Good News......

Why are you a tax evader? Don't tell me aren't you're mirroring what you do.

Liar luddy. has lost his obamacare payment. Stupid I just had a word with Gruber he told me to tell your stupid ass hello.

he';s an idiot.


Its not nice to lie about people who pay their taxes to support the fat, lazy slugs who don't. The people you are lying about also pay to support the families of those who freeload by not paying their own way.

Nope. Not nice at all.

Luddy begins trolling when the fact of his trolling are pointed out.
You will respect me I have earned it. unlike you fuck off.

Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.
clown boy speaks for all :happy-1::thewave::udaman::up_yours:
You don't have to respect me, but you will respect my credentials. I've earned that right.


YOU posted the reasons for the derision and contempt you're getting.

YOU lied about your measurements (of all things!) and then, stupidly, posted photographic proof that you lied. You posted proof of a very mediocre military, for which I do grant some respect because, according to the medal of good conduct you posted, you did show up. You washed out of a police force because, as you posted, you couldn't even find your way to calls. You're functionally illiterate and now you apparently work as a day laborer. Nothing wrong with that but you brag about being a freeloader, welfare queen, riding on the coattails of honest, hard-working American taxpayers - although, granted, your story does change every day or two.

You're just a ne'er do well. You have no "credentials" to respect.

If you had half a brain, you would stop digging.

horse shit you 're a lying sack of pig shit
u6 is 12% and full time jobs are fewer than when Barry took office, income is down all thanks to Barry

Weeeeeeeeeee! What was the U6 in January 2010?

How many jobs were lost every month that Bush Cheney was prez? 3/4 million.
How many factories closed while Bush Cheney was prez? 40K

How long will it take to get all those jobs back?
5 million legalize mexicans have all the jobs that we gained since obama became president.

Weeeeeeeee! That awful!
Gruber said to tell you that you are stupid.

For those American citizens that took offense at Gruber calling us stupid, if there was a Nobel Truth Prize, it should be awarded to Gruber hands down.

He defined stupid for us since we don't get it. Here is his definition of American stupidity:
"Not recognizing a tax when we see one."

We heard affordable and just clapped and clapped. They taxed the hell out of our health system, and just clapped and clapped.

We created 6 million measly jobs, and gave amnesty to 5 million non Americans, and the icing on the cake was our President meeting with business leaders right before He gave those jobs away to anyone but white middle class American men.

What a shame we didn't listen to Obama when he told us about his daddy's dream. Destroy white colonists and tax them 100%. He's a chip off the old block, and we clap and clap when he opens his lying mouth because we are just that stupid.
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Weeeeeeeeeee! What was the U6 in January 2010?

How many jobs were lost every month that Bush Cheney was prez? 3/4 million.
How many factories closed while Bush Cheney was prez? 40K

How long will it take to get all those jobs back?
5 million legalize mexicans have all the jobs that we gained since obama became president.

Weeeeeeeee! That awful!
Gruber said to tell you that you are stupid.

For those American citizens that took offense at Gruber calling us stupid, if there was a Nobel Truth Prize, it should be awarded to Gruber hands down.

He defined stupid for us since we don't get it. Here is his definition of American stupidity:
"Not recognizing a tax when we see one."

We heard affordable and just clapped and clapped. They taxed the hell out of our health system, and just clapped and clapped.

We created 6 million measly jobs, and gave amnesty to 5 million non Americans, and the icing on the cake was our President meeting with business leaders right before He gave those jobs away to anyone but white middle class American men.

What a shame we didn't listen to Obama when he told us about his daddy's dream. Destroy white colonists and tax them 100%. He's a chip off the old block, and we clap and clap when he opens his lying mouth because we are just that stupid.
I do not feel obligated to pay into a program that had so much admitted deception for it's creation. others may But I will not feed the beast.
u6 is 12% and full time jobs are fewer than when Barry took office, income is down all thanks to Barry



Pathological lying - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Diagnosing pathological lying can be very difficult because it has not been recognized as a disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Many other disorders acknowledge pathological lying as a symptom of disorders such as psychopathy, and antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, and histrionicpersonality disorders, but people that are pathological liars may not possess characteristics of the other disorders.[3] Excessive lying is a common symptom of several mental illnesses.
u6 is 12% and full time jobs are fewer than when Barry took office, income is down all thanks to Barry



Pathological lying - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Diagnosing pathological lying can be very difficult because it has not been recognized as a disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Many other disorders acknowledge pathological lying as a symptom of disorders such as psychopathy, and antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, and histrionicpersonality disorders, but people that are pathological liars may not possess characteristics of the other disorders.[3] Excessive lying is a common symptom of several mental illnesses.


Please give me the U6 for each month between October 2010 and October 2014.


u6 is 12% and full time jobs are fewer than when Barry took office, income is down all thanks to Barry



Pathological lying - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Diagnosing pathological lying can be very difficult because it has not been recognized as a disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Many other disorders acknowledge pathological lying as a symptom of disorders such as psychopathy, and antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, and histrionicpersonality disorders, but people that are pathological liars may not possess characteristics of the other disorders.[3] Excessive lying is a common symptom of several mental illnesses.


