standard. I gave you an example of Obama breaking the law but most of what you believe he does that breaks the law doesn't. He has the power to say focus on that law instead of this one. That's not breaking the law. If we enforced all the laws on the books no one would get anything done at all. All presidents are well aware of this and they set the agenda to their liking and to that of the people who elected them, often enough.
Imbecile ... Republicans control the House; which is where the impeachment process begins. Democrats are incapable of preventing Republicans from impeaching Obama since Republicans are the majority and only a simple majority is needed to impeach.
You are a disgusting ignorant piece of monkey shit. Everyone knows this. A smelly half goat with the brains of a brick.
Impeaching him is nothing without the Senate to remove him.
Dayam. I guess you still haven't recovered from that bitch - slapping I gave you on your other thread. And that was only with the back side of my pimp hand, but was still sufficient to cause you to flee from your own thread in complete humiliation. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Your cowardice aside, it is bullshit to claim that impeachment without conviction is "nothing." Bill Clinton is proof of that as his impeachment is a blemish on his presidency, despite being acquitted. No, the reality is that you're using that pussy excuse because you know the right doesn't have the balls to impeach Obama, even though their is nothing standing in their way except their own cowardice.

And of course Andrew Johnson.
Bush lied to the American People and the world to invade Iraq where he tortured POWs to death in secret prisons. No one impeached him.

Obama is the main reason why Bush isn't swinging from a rope on camera. Thank the first black President for protecting your Messiah.

Bush violated his oath with preferential treatment of those who financed 9/11/01, and the false reasons for the invasion of Iraq. Yet, when misfeasance in office results in thousands of US deaths & trillions in debt, that President gets a "pass". Still, Bush's blunders did not rise to the level of "high crimes & misdemeanors" that can be proven; Obama has yet to commit either.

And the far left Obama drones will deny that their messiah has done anything wrong.
There's only one Messiah, the Jews are still waiting, and I just said that he broke the law. Why don't you grow up a little bit today eh? For a start, stop saying Messiah. It makes you look like a drone.
ah its the left's fault....didnt see that coming.....from a mile away....

Do you deny the Democrats are going to block impeachment/removal?

they should....thats their job, just like the GOP would block the lefts attempts and just like how you would mock the left if they tried. Thats what a partisan does....

And yet the far left called for impeachment of Bush and when they got the numbers to do it they did not.

So obviously all that impeachment talk from the far left was just political propaganda and they actually believed Bush was correct in what he was doing otherwise they would have impeached him right?

These far left Obama drones will never learn that they are just pawns for their far left masters.
Why was Nixon nearly impeached and survived only by resignation but Obama continues on with impunity?

Because enough member in Congress thought NIXXON had to go, while not enough members of congress believe Obama has to go.

Do you NOT understand the conditions needed for an impeachment, lad?

Clearly you do not if you imagine that any crime or evidence of a crime is needed to begin impeachment.

Impeachment is a POLITICAL process requiring NO CRIME to be initiated or, for that matter, to be carried out with a removal from office.

And no crime however egregious, can launch an impeachment IF there is not enough support for that event to take place.

Impeachment is NOT a judicial process it is a political process.

Learn that so that in the future you do not make yourself look like a damned idiot.


Surprise answer:
Senate - Democrats
House - Democrats

Do I see a pattern there? :eusa_whistle:
And since the far left loves to rewrite history to fit their religious needs:

Here is the record on Nixon:

The vote was 27 to 11, with 6 of the committee's 17 Republicans joining all 21 Democrats in voting to send the article to the House. Judiciary Committee Approves Article to Impeach President Nixon, 27 to 1

The far left would never support it no matter how much worse than Nixon or Bush that Obama can get.

So all you far left Obama drones who still support Obama keep showing that you support someone worse than Bush.
Do you deny the Democrats are going to block impeachment/removal?

they should....thats their job, just like the GOP would block the lefts attempts and just like how you would mock the left if they tried. Thats what a partisan does....

