Good News......

Rounding for the Labor Force statistics has always been to the first decimal place. Your rounding to the first integer is thus dishonest, especially considering the difference between 11.5 and 12 for the U6 is about 1 million people.

dear no matter how you round, 12% unemployment is very bad proving once again that lib commieism does not work.
It doesn't matter Lone, If you want a better score at the bowling alley, just count the strikes.
The gov. just doesn't include things that would indicate a higher unemployment. Like all those who have just given up looking for work. Add them to get the real unemployment #.
If 4 indicators make the end result look bleak, just leave 2 of them out and things look so much better.

exactly U6 is 12% thanks to barry's idiotic liberalism!

Compare the number of months of job creations under President Obama with the number of months of job creation under ANY Repub prez.
It doesn't matter Lone, If you want a better score at the bowling alley, just count the strikes.
The gov. just doesn't include things that would indicate a higher unemployment. Like all those who have just given up looking for work. Add them to get the real unemployment #.
If 4 indicators make the end result look bleak, just leave 2 of them out and things look so much better.

exactly U6 is 12% thanks to barry's idiotic liberalism!

Compare the number of months of job creations under President Obama with the number of months of job creation under ANY Repub prez.

too stupid of course! Job creation only matters if enough jobs are created in total.6 years in Barry still has 12% unemployment about 50% higher than before recession makig his performance worst in our history, not counting the liberal Great Depression.

dear, even Obama does not claim he did a good job with economy!! 12% unemployment, fewer full time jobs, and declining income especially among blacks This is why Obama was not invited to speak even by Democrats during recent elections. If it didn't work in the USSR why should it work here?

See why we are positive that liberalism is based in ignorance?
Barry's unemployment numbers are about 50% higher than before recession. Couple that with declining income and fewer full time jobs and you get the worst record in American History except for great Depression.
This has been proven false to you too many times to count, but we know you are a pathological liar who doesn't even have the self-respect required to stop saying the same false statement after being caught and having his nose rubbed in it.

If you'd like to prove me wrong, go for it. Tell us the current unemployment rate and average in the years before the recession, and link to current sources since we know you're capable of spinning whatever pops into your head as reality.

Why does Ed dear do that?

He gets his head handed to him in almost every thread and all he can answer is the same ole "too stupid dear" crap and then he disappears until the next time.

He also plagiarizes and, even though he doesn't understand his own c/p, he tries to pass it off as his own writing.
Barry's unemployment numbers are about 50% higher than before recession. Couple that with declining income and fewer full time jobs and you get the worst record in American History except for great Depression.
This has been proven false to you too many times to count, but we know you are a pathological liar who doesn't even have the self-respect required to stop saying the same false statement after being caught and having his nose rubbed in it.

If you'd like to prove me wrong, go for it. Tell us the current unemployment rate and average in the years before the recession, and link to current sources since we know you're capable of spinning whatever pops into your head as reality.

Why does Ed dear do that?

He gets his head handed to him in almost every thread and all he can answer is the same ole "too stupid dear" crap and then he disappears until the next time.

He also plagiarizes and, even though he doesn't understand his own c/p, he tries to pass it off as his own writing.

dear, even Obama does not claim he did a good job with economy!! 12% unemployment, fewer full time jobs, and declining income especially among blacks This is why Obama was not invited to speak even by Democrats during recent elections. If it didn't work in the USSR why should it work here?

See why we are positive that liberalism is based in ignorance?
Barry still has 12% unemployment about 50% higher than before recession .
Disproven, at least a dozen times now. Which brings us back to...

Compulsive Lying Disorder
A compulsive liar is someone who lies with ease and finds comfort in it. The person may even continue to lie when presented with the truth in cold, hard facts. Getting a compulsive liar to admit he or she lied can be nearly impossible.
fewer full time jobs
Demonstrated to be false, over and over.

Which shows why "EdwardBaiamonte" is synonymous with...

For the most part, compulsive liars are not overly manipulative and cunning (unlike sociopaths), rather they simply lie out of habit - an automatic response which is hard to break and one that takes its toll on a relationship
It doesn't matter Lone, If you want a better score at the bowling alley, just count the strikes.
The gov. just doesn't include things that would indicate a higher unemployment. Like all those who have just given up looking for work. Add them to get the real unemployment #.
If 4 indicators make the end result look bleak, just leave 2 of them out and things look so much better.

exactly U6 is 12% thanks to barry's idiotic liberalism!

