Good Grief… John Kerry Makes Up Imaginary Country During First International Tour


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
by Jim Hoft
February 25, 2013

Oh, good grief.
Secretary of State John Kerry made up an imaginary country during his first overseas trip as America’s top diplomat.
Kerry pushed for reform in ‘Kyrzakhstan’ when he meant the country of ‘Kyrgyzstan.’

The Daily Caller reported:
You probably haven’t heard of Kyrzakhstan, but it’s one of the most dangerous places on Earth. It’s so perilous that you can’t find it on any map. It’s just that scary.
The Telegraph:

John Kerry has suffered his first gaffe as the new US secretary of state, inventing the nation of ‘Kyrzakhstan’…

The newly minted diplomat was referring to Kyrgyzstan, a poor, landlocked nation of 5.5 million, which he appeared to confuse with its resource-rich neighbour to the north, Kazakhstan…​


Read more:
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

He mispronounces a country

Let the right wing outrage begin
by Jim Hoft
February 25, 2013

Oh, good grief.
Secretary of State John Kerry made up an imaginary country during his first overseas trip as America’s top diplomat.
Kerry pushed for reform in ‘Kyrzakhstan’ when he meant the country of ‘Kyrgyzstan.’​

The Daily Caller reported:
You probably haven’t heard of Kyrzakhstan, but it’s one of the most dangerous places on Earth. It’s so perilous that you can’t find it on any map. It’s just that scary.
The Telegraph:

John Kerry has suffered his first gaffe as the new US secretary of state, inventing the nation of ‘Kyrzakhstan’…

The newly minted diplomat was referring to Kyrgyzstan, a poor, landlocked nation of 5.5 million, which he appeared to confuse with its resource-rich neighbour to the north, Kazakhstan…​


Read more:
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

Just wait. He might use a salad fork on an entree too.

He mispronounces a country

Let the right wing outrage begin

I remember someone on this forum making a big deal about a Republican not knowing the name of the president of the country Kerry got confused over.

By the way, he was reading the speech, not making off the cuff remarks. It was actually written that way, and no one at the State Department noticed.
I'm surprised ole Johnny didn't claim he was shot at by an imaginary sniper like sHillary did.

He mispronounces a country

Let the right wing outrage begin

I don't identify myself as "right wing" but you can bet that I'm outraged.

"57 states"?

Four years of miscues, missteps, blunders, inaction, and general jackassery.
I'm sick of it. Who the hell voted this guy back for another four?
The 47% and the blatantly ignorant.

The novelty wore off long ago. The semi-black demigod has worn out his welcome and so has his entourage of idiots.
I just can't not offer it up... but "Good grief" is usually followed by "Charlie Brown".
With the Democrat-media complex, what Frankenstein-face said was no big deal, remember, he has the letter D in front of his name so that makes it ok, why it was just an uninended slip up....because afterall....if you have the letter D in front of your name, you are automatically a genius.

The media has much more serious matters to cover, you know, like shredding Marco Rubio for drinking water and/or waiting for only Republicans to make a gaffe they can run with for eternity.
With the Democrat-media complex, what Frankenstein-face said was no big deal, remember, he has the letter D in front of his name so that makes it ok, why it was just an uninended slip up....because afterall....if you have the letter D in front of your name, you are automatically a genius.

The media has much more serious matters to cover, you know, like shredding Marco Rubio for drinking water and/or waiting for only Republicans to make a gaffe they can run with for eternity.


Dee Dee Dee

He mispronounces a country

Let the right wing outrage begin

Only fair. You Libturds made a big deal out of Bush and "nucular"

Maybe he had it confused with Uz-becky-becky-becky stan

BRODY: Are you ready for the ‘gotcha’ questions that are coming from the media and others on foreign policy? Like, who’s the president of Uzbekistan?…

CAIN: I’m ready for the ‘gotcha’ questions and they’re already starting to come. And when they ask me who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan I’m going to say, you know, I don’t know. Do you know?
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