Good For Us, Bad For Them


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
And, by 'us,' I mean the Right, and by 'them,' the Left/Democrats/Liberals

The latter, the party of slaver, infanticide, and anti-Semitism, took a set-back when the
National Black Law Enforcement organization spit in the face of the anti-Semites....

1."National Black Law Enforcement group backs Georgia-Israel police exchange program

2. In rebuke to Jewish Voice for Peace’s antisemitic “Deadly Exchange” campaign, The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives reiterates support, while Georgia Council on American Indian Concerns rejects “anti-police and anti-Israel false claims”


4. ...the anti-Jewish and anti-peace extremist organization ‘Jewish Voice for Peace’ (JVP), calls to shut down U.S. police department trainings with their counterparts in Israeli law enforcement. It falsely blames Israel and American Jewish organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Jewish Institute for National Security (JINSA), for U.S. domestic policing practices and problems in America’s minority communities.

5. criminal justice program has been subjected to ugly and relentless attacks by Atlanta BDS groups, who have partnered with student organizations to remove it from the campus on account of its exchange programs in Israel.

6. ... for those trying to defeat a campaign that rests on the disgusting claim that Jewish-American organizations are conspiring with Israel to train American police so that they can better “target and harm U.S. minorities”, even more valuable is the crushing rejection of “Deadly Exchange” now voiced by groups representing America’s minorities themselves."
National Black Law Enforcement group backs Georgia-Israel police exchange program

Just imagine the chagrin among the Democrats!!!
Very good news. Always nice to hear of the lib narrative being dismissed like the bullshit it is,

and that it came from a minority group, is bonus points.
I'm waiting to see which dems cozy up to Lou for the primaries. Maybe they can make him a super-delegate?
So far no democrat even admits to knowing Farrakhan?!
I'm waiting to see which dems cozy up to Lou for the primaries. Maybe they can make him a super-delegate?
So far no democrat even admits to knowing Farrakhan?!

“Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite

  • At least seven House Democrats are known to have direct ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
  • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
  • A photo shows Barack Obama smiling with Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting in 2005
…Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite and racist who has called Jews “satanic” and said white people “deserve to die.”

California Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks and Texas Rep. Al Green have all attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos, videos and witness accounts of the meetings reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), repeatedly attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos and videos reviewed by TheDCNF and Farrakhan’s own statements."
Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite [VIDEO]


Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar gave multiple interviews to a fringe Arab-American television host, Ahmed Tharwat, who calls Israel the “Jewish ISIS” and has compared the terrorist group Hamas to Holocaust victims.

Omar blamed “our involvement in other people’s affairs” for terrorism in a 2013 interview with Tharwat.

“When are we gonna decide or realize that terrorism is a reaction? It’s an ideology, it’s a means of things, it’s not an entity, it’s not a place, people. It’s a reaction to a situation,” Tharwat said in the interview, which Fox News uncovered Monday."
Ilhan Omar Gave Interviews To Host Who Called Israel ‘Jewish ISIS’ And Compared Hamas To Holocaust Victims

Fresh-new Democrat economic guru, Ocasio-Cortez dancing with well-known anti-Semite Al Sharpton

Reverend Al Sharpton‏Verified account @TheRevAl
Great meeting with Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez! After talking serious issues we lightened it up a bit and talked James Brown. @AOC
Reverend Al Sharpton on Twitter


‘Not a great look’: Socialist Ocasio-Cortez under fire for failing to provide workers’ comp to campaign staff

Maybe they could change the name to the Nazi Party.....I don't believe anyone is using the name currently........

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar gave multiple interviews to a fringe Arab-American television host, Ahmed Tharwat, who calls Israel the “Jewish ISIS” and has compared the terrorist group Hamas to Holocaust victims.

Omar blamed “our involvement in other people’s affairs” for terrorism in a 2013 interview with Tharwat.

“When are we gonna decide or realize that terrorism is a reaction? It’s an ideology, it’s a means of things, it’s not an entity, it’s not a place, people. It’s a reaction to a situation,” Tharwat said in the interview, which Fox News uncovered Monday."
Ilhan Omar Gave Interviews To Host Who Called Israel ‘Jewish ISIS’ And Compared Hamas To Holocaust Victims

Fresh-new Democrat economic guru, Ocasio-Cortez dancing with well-known anti-Semite Al Sharpton

Reverend Al Sharpton‏Verified account @TheRevAl
Great meeting with Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez! After talking serious issues we lightened it up a bit and talked James Brown. @AOC
Reverend Al Sharpton on Twitter


‘Not a great look’: Socialist Ocasio-Cortez under fire for failing to provide workers’ comp to campaign staff

Maybe they could change the name to the Nazi Party.....I don't believe anyone is using the name currently........
It wasn’t democrats marching in Charlottesville with torches chanting “Jews will not replace us”.