OK. So you agree the Democrats are blocking impeachment, which was my point. You undercut your own comment of "go ahead, who's stopping you." ANd you engage in the "they all do it" fallacy.
Republicans supported Nixon's impeachment. So no, they do not all do it.
Remind me why anyone should take you seriously.

Let us get something clear.

It is up to the House of Representative to vote for Articles of Impeachment. If he wanted, Boehner could signal that the House Judiciary Committee hold hearings on the possibility of doing so. And, in the event there were enough PROVABLE cases, the articles could be prepared and presented to the full house for a vote.

The makeup of the Senate has nothing to do with this process.
Obama didnt selectively enforce laws passed by Congress? Are you really going to go there?
Learn what the President can and can't do. If you want to be pissed about something, be pissed about him ignoring Habeas Corpus, but he killed a couple of Muslims and you probably approved of that just fine.

The president cannot decide which laws he agrees with an will enforce. That's the point. That was the point of Nixon's impeachment, that he failed to carry out his oath of office. Obama equally has failed to carry out his oath of office. Nixon would have been impeached and probably removed. Obama not. Why the double standard?
There is no double standard. You said yourself that the right is too scared to impeach Obama because he's black.
asswipe...the secret service and CIA with them in Europe would prevent any nutjobs like you getting near them.

Nobody in Europe except socialist terrorists like you would try anything.

GWB and Dick Cheney are not going to jail.

Obama will not be impeached.

Correct. Although Bush and Cheney will be avoiding Europe for the rest of their lives for fear of arrest.
And since the far left loves to rewrite history to fit their religious needs:

Here is the record on Nixon:

The vote was 27 to 11, with 6 of the committee's 17 Republicans joining all 21 Democrats in voting to send the article to the House. Judiciary Committee Approves Article to Impeach President Nixon, 27 to 1

The far left would never support it no matter how much worse than Nixon or Bush that Obama can get.

So all you far left Obama drones who still support Obama keep showing that you support someone worse than Bush.

Depending on the continued use of EOs, I might; of course I am not "far left". But the President cannot "go it alone" on many, many matters.
Nixon got impeached over spying on the Democraps and being caught on tape in the cover up.

Obama gets away with running guns to drug gangs in Mexico for more violence/deaths to help his anti-gun campaign here, covering up the Benghazi disaster, using the IRS to attack political groups opposed to his re-election, etc.....

...and liberal scum believe Obama is a saint and all of the crimes by him are fake.
Nice avatar. Though given your avatar, it leaves one scratching their head why you attack the left. Those two world wars you rightfully brag about winning ....... they were won with the leadership of Liberal Democrats.
These flaming Republicans impeached Clinton for lying about a blowjob.

Does Obama have to get head for the GOP to actually do something? Or is it that as soon as Obama's crimes come under legal scrutiny, all of the same laws will then be applied to the Bush administration and they will be found guilty, imprisoned, and the GOP just doesn't want that? So it's more effective to just unleash a mass of racist simpletons to rave about Marxism and Sharia law for the whole time that Obama's in office instead of actually forcing the government to adhere to our laws.

If Obama goes down, Bush goes down, or vice versa, and then everyone else goes down and the US will have to admit defeat. Make it happen.
asswipe...the secret service and CIA with them in Europe would prevent any nutjobs like you getting near them.

Nobody in Europe except socialist terrorists like you would try anything.

GWB and Dick Cheney are not going to jail.

Obama will not be impeached.

Correct. Although Bush and Cheney will be avoiding Europe for the rest of their lives for fear of arrest.
It doesn't work that way. Why do you think they have both stayed home since leaving office? They have to...
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Learn what the President can and can't do. If you want to be pissed about something, be pissed about him ignoring Habeas Corpus, but he killed a couple of Muslims and you probably approved of that just fine.

