good news from ISRAEL as they get another DOOMSDAY submarine


Platinum Member
May 17, 2014
this is good news as I speculate that Israel will be able to just do a DOOMSDAY strike if 'iran' pushes them that way . That's a good deal for Israel , the USA and some neighboring countries that dislike and oppose 'iran' goals .
threads dead ehh , no lefties going crazy . Heck this is good news for Israel as they just float / submerge / hide their boats somewhere out of sight but ready to go if provoked !!
hows it going Odium , and hey OLD SCHOOL , I don't have numbers but another good thing that I GUESS is that Israel has some BIG nukes but a whole lot more little tactical nukes ready to be sent against its enemies if the need ever arises . Its a good deal that Israel is headed by normal common sense people like BIBI ehh !! Yep , I know that I'm not concerned but the Basiji better watch out !!
Iran had called for the complete destruction of Israel. They called it a "non negotiable" mission.
1 FORMER president called for it. Get it right and as usual its not what he said. No nation would commit suicide with 1 nuke vs 300.
Because you're an atheist twit it's lost on you what people are willing to do when they think they'll go to heaven for it.
unless they are 12ers and believe in a an apocalyptic end of the world that they 'iran' is willing to hurry up Odium . Are you aware of how the Iranians used kids to clear minefields as they fought their Iraqi enemies during the iran , Iraq war . Check out the 'twelvers of irans 'Shiites !! Suicide in war or battle seem quite common to lots of muslim religion Odium !!
Iran had called for the complete destruction of Israel. They called it a "non negotiable" mission.
1 FORMER president called for it. Get it right and as usual its not what he said. No nation would commit suicide with 1 nuke vs 300.
Because you're an atheist twit it's lost on you what people are willing to do when they think they'll go to heaven for it.
Not an Atheist,and yes I know what PEOPLE not a NATION would do. Its why these people are elected to office the president of Iran is a moderate the PM of Israel is a whack job with an itchy trigger finger.
Iran had called for the complete destruction of Israel. They called it a "non negotiable" mission.
1 FORMER president called for it. Get it right and as usual its not what he said. No nation would commit suicide with 1 nuke vs 300.
Because you're an atheist twit it's lost on you what people are willing to do when they think they'll go to heaven for it.
Not an Atheist,and yes I know what PEOPLE not a NATION would do. Its why these people are elected to office the president of Iran is a moderate the PM of Israel is a whack job with an itchy trigger finger.
The mullahs and the supreme leader run Iran. A little education in geopolitics couldn't hurt, you know.
approved --- Germany Fifth Special Submarine for Israel - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva --- that will make 4 to six subs that can deliver nukes to 'iran' . Some in Egypt seem to like the idea of these doomsday dealing submarines and are offering support and help to Israel , see comments at bottom of article . Seems to me that Saudi Arabia and Jordan would also be supportive of Israel !!

'Boomers' are the only sure-fire way to deter another nuclear power from using their weapons against your country. While a surprise first-strike me devastate your cities, wipe out most of your nuclear arsenal and launch capability, your unknown nuclear submarine fleet will survive and launch a retaliatory strike destroying the aggressor nation just like they did your's.

In Israel's case especially being so small and narrow, only a few nukes could wipe out the population pretty easily, so a handful of nuclear-armed subs with missiles equipped with MIRVs could more than adequately lay waste to whoever attacks you out of the blue.
right on , right on Delta , exactly right . Course you / we are making OLD SCHOOL and others nervous by talking about the good planning that the Israelis have done .
Iran had called for the complete destruction of Israel. They called it a "non negotiable" mission.
1 FORMER president called for it. Get it right and as usual its not what he said. No nation would commit suicide with 1 nuke vs 300.
Because you're an atheist twit it's lost on you what people are willing to do when they think they'll go to heaven for it.
Not an Atheist,and yes I know what PEOPLE not a NATION would do. Its why these people are elected to office the president of Iran is a moderate the PM of Israel is a whack job with an itchy trigger finger.
The mullahs and the supreme leader run Iran. A little education in geopolitics couldn't hurt, you know. people are like a scared little puppy hiding in the corner....grow a set will ya!?
Iran had called for the complete destruction of Israel. They called it a "non negotiable" mission.
1 FORMER president called for it. Get it right and as usual its not what he said. No nation would commit suicide with 1 nuke vs 300.
Because you're an atheist twit it's lost on you what people are willing to do when they think they'll go to heaven for it.
Not an Atheist,and yes I know what PEOPLE not a NATION would do. Its why these people are elected to office the president of Iran is a moderate the PM of Israel is a whack job with an itchy trigger finger.
The mullahs and the supreme leader run Iran. A little education in geopolitics couldn't hurt, you know. people are like a scared little puppy hiding in the corner....grow a set will ya!?
My balls or lack thereof has nothing to do with the discussion. I see you got nothing to offer but ignorance.

And racism and anti semitism.
approved --- Germany Fifth Special Submarine for Israel - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva --- that will make 4 to six subs that can deliver nukes to 'iran' . Some in Egypt seem to like the idea of these doomsday dealing submarines and are offering support and help to Israel , see comments at bottom of article . Seems to me that Saudi Arabia and Jordan would also be supportive of Israel !!
Thought Israel was trying to keep nukes out of Iranian hands???
The only way to do that may be to charbroil those hands at 10,000 degrees.

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