Compare the number of months of job creations under President Obama with the number of months of job creation under ANY Repub prez.

No, not good job Mr. President. Or any president we have had since Reagan. He was the last American/patriotic pres. we had. The rest have been bold globalists, quantitatively easing money out of our pockets and redistributing it to global interests. What we are experiencing is globalization, while being lulled into believing this is a Party issue. It is not.
Our money is worthless. And our credit cards are maxed.

Trillion is a fantastical number. It is hard to fathom. Here is an example of trillion:

I owe you $100.00 dollars.
I will pay you in 1 million seconds. You will receive your money in 12 days.
I will pay you in 1 billion seconds. You will receive your money in 31 years.
I will pay you in 1 trillion seconds. You will receive your money in 31,688 years.

A trillion seconds has passed since Neanderthals were walking the earth, till now. And that is how long it will take us to pay our trillions of dollars of debt off. At compound interest, we never see (in the) black again.
While we pretend that the gov. is talking about monopoly money when they say, I need 2 trillion for amnesty recipients, or a trillion for the U.N. or the Fed. Reserve, they are not. That is real money and the only place to get it is out of our pockets. They can print, as well they do, but that is restricted by global dollar interest, oil trade using the dollar standard, and holdings of dollars abroad in bonds, and loan pmts. Printing dilutes their profits. So it has to come from some where else. Us. We, who no longer have jobs.

If we stopped the hemorrhage right now, more generations will be paying this debt off than there have been generations since Adam. I don't don't care if our next president is Forrest Gump, as long as he cares more about this country and it's future than the U.N.'s.
That is who should have our vote.

This should infuriate every American in this country because it is true:

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A trillion seconds has passed since Neanderthals were walking the earth, till now. And that is how long it will take us to pay our trillions of dollars of debt off. At compound interest, we never see (in the) black again.
While I with your general point (too much debt, too much spending) you went completely off the rails here.

There are far too many variables of interest rates, economic expansion, government spending, inflows, etc. for anyone to make an absolute statement about when/if the US will pay off it's debt.
Holy shit!

What a kick ass jobs report!

This is going to be a heckuva party weekend! Who wants to celebrate?
A trillion seconds has passed since Neanderthals were walking the earth, till now. And that is how long it will take us to pay our trillions of dollars of debt off. At compound interest, we never see (in the) black again.
While I with your general point (too much debt, too much spending) you went completely off the rails here.

There are far too many variables of interest rates, economic expansion, government spending, inflows, etc. for anyone to make an absolute statement about when/if the US will pay off it's debt.

Steady, you sound like a politician. Which is why I made a point of posting the difference between a billion and a trillion. Look at all the variables. Add to them, deduct them, postpone them, expand them, contract them. When push comes to shove, 17 trillion coming out of the pockets of those who actually have jobs in this country, is crushing.
It's not just that we don't have 17 trillion, it is that those spending money that we don't have, see nothing wrong in doing so. If it stopped at 17 trillion, that would be bad enough, but just like the president telling us that granting amnesty to 5 million people is only going to cost us another 2 trillion, the gov. has no intention of stopping. 17, 19, 25 trillion. It doesn't matter. We don't have it.

Redistributing our wealth to other nations would be devastating enough if we had wealth. Borrowing the money we are giving away is going to destroy us if it doesn't stop.
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It has nothing to do with being a politician, it is basic math. You don't know the answer to the GDP, government inflows, interest rates, and government spending 5 years 10, years, 20 years, or 50 years from now so it isn't possible to declare it will take x to reduce y to 0.
Weeeeeeeeeee! What was the U6 in January 2010?

How many jobs were lost every month that Bush Cheney was prez? 3/4 million.
How many factories closed while Bush Cheney was prez? 40K

How long will it take to get all those jobs back?
5 million legalize mexicans have all the jobs that we gained since obama became president.


Oh don't be silly but hey, I would think you would be against those dishonest people who are screwing over honest, hard-working, tax paying Americans by working for cash, under the table? For that matter, how about the dishonest employers who, believe it or not, actually pay them cash, under the table, thus cheating honest, hard-working, tax paying Americans.
I'm not paying for your obamacare.

