Good news for America

As of today the FBI has had 100,000 calls pointing out who the terrorists were in the storming of the capital with Gun bombs and clubs trying to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator. That is jusrt one arm of the investigation, states are looking through these videos or these traitors. Just about every police force in this country. All agency's of this country. The FBI SAID THEY WILL KEEP DIGGING TO THE LAST MAN< THEY WILL GET EVERY ASSHOLES THAT TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THIS GREAT COUNTRY.
Whats funny is that you don't realize how many americans support the protesters (not the anti fa and blm mixed in)
No you are wrong I know how much hate there is in this country, I've been pointing that out for years all groomed by a hate party , now they are helping me.

Yes, Democrats hate this country to the core.
They have for years. It's been taught in colleges and universities.

Did you even go to college?
why do you ask?

Do people that have no earned a college degree not have the right to debate without having their intelligence questioned?

You are exactly what you claim to hate. You do realize that. No?

There should be some explanation or excuse for such stupidity. Trump nailed it.. He loves the uneducated. They are always the target audience of the demagogue.
and the pile of shit learned that from the only book he ever read, one that sat on his bed stand for nightly reading. It's call My New Order. It's a book that Tells how exactly it is done and how simple it is when you are simply asking for the support of the stupid. Every dictator in the world could have written it. That has been Trumps handbook for his whole lifetime. Don't believe me , look it up.
your people just murdered a police man and put many in the hospital trying to bring down this country , that for a pile of shit dictator. Defunding the police and putting that money into something that may be affectice is called logic.
So, when the left murders and talks about defunding the police it's a good thing?!? Got it.
your people just murdered a police man and put many in the hospital trying to bring down this country , that for a pile of shit dictator. Defunding the police and putting that money into something that may be affectice is called logic.
So, when the left murders and talks about defunding the police it's a good thing?!? Got it.
Pond scum traitors.
No democrat sold out their country and tried to bring down this great republic to force in a piece of shit Dictator. You have nothing other then being a traitor to this country.
Democrats don't give two shits about this country and wish to completely destroy it, and there's plenty of video evidence.
No democrat sold out their country and tried to bring down this great republic to force in a piece of shit Dictator. You have nothing other then being a traitor to this country.
Democrats don't give two shits about this country and wish to completely destroy it, and there's plenty of video evidence.
There is not but there sure is for the oposite, you traitor.
This is a justification for these goons to become traitors. they are nuts.
Incredible. In virtually every thread domestic and foreign enemies thrust their sedition in our faces. It is clear whom we can trust and whom we know to be unworthy. Feeding them with responses only encourages them (and probably gets them recompensed somehow by someone).
ROFL! Another NAZI moron who thinks objecting to Dim propaganda is "sedition." It's only a matter of time until the Gulag opens up.
The system is holding, but just barely. And more terrorist attacks appear to be likely.

Never did I think I would see this.
The system is holding? Is that how you describe dwirling down the Dim totaliraian sewer?
They need to throw the book at them.

This can NEVER happen again.
Of course it won't, NAZI. We'll never have another free election again. It will soon be against the law to disagree with the democrat party, if it isn't already.
As of today the FBI has had 100,000 calls pointing out who the terrorists were in the storming of the capital with Gun bombs and clubs trying to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator. That is jusrt one arm of the investigation, states are looking through these videos or these traitors. Just about every police force in this country. All agency's of this country. The FBI SAID THEY WILL KEEP DIGGING TO THE LAST MAN< THEY WILL GET EVERY ASSHOLES THAT TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THIS GREAT COUNTRY.
does that include all the asshole democrats who burned cities and looted for months?
As of today the FBI has had 100,000 calls pointing out who the terrorists were in the storming of the capital with Gun bombs and clubs trying to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator. That is jusrt one arm of the investigation, states are looking through these videos or these traitors. Just about every police force in this country. All agency's of this country. The FBI SAID THEY WILL KEEP DIGGING TO THE LAST MAN< THEY WILL GET EVERY ASSHOLES THAT TRIED TO TAKE DOWN THIS GREAT COUNTRY.
does that include all the asshole democrats who burned cities and looted for months?
How stupid is this , lets take a look at this remark , you hate Nazi's tried to bring down our great nation , our Democracy, our government to force in a pile of shit dictator , and you waved flags trying to suggest you are patriots and Christian , you are neither and every patriot in this country knows it. With those flags you marched into the capital and killed and maimed with Guns Bombs and clubs. You white supremacists with your Trump signs looked like the charge of the ass holes. You people made it clear who you were when you became a shit stain on the history of this country. Now tell me ,how do you know that the people who burned the city's' were Democrats. What a fricken clown. Did they have name tags. Like you idiots and did they go on line and say they tried to bring down this country after the insurrection like you brain dead did. Nope , If I said they were all white supremacists that burned all the city's you couldn't argue because you have no way to prove it , You are all ass holes and I can prove it. I have you name tag idiot.

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