Good News From Texas


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Could the tide be turning?

This simply means that all gun shows will now be only professional gun sellers. The "gun show loophole" was not about anything except private citizens selling their privately owned guns.

Since they will not have access to the system to do background checks, they won't be able to sell at a gun show.

But they will still be able to sell their privately owned guns to other private citizens without a background check.
It's a private business. Let them turn away business if they want. The so-called "gun show loophole" is a non-issue anyway.

Like the assault weapons ban in Connecticut was a non issue to non assault weapons owners in that state, until just recently?
Some even argued they didn't need an assault weapon, now some of their prized hunting rifles are also considered assault weapons, because of the rifles capacity, and registering to buy ammo to them wasn't a non issue until they found out they also had to register to buy hunting ammo.

Wake up it's only a non issue until you find out it does effect you.
Why does the left always want to stick to the little guy's trying to make a living?
Gun shop dealers have back ground checks at the gun shows.
The small little guys don't.
None of the criminals or murderers in this nation buys from gun shows.
All this does it make it very hard for small entrepreneurs to stay in business.
It's a private business. Let them turn away business if they want. The so-called "gun show loophole" is a non-issue anyway.

Voters don't agree with you

What voters ya moron? This issue wasn't decided by voters it was done by the Travis County Commissioners. It isn't even "law". It's a "pilot program".

The backwash from this liberal bullshit has yet to be swallowed fool.

The Texas AG will most likely get involved and file a lawsuit against this crapola as well he should.

Besides, the only people that support the laws coming out of Austin are the liberal fruitloops that have moved to Texas bringing their failed social and economic policies with them.
the voters in this country don't agree with you.



Right. It's why your side continues to lose the gun control debate.

Let me clue you in. That fantasy world you live in between your ears? Hey, that stuff isn't REALLY happening in reality ok?

Up the meds moron. Or reduce them. Whatever. What you're doing isn't working. :lol:
Could the tide be turning?


Darn...from your title I thought Texas was seceding.

No, not necessary; it will at some point be blue – and sooner than many on the right might think.

Only in the LaLaLand between your ears bub. Here's some encouragement for you though.

Texas Folds under Pressure !!!!!!

It's hard to believe, but Texas has followed the newspaper up in New York , and released a map (below) of the location of all its gun owners.

Their locations are marked by red dots on the attached Texas map.


  • $texas.jpg
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Truthmatters and other lefty dopes heard from Low Information Headquarters that school shootings are always the work of people who legally purchased their guns and abided by all applicable rules, regs and whatever.

Life is so simple when 'your' stupid.

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