Everyone knows the GOP is the party of racists and anti semites .
It wasn’t democrats marching in Charlottesville with torches chanting “Jews will not replace us”.

Everyone knows the GOP is the party of racists and anti semites .


Let's check.....

Proud Democrat voters can certainly find great moments to celebrate.....if they are oblivious to the real history of their chosen party.

Said history can be reduced to slavery, segregation laws, eugenics, and abortion.

"You see, what do slavery, segregation laws, eugenics, and abortion have in common? They were all top priorities for the Democratic Party throughout history.

  • 1828 — Democratic Party is founded by Andrew Jackson — a passionate advocate of slavery and key figure behind the ‘Trail of Tears’ — a state-sanctioned slaughter of around 15,000 Native Americans
  • 1866 — Ku Klux Klan is founded by a group of Democratic former confederate soldiers who fought to prevent blacks living in the South from voting
  • 1868 — Equal protection granted to slaves in the USA: 94% Republican support and 0% Democratic support.
  • 1870— Black suffrage: 100% Republicans voted for, 0% Democrats voted against.
  • 1915— First motion-picture movie to be shown in the White House is The Birth of Nation, a Democratic-Party produced propaganda film depicting the KKK as heroes.
  • 1939 —“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members” – Margaret Sanger (Founder of Planned Parenthood)
  • 1960s — “I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years” – Lyndon B. Johnson
  • 2014 — 36% of all abortion in the US were performed on black women compared to the national black population of 13.3%
  • 2019 — Reproductive Health Act legalises the murdering of a child up to the day of birth

Even a cursory glance at the dark history of the Democratic Party reveals that they have been the party of death long before the 21st century."

Kill More Babies! · Caldron Pool

This is not marginal individuals.....this is the, Democrat Party itself, what it stands for.

Democrats: can be reduced to slavery, segregation laws, eugenics, and abortion.....and now, add infanticide.

Gads, you're a moron.
Last edited:
Thomas jefferson ran on the Democratic-Republican party ticket twenty five years earlier than Andrew Jackson..

Making your false allegation just the usual run of the mill propaganda for the Asian schrill...
  • 1915— First motion-picture movie to be shown in the White House is The Birth of Nation, a Democratic-Party produced propaganda film depicting the KKK as heroes
D.W. Griffith produced and directed this film out of his own pocket yet was financially ruined by its production. Another lie by the Asian filth allowed in the USA..
In this country you'd better like the Jews or else...
That's not true.

You had better like the government of Israel or else. Kevin McCarthy showed you can attack Jews with relative impunity...but as we saw with Omar...saying ANYTHING about the government of Israel or its lobbying groups causes all sorts of Sturm and Drang
It wasn’t democrats marching in Charlottesville with torches chanting “Jews will not replace us”.

Everyone knows the GOP is the party of racists and anti semites .

"Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) introduced the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would provide medical care to babies born after botched abortions. Doctors would be required to provide medical care to a baby who survived an abortion, just as they would with any other patient. If doctors failed to provide care he or she would face criminal charges.

"I want to ask each and every one of my colleagues whether or not we're OK with infanticide," Sasse asked his colleagues.

But when the bill came to the Senate floor for a vote on Monday, Democrats filibustered."
Disgusting: Dems Prove, Once Again, They Support Infanticide With Their Latest Filibuster

"...all six Democrats running for president in 2020 voted against the bill. The list includes Sens. Cory Booker (NJ), Sherrod Brown (OH), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Kamala Harris (CA.), Amy Klobuchar (MN), and Elizabeth Warren (MA.). Independent Bernie Sanders (VT) also voted in line with Democrats."

Now.....where do you stand on the slaughter of babies????
It wasn’t democrats marching in Charlottesville with torches chanting “Jews will not replace us”.

Everyone knows the GOP is the party of racists and anti semites .

"Everyone knows the GOP is the party of racists and anti semites (sic)."

