Good source for where rw talking-points originate

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
The only thing worse than FOX is MSNBC. Both morning shows are pure garbage for totally different reasons.
And the place liberals get their talking points from is, the View and dumb sites like thinkprogress

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how can you people trust news from arab-owned company!!! :dunno:
The obsession with Fox new just goes on and on and on and on and on

how shallow can one be?
how can you people trust news from arab-owned company!!! :dunno:

They say, "But it's only 7%", until you look deeper. Then you find out that Murdoch has invested heavily in the Prince's media empire in the middle east meaning their fortunes are entwined. And the Prince's 7% keep Murdoch safe from a hostile take over which means the Prince has a lot of power.

Point all that out and right wingers scream "IT'S ALL LIES". Then they say, "We don't hate Muslims, why do you?" While I don't "hate" the way they do, I'm very suspicious of a man who called the 9/11 terrorists "heroes" and gives telethons to the families of suicide bombers. Not the victims, but the bombers.

Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal hoster of telethons for suicide bomber families buys large share of Fox News: Saudi prince advocates strategy of business not boycotts to 'influence American public opinion" - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam M
how can you people trust news from arab-owned company!!! :dunno:

How can you trust news from the propaganda arm of the Obama administration?

If you haven't seen Morning Joe or how Maddow and Mathews criticize Obama for something they don't like, then you are talking out your butt. I watch Fox and I have never seen them criticize Republicans about anything.
Republicans just assume the "other side" is like their side but with opposite opinions. But take a serious look.

What if I said:

Republicans are pro science and education.

Republicans believe government has a role in the economic health of the country.

Republicans believe everyone should have access to health care.

Republicans are a diverse group of people who welcome black, Hispanics and gays and opposing views.

See what I mean? To say these things is laughable and I suspect actually insults Republicans.
when does someone's ethnicity determine their ability to tell the truth?
Fox for lying.

MSNBC for telling the truth.

Get real, loser.

FOX for pure stupidity and playing to the double digit IQ crowd.

MSNBC for being the Propaganda machine of Team Obama. And lying.

What kind of lies?

Since your avatar is a pic of Zimmerman one would suspect you would know how MSNBC and NBC lied about that case, right? Or do you believe Zimmerman is white?
how can you people trust news from Arab-owned company!!! :dunno:

The Arab owed company is al Jazeera
Rupert Murdoch is an Australian not an Arab

These are the two guys who own Fox News. Only one is Australian. Can you guess which one?

Why doesn't it bother Republicans that their "Bible network" is partly owned by an Arab that hates America?
how can you people trust news from arab-owned company!!! :dunno:

How can you trust news from the propaganda arm of the Obama administration?

If you haven't seen Morning Joe or how Maddow and Mathews criticize Obama for something they don't like, then you are talking out your butt. I watch Fox and I have never seen them criticize Republicans about anything.

except for Shep Smith who goes off of Ailes' talking-points. He talked-up single payer and you know the 60+ white guy audience flipped-out :eek: They hate him.
Now they have a war on Arabs?

how much more Intolerant and Stupid can these people get with their obsession with Fox News?

just wow
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