The president cannot decide which laws he agrees with an will enforce. That's the point. That was the point of Nixon's impeachment, that he failed to carry out his oath of office. Obama equally has failed to carry out his oath of office. Nixon would have been impeached and probably removed. Obama not. Why the double standard?
There is no double standard. You said yourself that the right is too scared to impeach Obama because he's black.

Stop putting words in my mouth, you smelly half goat.
The problem is the Senate will never vote 2/3ds to get rid of him because they dont want to go down as impeaching the first black president. That and they dont really care what crimes he's committed because all that matters to them is winning.
they should....thats their job, just like the GOP would block the lefts attempts and just like how you would mock the left if they tried. Thats what a partisan does....

OK. So you agree the Democrats are blocking impeachment, which was my point. You undercut your own comment of "go ahead, who's stopping you." ANd you engage in the "they all do it" fallacy.
Republicans supported Nixon's impeachment. So no, they do not all do it.
Remind me why anyone should take you seriously.

Let us get something clear.

It is up to the House of Representative to vote for Articles of Impeachment. If he wanted, Boehner could signal that the House Judiciary Committee hold hearings on the possibility of doing so. And, in the event there were enough PROVABLE cases, the articles could be prepared and presented to the full house for a vote.

The makeup of the Senate has nothing to do with this process.

Voting for impeachment is meaningless without a decent shot at removing him in the Senate. Clinton committed plenty of impeachable acts and was impeached, the only president in the 20th century. But the Senate was gutless and wouldnt remove him and now Clinton is a big Dem hero.
Impeaching Obama without removing him would him similarly a hero.
And since the far left loves to rewrite history to fit their religious needs:

Here is the record on Nixon:

The vote was 27 to 11, with 6 of the committee's 17 Republicans joining all 21 Democrats in voting to send the article to the House. Judiciary Committee Approves Article to Impeach President Nixon, 27 to 1

The far left would never support it no matter how much worse than Nixon or Bush that Obama can get.

So all you far left Obama drones who still support Obama keep showing that you support someone worse than Bush.

Depending on the continued use of EOs, I might; of course I am not "far left". But the President cannot "go it alone" on many, many matters.

Then don't spout far left Obama drone propaganda statements and support the far left without hesitation or question.

Your comments prove you are a far left Obama drone.
These flaming Republicans impeached Clinton for lying about a blowjob.

Does Obama have to get head for the GOP to actually do something? Or is it that as soon as Obama's crimes come under legal scrutiny, all of the same laws will then be applied to the Bush administration and they will be found guilty, imprisoned, and the GOP just doesn't want that? So it's more effective to just unleash a mass of racist simpletons to rave about Marxism and Sharia law for the whole time that Obama's in office instead of actually forcing the government to adhere to our laws.

If Obama goes down, Bush goes down, or vice versa, and then everyone else goes down and the US will have to admit defeat. Make it happen.

So obviously the far left is willing to perfectly ok with someone committing perjury, I guess we will stop see the posts that Bush lied us into Iraq since the far left supports perjury as not big deal.
OK. So you agree the Democrats are blocking impeachment, which was my point. You undercut your own comment of "go ahead, who's stopping you." ANd you engage in the "they all do it" fallacy.
Republicans supported Nixon's impeachment. So no, they do not all do it.
Remind me why anyone should take you seriously.

Let us get something clear.

It is up to the House of Representative to vote for Articles of Impeachment. If he wanted, Boehner could signal that the House Judiciary Committee hold hearings on the possibility of doing so. And, in the event there were enough PROVABLE cases, the articles could be prepared and presented to the full house for a vote.

The makeup of the Senate has nothing to do with this process.

Voting for impeachment is meaningless without a decent shot at removing him in the Senate. Clinton committed plenty of impeachable acts and was impeached, the only president in the 20th century. But the Senate was gutless and wouldnt remove him and now Clinton is a big Dem hero.
Impeaching Obama without removing him would him similarly a hero.

True! However the far left plan is they want the (R)'s to try impeachment so the can try and cement their racist labeling.

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