Good news, Trump has agreed to be a dictator for ONLY one day

LOL Trump plays you haters like a stump fiddle.
Teabaggers don't even realize Trump is playing them, like a fiddle.
Or even sadder, they do and just don't care.
We aren't the people going to his pity rallies and buying his Chinese made junk.
Send the 'Billionaire" more of your $$$, Trump's lawyers could use it.
??? How is closing the border and begin drilling "breaking the COnstitution?"
Once again trump sidesteps the issue or doesn't understand the words he is using. Take your pick , either way it makes him.look really bad and not fit to be president.
The EOs will already be written... he will just have to sign them.
He didn't say EOs, he said dictator...

If it was EOs and he was in charge it would be pretty simple... He signs EOs today and Tomrrow ajudge throws them out as illegally over stepping his powers..
Who wants a criminal running the country for even one day? We know those kinds of things aren’t temporary.
All along trump admired the power of dictators like Kim and Putin. He wants to be just like them. One day is all a dictator needs to declare martial law and stay in power forever. Under martial law all basic rights are suspended such as the right of assembly, the right of habeas corpus, the right to legal consul and the right to a verdict by a jury of your peers. The military takes over. Coincidentally trump wants the military ( who actually takes over , hence the name Martial Law ) to play a larger part in US domestic affairs. This is thought out sedition process. Currently illegal. Now you might understand why trump and his handlers are such a threat to our democracy. They've even tried to.make democracy sound like a dirty word
They are attacking our nation from every angle they can.
No dictator in the history of the world started their reign by tell the people they were going to be a dictator. He's winding the loons up.
That doesn't really answer the question. What if he's not just 'winding the loons up'? Also see see my sig as proof of how far some people will go just 'wind up the loons'
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He didn't say EOs, he said dictator...

If it was EOs and he was in charge it would be pretty simple... He signs EOs today and Tomrrow ajudge throws them out as illegally over stepping his powers..

The post I was responding to said EOs.

That said, Biden tried to forgive the debts of a multitude of college students. A judge threw it out as illegally over stepping his powers. Biden is going ahead and doing it anyway.

All of the Trump / dictator nonsense is... nonsense.

The President has considerable autonomous power, granted by the constitution; Trump, if elected, has every right to use that power to the fullest extent.

That said:

Congress isn't going away.
The USSC isn't going away.
The states aren't going away
The news media, such as it is, isn't going away.
Social media isn't going away.

All of this is just another example of how the (D)ishonest prey upon the emotions of the ignorant.

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