One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews
You wouldn’t think that theories like that would receive wide-spread acceptance in the United States. Unfortunately it has. Over 18% of all non Jewish Republicans blame the Jews for the financial crisis and almost one-third of Democrats blame the Jews:

Anti-Semitism and the economic crisis Neil Malhotra and Yotam Margalit

The media coverage of the Bernard Madoff scandal made extensive reference to Madoff’s ethnic and religious background and his prominent role in the Jewish community. Because the scandal broke at a time of great public outcry against financial institutions, some, including Brad Greenberg in The Christian Science Monitor and Mark Seal in Vanity Fair, have reported on its potential to generate a wave of anti-Semitism.

One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews - The Lid


Boston Review — State of the Nation

That's why I love your have never gotten anything right.
It wasn’t democrats marching in Charlottesville with torches chanting “Jews will not replace us”.

Everyone knows the GOP is the party of racists and anti semites .

"Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) introduced the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would provide medical care to babies born after botched abortions. Doctors would be required to provide medical care to a baby who survived an abortion, just as they would with any other patient. If doctors failed to provide care he or she would face criminal charges.

"I want to ask each and every one of my colleagues whether or not we're OK with infanticide," Sasse asked his colleagues.

But when the bill came to the Senate floor for a vote on Monday, Democrats filibustered."
Disgusting: Dems Prove, Once Again, They Support Infanticide With Their Latest Filibuster

"...all six Democrats running for president in 2020 voted against the bill. The list includes Sens. Cory Booker (NJ), Sherrod Brown (OH), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Kamala Harris (CA.), Amy Klobuchar (MN), and Elizabeth Warren (MA.). Independent Bernie Sanders (VT) also voted in line with Democrats."

Now.....where do you stand on the slaughter of babies????

There is already an infant protection law from 2002.
It wasn’t democrats marching in Charlottesville with torches chanting “Jews will not replace us”.

Everyone knows the GOP is the party of racists and anti semites .

"Everyone knows the GOP is the party of racists and anti semites (sic)."

One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews
You wouldn’t think that theories like that would receive wide-spread acceptance in the United States. Unfortunately it has. Over 18% of all non Jewish Republicans blame the Jews for the financial crisis and almost one-third of Democrats blame the Jews:

Anti-Semitism and the economic crisis Neil Malhotra and Yotam Margalit

The media coverage of the Bernard Madoff scandal made extensive reference to Madoff’s ethnic and religious background and his prominent role in the Jewish community. Because the scandal broke at a time of great public outcry against financial institutions, some, including Brad Greenberg in The Christian Science Monitor and Mark Seal in Vanity Fair, have reported on its potential to generate a wave of anti-Semitism.

One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews - The Lid


Boston Review — State of the Nation

That's why I love your have never gotten anything right.

How about some real stats .

75% of Jews voted democrat. Because they know the gop is the party of racists . Nazis are marching and Trump says they are good people !?

More than 75 percent of Jews voted for Democrats in the midterms - Jewish Telegraphic Agency
It wasn’t democrats marching in Charlottesville with torches chanting “Jews will not replace us”.

Everyone knows the GOP is the party of racists and anti semites .

"Everyone knows the GOP is the party of racists and anti semites (sic)."

One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews
You wouldn’t think that theories like that would receive wide-spread acceptance in the United States. Unfortunately it has. Over 18% of all non Jewish Republicans blame the Jews for the financial crisis and almost one-third of Democrats blame the Jews:

Anti-Semitism and the economic crisis Neil Malhotra and Yotam Margalit

The media coverage of the Bernard Madoff scandal made extensive reference to Madoff’s ethnic and religious background and his prominent role in the Jewish community. Because the scandal broke at a time of great public outcry against financial institutions, some, including Brad Greenberg in The Christian Science Monitor and Mark Seal in Vanity Fair, have reported on its potential to generate a wave of anti-Semitism.

One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews - The Lid


Boston Review — State of the Nation

That's why I love your have never gotten anything right.

How about some real stats .

75% of Jews voted democrat. Because they know the gop is the party of racists . Nazis are marching and Trump says they are good people !?

More than 75 percent of Jews voted for Democrats in the midterms - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

How does that prove that the Democrats aren't anti-Jewish????

It doesn't.

It simply means that many refuse to accept reality.

In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:

"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

The Democrat Party accepts without comment myriad anti-Jewish statements by its officials.

What is the only country that Obama sent paid apparatchiks to target and destabilize?

“Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu” Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

“During Israel’s 2015 elections, the Obama administration — led by Secretary of State John Kerry — illegally intervened when they attempted to defeat the reelection of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by covertly funneling State Department grants to opposition groups. The Obama administration detested Netanyahu due to his refusal to cave into Palestinian demands, a group that even refused to recognize the existence of Israel.”
Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples


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