Good God... Dementia Joe backtracks, saying Trump supporters aren't a threat after saying they were a threat for 20 minutes in speech.

The backtrack makes his supporters in the media look like A-holes but old Joe struggles along.
Biden is a punk. He can't even stand behind his own words. This is the epitome of the liberal beta male.
I heard the white house phones have melted... no one can get through....
You simply can't make this stuff up.
After his weird speech that sounded like it was written by Rachel Maddow received major criticism - "off meds Joe" basically admits it was a mistake and wanting you to believe it isn't what he said. Perhaps he was unaware he was on television when he said it 20 times live.
And then off the meds he now says "look. no Trump supporters are a danger to the country"

You simply can't make this up.
My God

I read his comments - he's saying 'Sorry but not sorry', Trump supporters aren't threats but people who do everything they do are threats'.

He said anyone who opposes certification of an election is a threat.

Gee,that means tbe head of the 6 Jan Committee, a Democrat who voted against an election's certification, is a threat.

Again, Joe Biden just gave what many, to include left wing media, are calling the most divisive speech given by a US President in US history.

The image of him standing in a cult-like / Satanists setting of dark black and blood red with 2 USMC soldiers in the background as political pawns as he gave a speech Adolph Hitler wod be proud of will not so easy be wiped from the inds of millions and millions of Americans who watched his tyrannical assault on 70+ million Americans in this country.

Americans remember the violations of Consyitution, Patriot Act, defrauding of the FISA Court, their part in the failed Russian Collusion attempt, collaborating with the DOJ & FBI to brand parents 'Domestic terrorists', and today evidence was released proving Biden & his WH have been collaborating with tech companies to sensor/ silence Americans / facts in this country.

They will not forget these things, & they will not forget the most divisive cult-like assault on millions of Americans by President Biden.
You simply can't make this stuff up.
After his weird speech that sounded like it was written by Rachel Maddow received major criticism - "off meds Joe" basically admits it was a mistake and wanting you to believe it isn't what he said. Perhaps he was unaware he was on television when he said it 20 times live.
And then off the meds he now says "look. no Trump supporters are a danger to the country"

You simply can't make this up.
My God

Just the violent ones who believe the election was stolen or lie about it.
I read his comments - he's saying 'Sorry but not sorry', Trump supporters aren't threats but people who do everything they do are threats'.

He said anyone who opposes certification of an election is a threat.

Gee,that means tbe head of the 6 Jan Committee, a Democrat who voted against an election's certification, is a threat.

Again, Joe Biden just gave what many, to include left wing media, are calling the most divisive speech given by a US President in US history.

The image of him standing in a cult-like / Satanists setting of dark black and blood red with 2 USMC soldiers in the background as political pawns as he gave a speech Adolph Hitler wod be proud of will not so easy be wiped from the inds of millions and millions of Americans who watched his tyrannical assault on 70+ million Americans in this country.

Americans remember the violations of Consyitution, Patriot Act, defrauding of the FISA Court, their part in the failed Russian Collusion attempt, collaborating with the DOJ & FBI to brand parents 'Domestic terrorists', and today evidence was released proving Biden & his WH have been collaborating with tech companies to sensor/ silence Americans / facts in this country.

They will not forget these things, & they will not forget the most divisive cult-like assault on millions of Americans by President Biden.
People who lie about the election are a threat, super dupe. Your election fraud crap is poison. End of story. Not to mention the hate of every possible minority! Sorry about your luck!
I read his comments - he's saying 'Sorry but not sorry', Trump supporters aren't threats but people who do everything they do are threats'.

He said anyone who opposes certification of an election is a threat.

Gee,that means tbe head of the 6 Jan Committee, a Democrat who voted against an election's certification, is a threat.

Again, Joe Biden just gave what many, to include left wing media, are calling the most divisive speech given by a US President in US history.

The image of him standing in a cult-like / Satanists setting of dark black and blood red with 2 USMC soldiers in the background as political pawns as he gave a speech Adolph Hitler wod be proud of will not so easy be wiped from the inds of millions and millions of Americans who watched his tyrannical assault on 70+ million Americans in this country.

Americans remember the violations of Consyitution, Patriot Act, defrauding of the FISA Court, their part in the failed Russian Collusion attempt, collaborating with the DOJ & FBI to brand parents 'Domestic terrorists', and today evidence was released proving Biden & his WH have been collaborating with tech companies to sensor/ silence Americans / facts in this country.

They will not forget these things, & they will not forget the most divisive cult-like assault on millions of Americans by President Biden.
That's what I am saying... how is it even possible to say the opposite the very next day?
Answering Doocey.. other than the first sentence where he clearly says " No Trump supporters are a threat to the nation"... he goes off on some word salad tangent about some point that is about as clear as septic water.
As for the speech... exactly like I said earlier - it was surreal. The dark red ominous background, the two soldiers standing at attention... ranting about the evil and danger of people who don't agree with him... Jesus Christ... like I said - Rachel Maddow couldn't have set this up any better.

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