Please give me the U6 for each month between October 2010 and October 2014.



Barry's unemployment numbers are about 50% higher than before recession. Couple that with declining income and fewer full time jobs and you get the worst record in American History except for great Depression.
It doesn't matter Lone, If you want a better score at the bowling alley, just count the strikes.
The gov. just doesn't include things that would indicate a higher unemployment. Like all those who have just given up looking for work. Add them to get the real unemployment #.
If 4 indicators make the end result look bleak, just leave 2 of them out and things look so much better.
It doesn't matter Lone, If you want a better score at the bowling alley, just count the strikes.
The gov. just doesn't include things that would indicate a higher unemployment. Like all those who have just given up looking for work. Add them to get the real unemployment #.
If 4 indicators make the end result look bleak, just leave 2 of them out and things look so much better.

exactly U6 is 12% thanks to barry's idiotic liberalism!
It doesn't matter Lone, If you want a better score at the bowling alley, just count the strikes.
The gov. just doesn't include things that would indicate a higher unemployment. Like all those who have just given up looking for work. Add them to get the real unemployment #.
If 4 indicators make the end result look bleak, just leave 2 of them out and things look so much better.

exactly U6 is 12% thanks to barry's idiotic liberalism!

And don't leave out the skyrocketing electric bills, not because of air quality, but because of taxes. Hey green people, that heard your bills were going to skyrocket in order to keep our air clean. Stop clapping.
Units are going to be auctioned off. The more the electric companies spend, the more they can pollute. The bigger the company, the more units it can afford to bid on. And pass the costs to us, the stupid consumer. Smaller companies that can't compete, less electric for your consumers, and higher bills to keep the company going.
No better air quality, but lots more of our paycheck out of our pockets.
It doesn't matter Lone, If you want a better score at the bowling alley, just count the strikes.
The gov. just doesn't include things that would indicate a higher unemployment. Like all those who have just given up looking for work.
Why would you want to include people not trying to work? They have never been considered unemployed. What would be the purpose? Since people not trying to work can't get a job no matter how good the labor market is, they don't tell us anything about how hard it is to find a job.
It doesn't matter Lone, If you want a better score at the bowling alley, just count the strikes.
The gov. just doesn't include things that would indicate a higher unemployment. Like all those who have just given up looking for work.
Why would you want to include people not trying to work? They have never been considered unemployed. What would be the purpose? Since people not trying to work can't get a job no matter how good the labor market is, they don't tell us anything about how hard it is to find a job.

they always include discouraged workers who have given up looking but will one day look again for work when the economy improves. Do you understand?
Barry's unemployment numbers are about 50% higher than before recession. Couple that with declining income and fewer full time jobs and you get the worst record in American History except for great Depression.
This has been proven false to you too many times to count, but we know you are a pathological liar who doesn't even have the self-respect required to stop saying the same false statement after being caught and having his nose rubbed in it.

If you'd like to prove me wrong, go for it. Tell us the current unemployment rate and average in the years before the recession, and link to current sources since we know you're capable of spinning whatever pops into your head as reality.
exactly U6 is 12% thanks to barry's idiotic liberalism!
Well except here it says 11.5%


Compulsive Lying Disorder
A compulsive liar is someone who lies with ease and finds comfort in it. The person may even continue to lie when presented with the truth in cold, hard facts. Getting a compulsive liar to admit he or she lied can be nearly impossible.

too stupid by 1000% as usual. The difference between 11.5 and 12% is rounding. Either way it is horrible performance!!

See why we say slow, so very very slow?
It doesn't matter Lone, If you want a better score at the bowling alley, just count the strikes.
The gov. just doesn't include things that would indicate a higher unemployment. Like all those who have just given up looking for work.
Why would you want to include people not trying to work? They have never been considered unemployed. What would be the purpose? Since people not trying to work can't get a job no matter how good the labor market is, they don't tell us anything about how hard it is to find a job.

they always include discouraged workers who have given up looking but will one day look again for work when the economy improves. Do you understand?
No, they have never been classified as unemployed. And no, the U6 does not cc classify discouraged as unemployed.
exactly U6 is 12% thanks to barry's idiotic liberalism!
Well except here it says 11.5%


Compulsive Lying Disorder
A compulsive liar is someone who lies with ease and finds comfort in it. The person may even continue to lie when presented with the truth in cold, hard facts. Getting a compulsive liar to admit he or she lied can be nearly impossible.

too stupid by 1000% as usual. The difference between 11.5 and 12% is rounding. Either way it is horrible performance!!

See why we say slow, so very very slow?
Rounding for the Labor Force statistics has always been to the first decimal place. Your rounding to the first integer is thus dishonest, especially considering the difference between 11.5 and 12 for the U6 is about 1 million people.

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