So you don't think its hypocritical to get paid cash, under the table, freeloading off of honest, hard-working, tax paying Americans who pay their fare share plus paying for those freeloader's share?

What about those freeloaders who need healthcare? They go to the ER, get it for free and the honest, hard-working, tax paying Americans have no choice but to pick up the tab for their welfare.
Wasn't that what Eric Garner was doing, stealing from the poor, sick and homeless in NYC?

What is the difference?

And where is the video, Board Liar?
5 million legalize mexicans have all the jobs that we gained since obama became president.


Oh don't be silly but hey, I would think you would be against those dishonest people who are screwing over honest, hard-working, tax paying Americans by working for cash, under the table? For that matter, how about the dishonest employers who, believe it or not, actually pay them cash, under the table, thus cheating honest, hard-working, tax paying Americans.
I'm not paying for your obamacare.

So you don't think its hypocritical to get paid cash, under the table, freeloading off of honest, hard-working, tax paying Americans who pay their fare share plus paying for those freeloader's share?

What about those freeloaders who need healthcare? They go to the ER, get it for free and the honest, hard-working, tax paying Americans have no choice but to pick up the tab for their welfare.
It's none of your god damn business

It is my business because I'm one of the honest, hard-working, tax paying Americans who pay for the freeloaders. It is the business of every honest, hard-working, tax paying Americans who pay the welfare for the freeloaders.
You must be the guy who called the cops that murdered tax cheat Eric Garner.
Too bad. The tax evader doesn't get to celebrate the good news with the rest if us. How sad.


But lying, hypocritical tax cheats DO get to force the rest of to pay for their freeloading. They are lying scum who suck on the teat of REAL Americans and we have no choice but to pick up the tab.

Some of them even come to message boards to brag about their lying, cheating and stealing.
Some keel over from morbid obesity and morbid obesity related disorders when their USDA food stamp stuffed lying scum tax cheat asses resist arrest from lawful tax collectors trying to prevent theft of taxes from the poor, sick and homeless.
Too bad. The tax evader doesn't get to celebrate the good news with the rest of us. How sad.
Why are you a tax evader? Don't tell me aren't you're mirroring what you do.

Too bad. The tax evader doesn't get to celebrate the good news with the rest if us. How sad.


But lying, hypocritical tax cheats DO get to force the rest of to pay for their freeloading. They are lying scum who suck on the teat of REAL Americans and we have no choice but to pick up the tab.

Some of them even come to message boards to brag about their lying, cheating and stealing.
Liar luddy. has lost his obamacare payment. Stupid I just had a word with Gruber he told me to tell your stupid ass hello.

Too bad. The tax evader doesn't get to celebrate the good news with the rest if us. How sad.

12% unemployment is not good news
he';s an idiot.


Its not nice to lie about people who pay their taxes to support the fat, lazy slugs who don't. The people you are lying about also pay to support the families of those who freeload by not paying their own way.

Nope. Not nice at all.

Luddy begins trolling when the fact of his trolling are pointed out.
You will respect me I have earned it. unlike you fuck off.

Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.
Very few people here respect you. I think you know that.
Weeeeeeeeeee! What was the U6 in January 2010?

How many jobs were lost every month that Bush Cheney was prez? 3/4 million.
How many factories closed while Bush Cheney was prez? 40K

How long will it take to get all those jobs back?
5 million legalize mexicans have all the jobs that we gained since obama became president.

Weeeeeeeee! That awful!
Gruber said to tell you that you are stupid.

For those American citizens that took offense at Gruber calling us stupid, if there was a Nobel Truth Prize, it should be awarded to Gruber hands down.

He defined stupid for us since we don't get it. Here is his definition of American stupidity:
"Not recognizing a tax when we see one."

We heard affordable and just clapped and clapped. They taxed the hell out of our health system, and just clapped and clapped.

We created 6 million measly jobs, and gave amnesty to 5 million non Americans, and the icing on the cake was our President meeting with business leaders right before He gave those jobs away to anyone but white middle class American men.

What a shame we didn't listen to Obama when he told us about his daddy's dream. Destroy white colonists and tax them 100%. He's a chip off the old block, and we clap and clap when he opens his lying mouth because we are just that stupid.
He was talking mostly about Dem Congresscum that voted for Obamacare.

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